A TEXT-BOOK OF MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS BY A.C.COWPERTHWAITE Synonym.-Pinus canadensis. natural order.-Coniferae. Common names.-Hemlock-Spruce, Canada Balsam, Canada Pitch. Habitat.-An evergreen tree found in rocky woods in British America and United States as far South as far south as the Alleghenies. preparation.-Tincture from the Fresh bark and young buds.
Acts upon mucous surfaces, producing catarrhal conditions, especially of the stomach.
Mind. Irritable and easily fretted (Chamomilla, Nux. v).Head. Light headed, tipsy feeling (Cocc., Nux moschata, Nux v., (Opium). swimming of the head, as if top of head were congested (Belladonna).
Stomach. Dryness of the mouth (Ar., Bryonia, Nux moschata). Gnawing, hungry, faint feelings at the epigastrium (Hyd., Ignatia, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur) Craving for meat (Mag. carb.). pickles (Hepar) other coarse food. A tendency to eat far beyond capacity of digestion (Bryonia, Ferrum, Lycopodium, stomach and epigastrium: burning (Arsenicum, Colchicum, Cantharis, Phosphorus, Veratrum alb.)
Abdomen. Rumbling in the bowels after eating, with great appetite (Lycopodium, Cinchona). Region of he liver feels hard.
Rectum and Stool. Burning in the rectum (Arsenicum, Cantharis, Iris, Mercurius) Constipation.
Urinary Organs. Urinates frequently day and night; urine straw colored.
Female Organs. Thinks the womb feels soft and ‘feeble.” Sore feeling at the fundus of the uterus; relieved by pressing.
Respiratory Organs. Breathing labored (Aconite, Arsenicum).
Heart. Action of he heart labored. Increased action for the heart, with distention of the stomach.
Back. Pain behind the right shoulder blade (Chelidonium, Podo)., Weak feeling in sacral region. Feeling as of cold water between the shoulders.
Generalities. Hands cold, shrunken; skins cold and clammy., Lies with the knees drawn up. Great prostration, wants to lie down all the time.
Sleep. Gaping, drowsy; great restlessness at night, with tossing from side to side (Aconite)
Fever. Chills down the back(Caps., lach.) Cold shivering all over as if blood turned to ice water.
Compare. AEsc., Copaiba, Nux v., Ignatia, Terebintha
Dyspepsia. Fever and other troubles from indigestion Prolapsus uteri.