Magnesia Muriatica

Homeopathy medicine Magnesia Muriatica from William D. Gentry ‘s Rubrical and Regional Text Book of Homeopathic Materia Medica, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from drug provings, published in 1890….

1 Urine:- (a) Pale-yellow, followed by burning.

(b) Can only be passed by bearing down with abdominal muscles.

3 Atony of bladder; urine passed by drops, leaving a sensation as if some remained in bladder.

5 Frequent desire to urinate day and night, with scanty discharge.

7 Numbness in urethra.

9 Has to press upon abdomen with hands in order to empty bladder.

William Daniel Gentry
William Daniel Gentry. (1836-1922) was the author of Concordance Repertory of the Materia Medica and The Rubical and Regional Textbook.