Helonias Dioica

Homeopathy medicine Helonias Dioica from William D. Gentry ‘s Rubrical and Regional Text Book of Homeopathic Materia Medica, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from drug provings, published in 1890….

1 irritation and consequent stimulation of kidneys, followed, secondarily, by an atonic condition.

3 Irritation of urethra.

5 Pain in kidneys, with albuminous urine.

7 Bright’s disease of kidneys’ debilitated and easily fatigued; restless, fidgety; must get up several times during night to urinate; palpitation of heart.

9 Sensation as if kidneys were two bags of hot water.

11 Burning and scalding during micturition, frequent desire and urging.

13 Urine:- (a) Pale-yellow, with slightly acid reaction.

15 Involuntary discharge of urine after bladder seemed to be emptied.

17 Spurting of urine after micturition.

19 Constant aching, extreme tenderness of kidneys, especially right.

21 Pain in region of kidneys, with painful stiffness of back, and burning, scalding pain when urinating, which is frequently done.

23 Burning sensation about kidneys; can trace outline by the burning.

25 Right kidney sensitive.

27 Weariness, languor and weight in kidneys, mind dull and inactive.

29 Acute and chronic inflammation of kidneys, with great restlessness, weakness; frequent micturition.

31 Frequent desire, with urging.

33 Albuminuria during pregnancy, urine very scanty with soreness and pain about kidneys.

35 Diabetes insipidus; urine very profuse and light-colored, with great debility and emaciation.

37 Congestion of kidneys, with albuminuria (From amenorrhoea).

39 Diabetes insipidus in first stage.

41 Diabetes mellitus; large quantities of sugar in urine, with emaciation, thirst, restlessness and melancholia.

43 Constant aching and tenderness over kidneys, which seem very active.

William Daniel Gentry
William Daniel Gentry. (1836-1922) was the author of Concordance Repertory of the Materia Medica and The Rubical and Regional Textbook.