Clematis Erecta

Homeopathy medicine Clematis Erecta from William D. Gentry ‘s Rubrical and Regional Text Book of Homeopathic Materia Medica, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from drug provings, published in 1890….

1 Interrupted flow of urine (Coni.), with burning during but mostly at beginning of micturition, or during interruptions.

3 Inflammation at neck of bladder, with great pain on beginning to urinate; feeling as if urethra was constricted; has to strain to pass few drops.

5 Long-lasting contraction and constriction of urethra.

7 Last drops cause much pain and violent burning.

9 Burning in urethra on urinating.

11 Unable to evacuate all urine in bladder at once.

13 Stitches in urethra.

15 Tingling in urethra, lasting some time after urinating.

17 Neuralgia of urethra or seminal cord.

19 Involuntary flow by drops, after urinating.

21 Urine :-

(a) Deposits a pus-like sediment.

(b) Profuse, turbid, milky, frothy, with flakes of mucus.

(c) Frequent, but scanty.

(d) Flocculent, pale.

(e) With thick pus.

(f) Passes in drops, as if something obstructed passage.

23 Heavy, aching pain in lower part of back, with heaviness and bearing down in chest, with continual desire to urinate, but unable to do so.

25 Dribbling of urine after micturition.

27 Tenesmus, with spasmodic urging.

29 Urine is emitted by drops as in spasmodic stricture (Coni.).

31 Urethra painful on pressure.

33 Ardor urinae; acute pain and tenesmus while urinating.

35 Micturition slow and in thin stream (Pulsatilla), as if urethra were constricted.

William Daniel Gentry
William Daniel Gentry. (1836-1922) was the author of Concordance Repertory of the Materia Medica and The Rubical and Regional Textbook.