Arnica Montana

Homeopathy medicine Arnica Montana from William D. Gentry ‘s Rubrical and Regional Text Book of Homeopathic Materia Medica, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from drug provings, published in 1890….

1 Tenesmus from spasms of neck of bladder.

3 Tenesmus of bladder, with involuntary dropping of urine.

5 Tenesmus of neck of bladder, with ineffectual urging.

7 Involuntary urination (Arsenicum) at night during sleep (Caust, Pulsatilla).

9 Has to wait a long time for urine to flow.

11 Retention of urine (from exertion).

13 Urine retained. with aching and pressing in bladder; frequent attempts to urinate.

15 Agonizing pains in kidneys, back and hips.

17 Pain as from knives thrust into kidneys.

19 Piercing pains as from knives plunged into kidneys; chilly; inclined to vomit.

21 Chill followed by pains in kidneys; nausea and vomiting without relief.

23 Bladder feels too full; ineffectual urging.

25 Constant urging while urine passes involuntarily in drops.

27 Urine:-

(a) Dark-brown, scanty; brickdust sediment.

(b) Clear; but immediately becomes whitish and turbid.

(c) Scanty, staining napkin yellow-brown (in cholera infantum)

(d) Deposits a red sediment.

(e) Scanty, red, very offensive.

(f) Thick, with pus and some blood globules.

(g) Bloody (haematuria from mechanical causes).

29 Ischuria with dysentery.

31 Pain in bladder causes infant to scream.

33 Inflammation from passage of calculi, with piercing pains in kidneys and along ureters.

35 Acid urine burns and excoriates.

37 Colic with strangury.

William Daniel Gentry
William Daniel Gentry. (1836-1922) was the author of Concordance Repertory of the Materia Medica and The Rubical and Regional Textbook.