Phosphorus – Homeopathy Remedy

On looking over the pathogenesis of Phosphorus in “Allen’s Encyclopaedia,” and reading from symptom 3860 to 3880, we find plenty of reason for prescribing Phosphorus for the rush of blood to the head and face, and symptom 3869 says: “Violent heat in the face with red spots after washing. “. (N.)

CC Pneumonia. CC

(57) Case.. – C. H. Nearing, about 30 years of age, was attacked with pneumonia (double). The right side worst. There was great oppression of breathing, very high temperature and quick pulse, circumscribed redness of the cheeks, right most, not much pain, rather apathetic, the cough (without much expectoration at first), and oppression much worse when lying on the left side.

What little pain was complained of was located in the lower right lobe, but the hepatization was general over that side and in evidence to quite a degree on the left. All this condition followed a chill at the beginning. Aconite did not do much good, though it had a fair chance. Then I gave Phosphorus 1 m in solution, to be repeated once in two hours.

In the night the wife came running to my office, saying she feared Mr. N. had gone into a stupor, and wished me to come immediately. I was at the beside in a few moments, and instead of a stupor found my patient sleeping soundly enough, but quietly, and breathing quite a good deal more naturally, and bathed in a nice warm perspiration. I awoke him and he drew a long breath and said how much better I feel. Then he cough and raised easily a mouthful of bloody sputum, with great relief, and made a rapid and complete recovery. (Nash.)

I could fill a book with similar cases of pneumonia cured by this remedy.

CC Pneumonia. CC

(58) Case. – In the year 1876, in the course of a severe attack of typhus fever, during my residence in Liverpool, my state, as I am told (for I was in delirium), suddenly became very critical through pneumonic consolidation of the right lung.

Phosphorus was the remedy selected by Drs. Drysdale, Hayward and Hawkes, who attended me, and under its action I made a rapid recovery. Hard, dry cough, rusty sputum; increased at twilight and until midnight; (<) lying on left side; (>) lying on right side; abdomen distended, sore very sensitive to touch; stools offensive, bloody, involuntary; the anus appearing to remain open. Each one of the symptoms I have italicized is a keynote of Phosphorus. When any of them are present (with or without pneumonia) Phosphorus is likely to be the remedy.

(Jno. H. Clarke.)

CC Diarrhoea. CC

(59) Case. – Mr. Van Hoesen, middle aged, very large tall man, was attacked with a profuse light – colored, grayish white diarrhoea. It poured away from him like water from a hydrant.

Every passage was followed by a very weak, gone feeling in the abdomen. Phosphoric acid, China, Arsenic, Veratrum album and other remedies failed to check the discharges, although they grew a little less in quantity at each time. Looking at the stools again and again, on the third day. I discovered little white particles looking like ago, or little lumps of tallow, floating on the surface. This was a key – note. Then I could see Phosphorus& in the whole case. This remedy in the 3d in solution, a teaspoonful after each stool, cured promptly. (Nash.) Remarks.

– Where was such a symptom as this produced in proving?

Look in Allen’s Encyclopedia, VOl. XII, page 2025:”Dysentery of watery stools mixed with whitish, yellow and cheesy masses and tenesmus, though not bloody stools.” This symptom in the pathogenesis was observed in a woman who was poisoned with an infusion of matches in 1869, and reported by “Knoevenagl, Berlin Klin. Woch.” It has been verified so that it takes it place in “Bell on Diarrhoea” – “Stools watery with lumps of white mucus or little grains like tallow.”

(60) Case. – July 2d, 1890. Male, tall, well formed; age 47.

This illness has been coming on about three years. Has lost 35 lbs. in weight and is steadily losing. Ability to exercise steadily growing less. Sleepless nights.

Two years ago had occasional attacks of diarrhoea, accompanied with abdominal suffering; after these attacks sleeplessness increased. Sometimes the pain in abdomen keeps him awake nights. Dull aching diffused through abdomen keeps him awake nights. Dull aching diffused through abdomen: worse nights; worse when lying in day.

Copious perspiration on slight exertion, very nervous, must keep in motion. Stool light colored. Violent pulsation felt in body. Strong action of the heart and full rapid pulse, 95 to 100.

Had “grippe” last winter and has been losing much faster since.

Greasy cuticle on the urine. Brick dust in urine, not always.

Excitement often brings on sensation as though the head or skull is divided around above the ears, and lifted up and down.

Can sleep in one position as well as in another.

Heat overcomes him quickly, but he is not sensitive to cold.

Weak from exertion of body or mind. Must arise in the night to pass urine. Quantity of urine 4 to 5 pints Specific gravity of the urine 1030 to 1035. Fermentation test gives sugar 12 to 15 grains per ounce.

Rumbling in abdomen. This patient had visited several allopathic physicians who had vein him strong drugs, especially Podoph.

Strych. and Bark. He had not received any homoeopathic advice. Thirst for cold water. Smarting of anus. Had been told he had fissure of anus. A few days later, after a careful study of all remedies related to the case, he received Phosphorus c. m. which was followed by a sharp aggravation of all symptoms. He improved steadily without further medicine until Oct. 31st, when his symptoms began to return. The sugar disappeared from the urine in a month and has not since appeared. Oct. 31st, same year, Phosphorus m. m. (Fincke.) He is in perfect health, doing active brain work, his endurance is as great as ever. (Kent.)

All schools unite in praise of this wonderful remedy of deep action and wide range. The old school generally use it in some one or other of its chemical combinations, because it is too powerful those in its pure state. But we know how to potentiate, and so avail ourselves of its wonderful curative powers.

We regret that we must part company with it here, but must do so after giving resume of the “sevius” which we call ours.



1. Pale, delicate, narrow – chested, phthisical patients; delicate eyelashes, soft hair, or nervous wreck; persons who like to be magnetized, waxy, half anaemic, jaundiced persons.

2. Anxious, universal restlessness, can’t stand or sit still, (<) in the dark or when left alone and before a thunder storm.

3. Burning prominent in every part, as in mouth, stomach, small intestines, anus, between scapulae; intense running up spine, palms of hands; heat begins in hands and spreads to face.

4. Craving for cold things, ice cream, which agrees, or cold water, which is thrown up when it gets warm in the stomach. Must eat often or he faints; must get up in the night to eat.

5. Sinking faint, empty feeling in head, chest, stomach and whole abdomen.

6. Cough (<) twilight till midnight, (<) lying on left side, (>) on right side; right lower lobe most affected.

7. Diarrhoea profuse, pouring out as from a hydrant; watery, white or grayish, with particles like ago or lumps of tallow; or dysenteric stools with tenesmus and wide open anus.

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.