China – Homeopathy Remedy

Homeopathy medicine China from Nash’s Testimony of the Clinic, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from his clinical experience, published in 1911….


CC Rheumatism CC

(38) Case. – Mrs. Dr. Keese was attacked with a severe inflammatory rheumatism of the knee. The swelling was very red and painful. There was high temperature, quick pulse, great restlessness and exceeding sensitiveness to the pain.

Aconite brought very little if any relief, and Bryonia next on account of the (<) on movement and great thirst suffered like defeat. Now (said the patient) why don’t you help me? I know you can if you have a mind to. That was flattering, and I naturally wanted to “make good.” I turned down the bed clothes to view the situation. As I put out my hand to feel of the knee, she exclaimed in terror, Oh! don’t touch it. The least touch is unbearable and brings on the pain for hours.

I said you hold still, and put my hand carefully on the inflamed knee and gradually increased the pressure until I pressed it hard and firm. The patient looked astonished and ashamed as she said why, doctor, that don’t’ hurt me, but I tell you that the least touch has put me in agony before. I tell you that the least touch has put me in agony before. I took off the pressure as gradually as I had put it on, and the usual severe (<) did not follow. She then got China 200th, and when I visited her twenty – four hours later she exclaimed. There, I knew you could help me if you wanted to. No other remedy was needed. (Nash.)

CC Neuralgia. CC

(39) Case -. Chas. P., a tailor, came to see me at the dispensary, having suffered a long time from facial neuralgia.

Had been treated by several old school doctors, but each one after treating for some time with remedies and liniments with hardly any relief told him that he would have to be operated on to have the diseased nerve cut out, as it was the only way he could ever be cured. This was to him always a signal to try another doctor, as he did not relish the idea of an operation. He had been so long unable to work and hard spent all his savings for doctors and drugs that he was now compelled to try the free dispensary.

The pain was entirely on the left side of the face and neck.

It would come and shoot through the face like lightning, especially in the house, especially if he tried to sew on the machine, or the children made any noise. The only relief he could get was by walking slowly about in the open air. He could only sleep after applying cloths, wet with cold water, to the left side of the face and head; when these got warm the pains would awaken him, but on re – applying them he could go to sleep again.

The relief from cold, open air and slow motion decided me to give him Pulsatilla c. m., but all in vain.

I then assured him he must be mistaken about his symptoms, for, if correct, I thought he ought to have been cured, but he persisted that he had given his symptoms correctly, and continued: “If I only touch my nose or cheek ever so slightly, thus,” suiting the action to the word,” I can bring on that pain,” and the expression of his face and his groans showed that he had been more than successful. He was still worse from any noise indoors, heat, lying on the left side of the face and from eating, better from fresh open air, walking slowly and from cold in general. Stools daily, but almost black, urine dark yellow. I now gave him China 200, to take one powder mornings and evenings. After three days he returned, saying: “I have had no more neuralgia since taking the second powder, and have slept well every night since without the cold cloths. You are the thirteenth doctor who has treated me for this, but the only one who has cured me.” (F. H. Lutze.)

These two cases illustrate the unexplainable symptoms – Light touch (<) While hard pressure (>), and in the latter case notwithstanding the apparently strong indications for Pulsatilla; but notice that the black stools and yellow urine belong to China and not to Pulsatilla. (N.)

CC Tympanites. CC

(40) Case. – J. Hall, a young man, unmarried, has had for a long time great bloating of the abdomen, with severe paroxysms of colic. When I was called to him he had been in bed some time, a number of days, as the colic and bloating was getting worse continually. He was a dark complexioned, medium height and build, dark hair and eyes. He was jaundiced and had a yellow, watery diarrhoea, which passed with much flatus, but did not relieve the pain or reduce the size of the abdomen. The abdomen was as full as that of a woman ready to be confined; very tympanitic, and the convolutions of the whole length of the colon bulged out so that they could be seen as well as felt through the thin abdominal wall, for he was quite emaciated generally. He laid straightened out on the bed on his back, except when the painful paroxysms came on, when he would throw himself about in agony and groan.

I tried various remedies, among which were Colocynth, Arsenicum, Nux vomica, and finally Dioscorea, which I though would certainly relieve him, because he bent back ward instead of doubled up with the pain, and Dioscorea is a area flatulent remedy, and had served me well in such cases. China, Carbo vegetabilis and Lycopod. had also been tried. They were all used in the 30th and below. But no good from any of them. It was a poor family, and the mother being worn out with night watching (no nurse to help her) fell asleep, and the patient became delirious with the pain and escaped from the bed, and in his night clothes was overtaken three miles from home and taken back.

Of course, things got serious, but they had one advantage, they were too poor to change doctors or to pay for an operation of any kind. Well, as has been my custom, I sat down and studied up the case again. Nearly all his symptoms called for China. But he had had China low. Now the only thing to do was to try it high. What in such a desperate case? Yes. Only thing to do. So I gave him some China 5m. made on my own potentizer (so I knew what it was). The result was all a Lippe could desire. The terrible pain grew promptly but gradually less, the tympany gradually subsided, the diarrhoea stopped, and in a month from its first administration he was working on the road with the rest of his fellow laborers. There was no return. Now there was a very prominent subjective symptom in the case which I have not mentioned. As H. N. Guernsey used to give it: “Uncomfortable distention in the abdomen, with a wish to belch up, or sensation as though the abdomen were packed full, not in the least relieved by eructations.” In this case neither belching nor stool relieved in the least. (Nash.)

CC Neuralgia. CC

(41) Case. – Mrs. R., age 65, had been treated during five or six years at different times by two homoeopaths for torpid liver. During all this time she had not had a natural evacuation, the stool had to be washed out by an enema; there had not been the least desire for stool, nor any urging.

She had become very feeble and emaciated and suffered frequently and severely from neuralgia on the right side of the face, which the treatment of her physicians did not seem to relieve. An allopath being called in gave her a lengthy prescription, containing Quinine, Strychnia, Aloe, Podophyllum, Euonymus, etc., to be made into pills to take two mornings and evenings. The first dose aggravated her so much that she did not take the second dose until the following morning; this making her still worse, the pills were abandoned and I was called. I found her delirious, temperature 104 degrees, but could obtain no symptoms.

Nux vomica 200, given at bed – time, produced a favourable change by next morning, but in the evening neuralgia of right side of head and face appeared, with symptoms of Bellad., and this soon relieved the neuralgia, as also another attack a month later. During the interval and after the second attack she was treated according to symptoms, but after two months the neuralgia made its appearance again; this time on the left side of the head, face and neck, with exactly the same symptoms, but Bellad. gave no relief whatever; she was rather worse in the afternoon. Mrs. R. then told me that the slightest touch would not only aggravate the pain, but actually reproduce it in its worst form, if touched when she was free from it. Chinin.

sulph. covering all the symptoms, including the reproduction of pain by touch, which is not found under Bellad, I gave her a dose of China Sulph. 45m in water, to take two teaspoonfuls every two hours, which gradually improved her, so that she was free from pain in four hours and never had another attack of neuralgia. (F. H. Lutze, 1893.)

CC Diarrhoea. CC

(42) Case. – A delicate girl, three years old, has had an exhausting diarrhoea three weeks. It is now painless consisting of brownish yellow fluid, with much undigested food. She has ten or twelve operations in twenty – four hours, and is much debilitated. China 200, every two hours, produced decided improvement in thirty – six hours, and complete convalescence in two days more. (J. B.Belladonna)

CC Intermittent Fever. CC

(43) Case. – Intermittent. He has had tertian fever five or six weeks. Pulsatilla 200 was give, which seemed to aggravate, changing the fever to quotidian type.

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.