Baptisia – Homeopathy Remedy

Homeopathy medicine Baptisia from Nash’s Testimony of the Clinic, comprising the characteristic symptoms of homeopathic remedies from his clinical experience, published in 1911….


Reading in Kent’s Materia Medica his very good description of the sore and ulcerated condition of the mucous membranes generally of Baptisia, my mind reverted to a case which came under my bare while in New York giving my annual course of lectures. A physician was taken ill and sent for me.

CC Threatened Typhoid Fever. CC

(21) Case. -, I found that for weeks he had been under the pressure of more than usual amount of business, been complaining of general lassitude: a tired feeling from which he could not get rested. When I called he had taken to his bed, and now there was super added a headache, general aching and restlessness, temperature of 103* and pulse quickened correspondingly. Thinking I had a case of La Grippe on hand, and that these symptoms pointed so far as clearly to Gelsemium as I could judge, it was given. But the next day there was no improvement apparent and he complained of his month feeling sore. There was some dryness of the tongue, but not much; while the buccal cavity seemed sore and inclined to be slimy. There was not much thirst. Another symptom now came out in great prominence. viz., great desire for cold air, especially when lying down; must be propped up in bed, and, although it was cold winter weather, they had to leave the windows wide open. He wanted the wind right in his face. The nurse had to wear her cramps, as though out of doors.

Now Pulsatilla was given with confidence, but brought no relief, and the mouth and breath had become horribly offensive from the ulcerated condition that had developed. There was no cough and the respiratory murmur was distinct in the lungs. The urine was dark and offensive, but there was no trouble with the abdomen or bowels as yet. Still thinking the Pulsatilla ought to be good I interpolated a dose of Sulphur and continued it (the Pulsatilla ) a day longer. The mouth made me think of Baptisia and then I called to mind that in the old provings of Burt that oppression of breathing was markedly present in the case of Dr. J. S. Douglas (the prover.)

I went down into the office and read it in “Allen’s Encyclopaedia of Pure Materia Medica” as followed: ” Awoke with great difficulty of breathing, the lungs felt tight and compressed. Could not get a full breath; felt obliged to open the window to get his face to fresh air. (Symptom 232. Again, Symp. 234). On lying down difficulty of breathing, in half an hour becoming so great that he was obliged to rise, etc.” That looked so like my patient; and the condition of the mouth, prostration, etc., corresponding, I gave Baptisia 200th in water (Alpha Sigma preparation).

The effect was magical. The breathing became easy and all the other symptoms promptly subsided without any other medicine.

Of course, it took some days to recover form the weakness.

The above symptoms quoted from Allen are starred. So it seems that some one else had already verified them, though this was the first time I had done so. What is the lesson?

1st. That this symptom is again verified.

2nd. That although only one out of twelve provers had recorded it, it was genuine and the clinical test proved it.

Our Materia Medica has often been called a mass of rubbish by those who have no patience nor skill in using it. While it is undoubtedly true that there are many symptoms there that are not reliable, we shall never know which they are until clinical experimentation settles it.

Hering called Agaricus, Lycopodium and Thuja “over proved drugs.” I am not so sure of it; any many years with Lycopodium has gone far to convince me to the contrary.

Now proving and re – proving is the cry of many in our school, and while I would not offer one objection to this, I would suggest that the work of verification of provings already made, or party made, go on with redoubled diligence, for I have in difficult cases repeatedly found among the symptoms not as yet verified in our Materia Medica the key to the remedy for the whole case. (Nash.)

CC Stomachache. CC

(22) Case. – Nov. 8, was called to see a child 5 years old, suffering from sore mouth. The roof of the mouth and the tongue were covered with small ulcers. An abundance of saliva flowed from the mouth, the tongue was covered over with a thick white exceedingly moist coat, the edges being red. Breath fetid. I gave Mercurius and waited five days. At the end of this time I could see no perceptible improvement. I therefore studied the case anew. In Hering’s Condensed Materia Medica, under Baptisia, I found the following symptoms, all of which agreed with the patient’s condition:

Putrid ulceration of buccal cavity with salivation, well developed ulcers.

Gums loose, flabby, dark red and fetid.

Fauces dark red; putrid ulcers, can swallow liquids only.

Tongue white, with red papillae, the edges red and shining.

I gave Baptisia 1 m. and in three days the whole trouble had disappeared. (W. M.James.)

CC Pneumonia. CC

(23) Case. – Mr. B. has been feeling poorly for two or three days. This morning he had a severe chill. I was called at 5 P. M.

I find the following symptoms:

Aching in the muscles and bones; aching from head to foot; bed as hard as a board; ” pillow hard as a rock. ”

Coughing large quantities or rusty sputa; stitching pain in left chest, has to hold his chest with his hands ( Bryonia, Mercurius ), fan – like motion of alae nasi ( Phosphorus, Lycopodium )

Stupid and sleepy, could hardly keep awake; total loss of appetite; very thirsty for large drinks of water; cough worse at night; several stools per day – very offensive; wanted to keep very still, as the least movement aggravated his cough and pain in the chest ( Bryonia)

Temp. first evening, 101*; pulse, 110; respiration, 32.

The second evening, temp., 103*; pulse, 20; resp., 40

Third day, eight A.M., temp., 99*; pulse 88; resp., 28.

Baptisia 8 m. m. (Swan); needed no other medicine. (Sherbin.)

Remarks. – I wish we had time and space to report more cures of my own and others with this most wonderful remedy. I do into know of many remedies with such a short proving that are more reliable. Surely this is not an over proved remedy. I believe we do not yet know half its virtues. (N.).

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.