Materia Medica

SKIN DISEASES. Herpes, lichen, eczema, intertrigo, pruritus, pemphigus, boils, scabies, ulcers, acne, urticaria, psoriasis.

All potencies are in use. In chronic cases a few high potencies are advisable, alternating with low potencies.

SULPHURICUM ACIDUM General Indications and Key Symptoms. Cachectic patients with exhausting transpiration. Disorders of the venous blood circulation.

SKIN DISEASES. Erythema, chilblains, burns, pruritus purpura.

Potencies 3x-6x are the best.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Severe type of inflammation and pain with deep purplish redness of the affected skin.


Potency 6x is the best.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Irritating, offensive perspiration and exudation. Aggravation at night, in cold weather and from friction.

Itching, pricking and burning pains.

SKIN DISEASES. Herpes circinnatus, Pityriasis versicolor, vesicular, papular, or crusted eczema. Tinea tonsurans.

Potency 6x is the best.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. The drug acts through nerve irritation on the mucous membranes of the urinary canal on the skin, causing congestion, inflammation and haemorrhages.

SKIN DISEASES. Urticaria, purpura and herpes of the lips.

Potencies 3x-6x are advisable.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Hahnemann’s famous antisycotic remedy. Acts best on thin patients of the brunette type. Antidotes vaccination. Increased perspiration. Yellowish- green, purulent secretions. Bleeding cracks. Flatulence. Aggravation by cold wetness, in bed-warmth, in the morning and evening, from rest, stimulants, tobacco, washing. Better from warmth, open air.

SKIN DISEASES. Burning, itching vesicles, pustules, fig warts. Acne, alopecia, vaccination eruptions, eczema psoriasis, ichthyosis hystrix, herpes progenitalis, pemphigus.

Low and high potencies are advisable.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. The drug acts on the skin through the sensory and vasomotor nerves. Circumscribed oedematous swellings or nodules near the sensation of heat, itching formication are characteristic.

SKIN DISEASES. Urticaria, burns, pruritus, herpes of the lips.

Potency 2x is the best.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. The drug acts on the cerebrospinal centres and on organs and tissues through the connecting nerves. Offensive perspiration, unrest formication, sexual irritability. Aggravation by spirits, noises, touch, in the evening and at night. Better by rubbing, pressure and on the appearance of sweat.

SKIN DISEASES. Chilblains, acne, neurotic eczema, pruritus, prurigo.

Potency 6x is the best.

Wilhelm Karo
Wilhelm Karo MD, homeopath circa mid-20th century, author of the following books - Homeopathy in Women's Diseases; Diseases of the Male Genital Organs; Urinary and prostatic troubles - enlargement of the prostate; Rheumatism; Selected Help in Diseases of the Respiratory System, Chest, etc; Selected Help in Children's Diseases; Diseases of the skin.