Materia Medica


General Indications. Acute inflammations of the mucous membranes; the skin and the urinary organs.

Key Symptoms. Burning, biting, itching, sticking pains, aggravation by warmth, touch, pressure and during night. Better by cold.

SKIN DISEASES. Acute vesicular eczema with burning pains. Burns, pruritus, herpes zoster, pemphigus, erysipelas.

Potencies 3x-6x.


General Indications. Scrofulous patients. Sadness, weakness, confusion of the head, desire for being alone.

Key Symptoms. Sensation of burning, tearing, tension, aggravated by cold, warmth of bed, scratching; better by rubbing.

SKIN DISEASES. Chilblains, acne rosacea, epithelioma, warts on the hands or face of old patients with bluish colour of extremities.

High potencies are advisable.


General Indications. Chronic diseases of patients with low vitality. Disorders of the circulatory and digestive organs.

Key Symptoms. Coldness of the skin, especially of the extremities. Flatulence, indigestion. Itching, aggravated by bed- warmth. Increased, bad smelling perspiration during night.

SKIN DISEASES. Scrofulous eczema, purpura, herpes progenitalis, carbuncle in the ulcerative stage with burning pains and cold extremities.

Potencies 6x or high potencies.


General Indications. Anaemic patients, disposition to bleeding, ague, diseases of the liver.

Key Symptoms. Tendency to periodicity of all symptoms. Exhaustion, diarrhoea, night sweats, pale and sunken face, sensitiveness to touch, aggravation during night, by pressure, friction of exercise. Better from scratching.

SKIN DISEASES. Acne rosacea, herpes zoster, erysipelas, urticaria, purpura.

Potencies 3x-6x are advisable.


General Indications. Convulsions, muscular twitching, due to cerebrospinal irritations.

Key Symptoms. Saliva increased. Sensation of burning, itching, worse from touch and sitting; better from pressure and scratching.

SKIN DISEASES. Impetigo contagiosa, eczema of the head, erysipelas of the face. Epithelioma of the lips.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Rheumatic patients, suffering from uric acid. Papules and vesicles; itching, crawling, sticking sensations, worse on the hairy parts of the skin.

SKIN DISEASES. Impetigo, herpes, pemphigus.

Potencies 2x-4x are the best.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Neurasthenic patients, very weakened, exhausted, sleeplessness. Vomiting. Burning, itching pains, aggravation from riding, all exertion, eating, drinking, after smoking.

SKIN DISEASES. Impetigo, pruritus, prurigo. Vesicles with burning pains. Potency 3x is the best.


General Indications. Disorders of the peripheral nerves, enlargement of the lymphatic glands, disorders of the portal venous circulation.

Key Symptoms. Dizziness, profuse sweating. Burning and itching sensation of the skin, aggravated by scratching, washing, perspiration, sitting.

SKIN DISEASES. Pruritus, prurigo, herpes genitalis, erysipelas, urticaria.

Potency 6x is the best.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Jaundice, haemorrhages in the skin, bloody sweat.

SKIN DISEASES. Erythema multiforme, purpura haemorrhagic, insect bites, boils, carbuncles.

Potency 6x is advisable.


Croton is the specific drug for eczema of the external genitals, especially for eczema of the scrotum.

The potency must be individualized according to the special conditions of the patient. As a rule potency 20 or 30 ought to be given. If the case should be refractory potency 6x should be tried, before giving any other drug.


General Indications. Convulsions, vomiting nausea.

Key Symptoms. Greatest exhaustion, weakness, bluish face.

Sensation of icy coldness. Colics of the bowels. Cold perspiration.

SKIN DISEASES. Carbuncle, gangrene, acne, eczema.

Potency 6x is the best.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Catarrhal and rheumatic ailments, due to cold and damp weather, aggravated by rest and moist weather; better by movement. Painless enlargement of the lymphatic glands. Itching, tickling burning irritations of the skin.

SKIN DISEASES. Pruritus, prurigo, urticaria, herpes, warts.

Low potencies are advisable.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. The drug acts on the veins. Aggravation during night, on warm days, in dependent parts from standing and sitting. Better from walking.

Feeling as if one must walk and “could walk for ever”.

SKIN DISEASES. Alopecia, onychia, lupus vulgaris naevus pigmentosus.

Potency 6x is the best.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Mental despondency and indecision; general weakness. Fatty patients, very fond of eating. Low vitality. Lymphatic, scrofulous and anaemic constitution. Aggravation by cold, light and during menstruation. Better by movement in fresh air.

SKIN DISEASES. Skin very dry with cracks, thick crusts, with sticky exudation smelling like decayed herring. Moist eczema behind the ears, on the hands; thickened nails. Eczema, impetigo, herpes, acne, psoriasis, pityriasis, lupus vulgaris.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. The drug acts on the nerve centres. Hair and nails loosen and fall off, without signs of inflammation.

SKIN DISEASES. Alopecia, angioneurotic oedema, anasarca, scarlet fever.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Scrofulous patients, suppurations, increased perspiration, very sensitive to open air, particularly to cold, dry winds and draughts of air. All exudations smell offensively. Craving for condiments and sour salads.

Stinging, burning pains. Tendency to fissures and ulcers.

SKIN DISEASES. Intertrigo, hyperhidrosis, acne, impetigo, eczema, boils, erysipelas, urticaria, ulcers.

Low and high potencies are in use.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. The drug acts on catarrhal conditions in patients with low vitality, especially older patients. All secretions are thick, colloid. Itching, burning sensations of the skin.

SKIN DISEASES. Eczema at the junction of the hairline on the forehead, lupus, epithelioma, itching vesicles.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. The drug stimulates the sweat-glands. General weariness, vertigo, unable to do any work, bruised sensations in the muscles.

SKIN DISEASES. Psoriasis, eczema, pruritus, lupus erythematous.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Catarrhal constitution. All secretions are viscous, greenish – yellowish, stringy, and tenacious. Burning, itching sensations. Aggravation by pressure, in hot weather, better in cold weather and towards night.

SKIN DISEASES. Psoriasis, impetigo contagiosa, lupus vulgaris.

Potencies 6x-12x are advisable.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Chronic diseases, characterized by anaemia, weakness, lymphatic constitution, sticking, burning, itching pains, oedema of the upper eyelids, increased perspiration, pains in the back and attacks of fainting. Drying of all mucous membranes. Aggravation of all symptoms from motion, by coldness and at 3 a.m.

SKIN DISEASES. Pustulous, vesiculous eczema, acne, urticaria, intertrigo, chilblains. Favus, lichen.

Low, high and very high potencies can be given.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Thirst, inflammation of the vascular and glandular organs. Chronic syphilis, gout, arteriosclerosis, ulcers.

SKIN DISEASES. Papulous, pustulous eczema, acne, ulcers of the legs, pemphigus.

Potencies 4x-6x.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Disorganization of the blood, irritations of the mucous membranes and skin. Burning, itching, biting pains. Aggravation at night, from pressure of clothing, from friction. Better from scratching, in the open air. Bleeding, offensive smelling secretions.

SKIN DISEASES. Pustulous eczema, ulcers, intertrigo, pruritus, prurigo, gangrene (diabetic), cancer.

Potencies 6x-12x.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Infectious, septic conditions. Hypersensibility to tight clothes, especially at the neck. Aggravation of all symptoms during the sleep, by warmth and slight touch. Bluish colour of the skin, congestion to the head.

SKIN DISEASES. Erysipelas, carbuncle, boils, gangrene, ulcers, purpura.

High potencies 30-200 are the best.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Aggravation of all symptoms in bed warmth and by movement. Better by cold and water. Pains wander from below upwards; uric acid disposition.

SKIN DISEASES. Itching rashes, vesicles and pustules, especially on the forehead and in the face. Eczema, acne, lichen, carbuncle.

Low potencies are advisable.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Lymphatic, asthenic patients, great irritability, pale, yellowish complexion. Flatulence. Hungry, but fullness after a few bites. Aggravation of all symptoms 4-6 p.m., in bed warmth in a warm room, better by movement. All troubles start at the right side.

SKIN DISEASES. Skin unclean, pale, yellowish. Vesicles and acne in the face, intertrigo, psoriasis, alopecia, boils, eczema.

Low and high potencies are in use.


General Indications and Key Symptoms. Both drugs act on neck, especially in gouty patients. Boring, violent pains. Aggravation by cold, better by scratching.

Wilhelm Karo
Wilhelm Karo MD, homeopath circa mid-20th century, author of the following books - Homeopathy in Women's Diseases; Diseases of the Male Genital Organs; Urinary and prostatic troubles - enlargement of the prostate; Rheumatism; Selected Help in Diseases of the Respiratory System, Chest, etc; Selected Help in Children's Diseases; Diseases of the skin.