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Epithelioma or the Cancer of the skin with its several forms and their homeopathic treatment have been discussed by Wihelm Karo in his book Anatomy of physiology of the skin and its relationship to the general health….

The epithelioma or cancer of the skin is a tumour of the epithelial covering of the skin, or of the mucous membranes, resulting in the formation of ulcers and destruction of the diseased tissue. We must differentiate between a superficial, a deep or nodular and a papillar epithelioma.

The superficial epithelioma develops from a scar, an angioma or from an indurated sebaceous gland. It might develop on a fissure or crack. The ulcer is either irregular or circular; its edges are clearly cut and elevated. The secretion is little and viscous. As a rule it is neither very painful nor dangerous. Most cases can be cured. But there is one exception; the so-called rodent ulcer. It is usually found about the nose, the eyebrows or temples. It is very difficult to cure, it is always dangerous or even fatal.

The deep or nodular epithelioma begins on the surface or in the shape of nodules, which quickly ulcerate. The ulcers are irregular, its edges whitish and elevated. It is covered with yellowish scabs which fall off, but come again. Haemorrhages occur. As a rule the ulcer is painful and burning. The lymphatic glands in the neighbourhood are swollen. The prognosis is less favourable than in cases of a superficial ulcer.

The papillar epithelioma is even more dangerous. It develops rapidly, the nodules ulcerate. The ulcers are covered with thick, horny, yellowish scabs. The suppuration under the scabs is viscous and smells very bad. The edges are hardened, thick, irregular and bleed easily. The scabs adhere firmly to the ulcer. If we tear off the scabs, it starts bleeding and new scabs are formed immediately.

Regarding the treatment, we differentiate between internal and external treatment.

The external treatment with corrodent medicaments is a mistake. The local treatment with X-rays or with Radium has proved to be successful in a great number of cases.

The internal treatment with homoeopathic drugs is even more successful. As a rule the higher potencies of our drugs are more effective than the lower potencies. The drug has to be selected according to the individual constitution and symptoms of the patient from: Arsenicum album, Arsenicum iodatum, Cicuta virosa, Sepia, Hepar sulphurica, Sulphur, Thuja, Radium bromatum, Lachesis, Hydrastis, Phytolacca and Conium, which are all to be considered.

There can be no doubt that the epithelioma is only a symptom of a general carcinomatous disease. All external irritations are only of a secondary significance, which favour the development of the epithelioma in a constitutionally diseased patient. Every conscientious homoeopath is aware of this fundamental fact. This fact is proved by many homoeopathic cures. The effects are achieved internally with high potencies of the indicated drug without any local treatment.

The local treatment has only a supporting effect, if we apply the same drug externally as we give internally. For instance, if we treat an epithelioma externally by Radium, we must give Radium in high potency internally at the same time.

The dietetic treatment is of the utmost importance. Uncooked food or a pure vegetarian diet must be given. All kinds of meat, eggs, animal fats and spirits are forbidden.

Wilhelm Karo
Wilhelm Karo MD, homeopath circa mid-20th century, author of the following books - Homeopathy in Women's Diseases; Diseases of the Male Genital Organs; Urinary and prostatic troubles - enlargement of the prostate; Rheumatism; Selected Help in Diseases of the Respiratory System, Chest, etc; Selected Help in Children's Diseases; Diseases of the skin.