Helleb.- Eczema of the fingers, lips or head, continuing moist for a long time and then covered with scurf. Aggravation of symptoms from 4 to 8 p.m. in the evening, in cold air, ameliorated in warm weather.

Hepar.- Eczema pustulosum, with glandular enlargements, severe itching and scratching, oedematous swellings; eczema behind the ears and on the scalp, burns and smarts after scratching, and is very sensitive to the touch; after the abuse of mercury; sleeplessness after midnight; aggravated at night from cold air and from contact; ameliorated from wrapping up warmly.

Hydrocyanic acid.- Itching, burning vesicles on neck and arms; weakness and anaemia; constant drowsiness.

Hydrastis.- Eczema along the border of the hair in front; aggravated on coming from the cold into a warm room; oozing after washing; constipation with hemorrhoids.

Hypericum.- Eczema on the face and hands; yellowish-green crusts with violent itching; excessive itching especially in the sacral region when undressing; the eruption is sometimes dry, and at times fiery red; roughness of the skin.

Iris vers.- Eczema on the face; pustular eruption around the nose and lips, and on the cheeks; worse in the evening and at night; gastric and bilious derangements.

Juglans cin.- Vesicular eruption on the upper and front part of the chest with burning and itching; violent itching over the whole body, in spots, worse when being heated from over-exertion; stitch-like pain under the right scapula.

Kali carb.- In persons inclined to pulmonary difficulties; take cold easily; sensitive to cold; sticking pains all over; eruption dry at first but when scratched exudes a moisture; comes on in warm weather; puffy and baggy swelling of the upper eyelids (Arsenicum, lower lids); great dryness of the skin; deficient perspiration (Graphites, Alumina, Ledum); yellow, scaly, violent itching spots over the body, especially over abdomen and around the nipples. Aggravated between 2 and 3 A.M. from cold air (Hep), from becoming cold. Ameliorated in warm air and on getting warm.

Lachesis.- Very obstinate cases when seated on the legs; ulcers on the lower extremities; pricking, pulsating tearing pains; variable appetite; burning in the palms and soles; often useful in women during the climacteric period.

Lappa maj.- The lesion is at first vesicular, then a scurf, and afterward a greenish-yellow crust, and is always accompanied with such intolerable itching that the child has to be tied or mittened to keep it from maiming itself; sometimes the crust comes off in large patches, leaving the surface raw and exposed;the eruption smells offensive; swelling and suppuration of the axillary glands; disposition to boils. I have cured some very bad cases with this remedy, used as follows: Internally I use the IX three times a day, and apply locally the following lotion.

Rx Lappa major, ij.

Glycerine, j.

Aqua destillata, q.s.ad iv.

M. Sig.: Apply to scalp on retiring.

Ledum.- Eczema only on covered parts; eczema of rheumatics or drunkards; gnawing, itching of the skin; the pain commences in the feet and goes up; aggravated from heat and motion, and heat of the bed.

Lycopodium.- Obstinate cases when the eruption bleeds easily and has a thick, badly smelling discharge; parts affected-back of head, face, neck, hands and right fore-finger; bowels constipated; no appetite, a few mouthfuls satisfy him; great debility while at rest; bleeding after scratching; humid suppurating eruption, with thick crusts and profuse fetid discharge underneath; aggravated from 4 to 8 p.m., after getting heated, and from wet poultices; ameliorated from cold, from uncovering one’s self.

Mercurius sol.- All forms of eczema, especially of the hairy parts in persons who perspire easily, but obtain no relief from perspiration; tendency to inflammation of the lymphatic glands; increase of saliva; enlargement of the tongue, showing the imprints of the teeth; scorbutic gums; after scratching, bleeding and smarting; sleeplessness before midnight; aggravated at night; after getting warm in bed; after scratching; ameliorated in the morning.

Mercurius iodat.- When other remedies fail and there is a decided syphilitic taint; swelling and induration of the glands; troublesome itching over the whole body; all symptoms are worse at night.

Mercurius precip. ruber.- Eczema of the hairy parts, and of the anus with fissures; eczema of the umbilicus; pustular eruption with slight itching of pus from beneath the crusts; glandular swellings.

Mezereum.- Eczema crusts with white scabs, itching intolerably, bleeding and burning like fire on being scratched; honey-like scabs around the mouth; discharges profuse, excoriating the surrounding parts; head covered with a thick, leathery crust, under which pus collects and mats the hair; constant chilliness; pale urine; thirst, but drinks only a little at a time. Scrofulosis.

Natrum mur.- Eczema behind the ears, back of head and neck about the edges of the hair, anus, bends of the knees and elbows; humid eruptions, with gluey discharge, matting the hair; raw, inflamed surfaces, with constant corroding discharge, which eats away the hair; craves salty food; difficult expulsion of stool fissuring the anus, with flow of blood; morning headache; cutting in the urethra after micturition; white, coated tongue; lips and corners of the mouth ulcerated and cracked; eyelids raw and ulcerated; aggravated in the forenoon and from exercise; ameliorated after lying down.

Natrum sulph.- Very moist eruptions, with much oozing of fluids, the secretions more watery than sticky.

Nitric acid.- Eczema of gouty origin, about the head, ears and genitals; pustular eruption of the face, with large red margin, and heavy scabs; vesicles on the inner side of the left hand; soreness of the feet from profuse, offensive perspiration; dry, scaly skin; moisture and itching in the anus; syphilitic ulcers after abuse of mercury; swelling of sub-maxillary glands; strong smelling urine; in dark-complexioned old people; aggravated at midnight.

Nux juglans.- Burning itching vesicles upon a cracked surface, with a greenish discharge which stiffens the linen; numerous, large, painful boils; itching worse in the evening and at night.

Oleander.- A humid, scaly eruption of the scalp, with gnawing itching temporarily relieved by scratching, soon followed by burning and increased itching; smooth, shining surface, with drops of serum standing out here and there; humid fetid spots behind the ears, red, rough spots in front; very sensitive skin; it becomes sore, raw and painful merely from friction of the clothes; aggravated when undressing. Marked weakness of the lower limbs, and a gloomy irritable mental state.

Oxalic acid.- Exceedingly sensitive skin, with vesicular eruption. Suffers from the use of sugar, and sweets in general. All symptoms worse while thinking of them (reverse, Camph.)

Petroleum.- Eczema with red, raw, moist surface; burns like fire; great itching; oozing after scratching; ulceration after scratching; small wounds spread and ulcerate; obstinate dry eruption on genitals and perinaeum, inside of thighs; skin of the hands cracked and rough; eruption between the toes; skin heals with difficulty; aversion to open air; aggravated in the open air and during a thunder-storm; ameliorated from warmth and warm air.

Phosphorus.-Dry eruptions, burning and itching; the gums separate from the teeth and bleed easily; ecchymosed spots on the body; slight wounds bleed much, aggravation at night before midnight; during a thunder storm; ameliorated after scratching; after sleeping.

Piper methysticum.- Skin dry, scaly, cracked and ulcerated, especially where it is thick, as on the hands and feet.

Piper nigrum.- Eczema on the lips.

Psorinum.- Dry and scaly eruption, with little pointed vesicles around the reddened edges, disappearing during summer, but reappearing when the cold weather comes on; violent itching, worse by heat of bed and scratching; dirty, greasy-looking, foul- smelling skin. This remedy should be thought of in cases which do not yield to the well-selected remedy and compared with sulphur.

Ranunculus bulb.- Vesicular eruption on face in clusters, as from a burn; smarts as if scalded; aggravated in the evening, from change of temperature from touch and motion.

Rhus tox.- Eczema inner side of thighs, particularly after vaccination, with much itching and thirst; the eruption is generally moist, the surface raw, and the parts swollen; a red, inflamed, swollen rim from subcutaneous infiltration surrounds every portion of the eruption (Arsenicum, black rim around the eruption); white, thick, moist crusts form, which smell offensively, and itch, especially at night; cheeks, face, and scalp affected; falling off of the hair; milk crust on face, humid, angry-looking, with hard brown crusts; eczema of the scrotum, with intolerable itching. The child is restless, wants to be moved continually, especially after midnight, when the itching is intense, but this is relieved for a time by scratching; the cold fresh air is not tolerated on the head; it seems to make the scalp painful; hence the child likes to have its cap on in the open air (compare Silicea).

Melford Eugene Douglass
M.E.Douglass, MD, was a Lecturer of Dermatology in the Southern Homeopathic Medical College of Baltimore. He was the author of - Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment; Repertory of Tongue Symptoms; Characteristics of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.