The following makes a very soothing lotion.

Rx Sodii hyposulphit, dr. j

Acid carbolic, dr. ss

Glycerini. j

Listerini, jjj.

M. sig.: Use as a lotion.

Lotion of bran water, or of Mezereum or Grindelia I part, water 10 parts, will be useful in allaying the itching, as will also carbolic acid, gtts. v.; Aqua, j. In obstinate cases the use of sulphur vapor baths is commended.

Indication for internal remedies are as follows:

Aconite.- Furious itching all over the skin, with febrile symptoms, and especially with inflammation of the skin, thirst and restlessness.

Arsenic.- Chronic form, itching and burning, better from warmth. Thirst, drinking little, but often, restlessness.

Belladonna.- Creeping, crawling itching with burning and soreness. Aggravated about 3 p.m. Children with blue eyes, blonde hair, delicate skin and red complexion.

Borax.- Child becomes pale, the flesh relaxed and withering, with crying, aversion to food, and awakening from sleep with screams. Whitish pimples with red areolae.

Carbo veg.- Itching over the body day and night. Derangement of digestion with bloating of the abdomen and frequent eructations.

Dolichos.- Intolerable itching all over body, worse at night, preventing sleep, worse after scratching.

Ignatia.- Fine pricking itching, changing from one part to another.

Mercurius.- Aphthous or eczematous prurigo. Itching worse at night, and worse from warmth of the bed. Sweating easily, but without relief.

Rumex.- Itching better from warmth, contagious prurigo.

Rhus ven.- Elevated rd blotches, more on face, neck and chest with violent itching.

Sulphur.- Intense itching, worse in the evening and in bed, recent cases. Dry skin. Aversion to washing.

Melford Eugene Douglass
M.E.Douglass, MD, was a Lecturer of Dermatology in the Southern Homeopathic Medical College of Baltimore. He was the author of - Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment; Repertory of Tongue Symptoms; Characteristics of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.