Causticum.-Patient cannot bear the pressure of the clothes on the stomach; the lightest food or even the smallest quantity causes a violent lancinating pain in the stomach; scirrhus of the lips, with itching and soreness, which when ulcerated has a violent burning pain; pus bloody, or greenish, or corroding, or thin, watery, and yellow.

Chelidonium.-Old, spreading, putrid, carcinomatous ulcers; the pain the stomach is of a gnawing or digging character; nausea, with sensation of heat in the stomach; burning in stomach.

Calcarea phos.-Cancer in scrofulous constitutions.

Calcarea fluor.-Knots, kernels, hardened glands in the female breast. swelling on the jaw bone which is hard.

Chimaphila.-Tumors of the mammae, enlargements of lymphatic glands.

Clematis.- For softened scirrhous uteri, with corrosive leucorrhoea and lancinating pains.

Conium.- Bleeding of the ulcers, with a secretion of fetid ichor; a portion becomes gangrenous; concealed fetid ichor; a portion becomes gangrenous; concealed cancer of bone cancerous swelling and induration of glands; cancer of the lips in the stomach; cancer and cancerous ulcers after contusion; burning stitches; stinging in the effected parts.

Cundurango.- Is only efficacious in open cancer and cancerous ulcers, where it effectually moderates the severity of the pains. It does not act on scirrhous and indurated parts.

Ferrum phos.- An excellent alternate remedy for excessive pain in cancer.

Eucalyptus.- One of the best remedies for destroying the fetid odor of cancerous discharges, used internally and locally.

Galium.- Epithelioma when the disease is slow in its progress, and where there are nodular deposits near the surface.

Graphites.- Hot and painful vagina; swelling of the lymphatic vessels and mucous follicles; the neck of the uterus is hard and swollen, with tuberculous nodes and cauliflower excrescences; great weight in the abdomen on rising, with fainting sort of weakness and aggravations of the pains, delaying menses, with aggravation of the pains shortly before and at the appearance of the menses; discharge of black, lumpy, fetid blood; stitches shooting through pains; constipation; livid complexion; sad and anxious mood. Frequently useful in connection with ovarian diseases.

Hepar.- Corrosive pain in a cancerous ulcer bleeding at the slightest touch yellow skin and complexion; eruptions around the mouth, lips and chin, which are converted into cancerous ulcers rapidly spreading; pressure and dull aching pain in the stomach after moderate eating; cancerous ulcer of the mammae, with stinging burning in the edges; pus, copious or scanty, smells like old cheese.

Hydrastis.- Recommended for all sorts of cancer, but it will only act as a regulator for the faulty nutrition, and thus exerts a favorable influence in soft or encephaloid cancer.

Iodine of Arsenic.- Swollen gland in the left axilla, size of a hen’s hard, and exuding a fluid which forms a hard, brown crust. The tumor is painful and sensitive to touch breast of the same side enlarged, indurated and very sore. Yellow bloody, and irritating leucorrhoea, with swelling of the labia.

Iodium.- Uterine hemorrhage after every stool, with cutting in the abdomen, and pains in the loins and small of the back; great weakness during the menses, particularly in going upstairs; long-lasting uterine hemorrhage; dwindling and falling away of the mammae; aggravated; from external warmth; complete prostration of strength and general emaciation; violent vomiting renewed by eating; pulsations in the pit of the stomach.

Kali phos.- Cancer, pain offensive discharge and discoloration.

Kali sulph.- Epithelioma. cancer on the skin near a mucous lining, with discharge of thin, yellow serous, mattery secretions.

Kreosotum.- Shooting stitches in the vagina burning and swelling of the external and internal labia; profuse discharge of dark coagulated blood or of a pungent bloody ichor, preceded by pain ichor preceded by pain in the back; aggravation of the pains at night fainting on rising from the bed; she always feels chilly at the menstrual period; complexion livid; disposition sad, irritable cauliflower excrescences; wretched complexion, great debility, sleeplessness. Tightness of the pit of the stomach, cannot bear the weight of the her clothing; painful hard place on the left side of her stomach.

Lachesis.- Melanosis, colloid, and encephaloid cancer; violent burning gangrenous spots; cancer of the breast, with lancinating pains; the pit of the stomach very sensitive to touch uterine cancer developing itself at the climacteric, or as a consequence of the change of life; the pains increase rapidly, until relieved by a profuse discharge of blood; violent pains, as if a knife were thrust through the abdomen which has to be relieved from all pressure.

Lapis albus.- Cancer as long as it has not opened based on scrofulosis.

Lycopod.- Swelling of the upper lip, with a larger ulcer on the vermillion border of the lower one; vomiting of food, bile coagulated blood and pus; tension in the hypochondria as from a loop; great emaciation and internal debility.

Mercurius.- Cancerous ulcers, with a severe shooting and lancinating pain not relieved by either hot or cold applications; spreading ulcers, spongy, readily bleeding, and extremely painful; unequal elevations and depressions in the floor of the ulcer; swelling of the whole or only the tip of the nose accompanied by pain and inflammation, followed by cancer; pus thin, ichorous, and acrid.

Mezereum.- Scirrhus ventriculi with burning, corroding pains internal surface of the gastric mucous membrane feels raw, with sensation as if food remained for a long time undigested in the stomach, causing pressure and blood vomiting;hypochondriasis.

Murex.- Carcinoma uteri, with great depression of mind; pain in uterus as if wounded by a cutting instrument lancinating, throbbing pains in uterus; acrid discharge causing pudenda and thighs to swell and become raw, burning and itching; faintness and an “all-gone” feeling in epigastrium; deep hypochondriasis.

Natrum carb.- Induration of neck of womb, os uteri out of shape; pressing in hypogastrium towards genital organs, as if everything would come out; headache in sun and from mental labor; great nervousness and anxiety.

Nitric acid.- Pain and swelling of the submaxillary gland, with induration, ultimately becoming scirrhous; burning sensation in the stomach mercurio-syphilitic taint; urine very offensive; aggravated after midnight; in uterine cancer sympathetic affection of the inguinal glands; violent cramp-like pains, as if the abdomen would burst with constant eructations; violent pressing, as if everything would come out of the vulva, with pain from the back down the thighs.

Nux vomica- Ulcers with pale red, elevated edges; painful small, scirrhous tumor on the forehead; vomiting of sour-smelling mucus and dark clotted blood.

Nuphar.- Several cases of cancer have been reported as cured by the use of this drug. Its use is empirical, and comes to us from the Indians.

Phosphorus.- Cutting pains through the abdomen sometimes with vomiting painful to the touch and when walking; belching up of large quantities of wind after dinner frequent and profuse hemorrhages, pouring out freely and then ceasing for some hours or days.

Phytolacca.-Scirrhus, especially mammae; cancer of lips and cancerous, ill conditioned ulcers of the face.

Sepia.-Suspicious tubercle on lip of a cartilaginous appearance, sometimes bleeding and having a scirrhous appearance, with a broad base; epithelial cancer of lip, with burning pain and a pricking as from a splinter of wood; complexion yellow and earthy; cancer of rectum; indurations, ulcerations, and congestion of the os and cervix uteri; cutting pains in abdomen and a pressure on uterus downward, as if everything would fall out; sinking sensation at pit of stomach.

Silicea.-Painful dryness of the nose; scirrhous induration of the upper lip and face; continuous nausea and vomiting, especially when drinking; sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach; melancholy; in uterine cancer discharge of blood between the regular periods, with repeated paroxysms of icy coldness over the whole body; fetid, brownish, purulent, ichorous leucorrhoea.

Staphysagria-Scurfy and burning painful lips with pain in the submaxillary glands, with or without swelling. Syphilis and mercurialization.

Thuja.-Sycosis; cauliflower excrescences; medullary and fungoid cancers.

Zincum.-Pewter-like hue of the face; scirrhous tumors in different parts of the body.

Rodent Ulcer.

Rodent ulcer has been called cancerous ulcer of the face, chancroid ulcer, ulcus exedens, noli me tangere. A patient has a small tubercle upon the face, covered by a smooth skin; he may call it a wart, and it may remain on the face unaltered for years, and then, when the patient gets old, it may begin to ulcerate. The ulcer spreads slowly, but constantly, and if it be left alone it may destroy the whole of the cheek, the bones of the face, and ultimately the patient’s life; but it may take some years to run this course.

Melford Eugene Douglass
M.E.Douglass, MD, was a Lecturer of Dermatology in the Southern Homeopathic Medical College of Baltimore. He was the author of - Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment; Repertory of Tongue Symptoms; Characteristics of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.