Madam Melanie Hahnemann

Dresden, post-dated June 9th.

I do not know what I am to think of Leopold; he is becoming thinner each day so that he hardly resembles himself and yet he does not complain of anything. Therefore, I pray you dear little mother, to stand by me, and give me some good advice, concerning him.

Dresden, July 2nd, 1845.

I cannot do without talking to you to-day as this is the anniversary of dear Father’s decease. You dear little mother, have certainly been to-day to visit the precious grave. Four years ago I had the pleasure of speaking to him, when he spoke of epitaphs, and said that he would never wish for any but this “Non inutilis vixi.” These words impressed themselves deeply on my heart. Perhaps the dear deceased will see his wish fulfilled when his remains will have found a definite resting-place. You do not write to us at all, we both feel completely lost when we do not receive a letter from you. I am sorry for Leopold who can hardly be comforted as he thinks that you are angry with us. Sister Luischen is very ill. I am very sorry for her. The other sisters are all very well, except myself.

Dresden, July 10th, 1845.

I have just received your dear letter, from which I see that you are satisfied with my decision. Under your motherly care and affection, my dear good son will and can become a very useful and good man in this world. As I am convinced that his longing for you, and the more complete activity might do him too much harm I have resolved to let him carry out his wish and thus in God’s name may be hasten to your arms. He has read your dear remarks attentively and said that he perceived from it all, that you dear little grandmother, had good intentions towards him; he would take your words to heart that he had never done such a thing and never would. Therefore, allow him to visit you, and the future will decide. In God’s name.

Dresden, July 22nd, 1845.

As now the time has come when a change has to take place in connection with Leopold’s further advancement, I shall have to take completely different measures.-Leopold would, of course, have liked that you should have taken him under your protection, as he is longing for you and loves you very much. But as your circumstances do not now permit it, he must be contented and must suppress his longing for you. He possesses a certificate from his serious and most worthy teacher, that if he went abroad to a University he could be immediately registered as a student. But if he wished to study at a University in this country he would have to attend the school for another three years before he would be allowed to frequent the University. This is the law here. I do not wish on any account that he should remain another three years here at school since his zeal begins to slacken and instead of forward he is going backwards and I am throwing my money away, and as my funds are very low through the cold severe and very expensive winter when I was forced to add another 500 thalers and yet was hungry and cold. Yet I wished to do all that was possible for Leopold because he was confident of going to Paris. But since your last letter all inclination to study has disappeared. Necessity, therefore, justifies his withdrawal from the school and I will go abroad with him, where he may begin his studies with God’s help at Michaelmas of this year. He never need inconvenience you at all. I hope that his new career will again steady him. I shall, therefore, very soon begin my journey abroad with him. But not to Paris, don’t be worried about that. It was always one of our dear deceased father’s maxims that we should not push ourselves upon others. I am forced to carry out this intention very soon as the time is coming near when he will be torn from me to serve as a soldier, because new you are no longer allowed to buy yourself out. Everyone without exception is forced to become a soldier. Oh! had I only done as I wished at first and let him learn a trade (which I am almost inclined to do now). He would have been happy long ago and I should have been spared untold financial worries. May God bless my undertaking, for which, however, I require none of your money; if God only saves my life and that of my dear child, I shall be glad to sacrifice everything for it and add to my expenses, because money alone does not make anyone happy. Read these lines with calmness, dear little mother, but with cold blood, and I know for certain that your great intelligence will tell you that your daughter is quite right. Should I have to lose the whole of my fortune, which at the present moment, is likely to happen, seeing that people say that the Chamber where our money is invested will be bankrupt in a short time, so that everyone has given notice and is removing their capital, only ours cannot be removed and therefore will be lost!!! Great God! all the firmer does my trust in the Almighty become, who will send us kind hearts and not forsake the children of the great and good Hahnemann… And if I should, with my now more and more ailing body seek employment in the place where my son is going to study, in order to earn sufficient for his studies.

There is a gap in the exchange of correspondence until April, 1846.A “devoted friend, S.” writes on April 7th, 1846, from Paris to the “dear friend,” among other things:

On March 3rd your son wrote to me in your name. You honour me with your friendship in order to receive reliable news of your dear little mother through me. One day Madame Hahnemann was gracious enough to trust me with the sentiments of affection she has for you. All measures had already been found, the Institution was ready where he (Leopold) was to begin his studies for which six years were required. During this time Madame Hahnemann wished to be responsible for all things from the smallest to the greatest, books, professors, subsistence, laundry and clothes, briefly everything that would be required. This order was also handed over to me. Yet to arrange this careful consideration and time were necessary. You, too, know Paris a little, and therefore realise the continued heavy expenses which must be reckoned with. Yet it was all arranged for no other purpose than to make your son happy.

My dear Madame Suss, I must presume that you know nothing of the contents of your son’s letter to Madame H., otherwise your sensible principles and views would never have allowed you to use such expressions, nor to write to her as you did.

It grieved my soul that he should forget all sense of delicacy, affection and respect towards Madame H., his benefactress, and in his rudeness become insulting.

Apart from the boldness of your son I hasten to comfort you and communicate to you that Madame Hahnemann loves you and assures you that she will act towards you as a generous mother. Yet she had nothing good to say about your son.

The letter contains the following remarks in Melanie’s own hand-writing, “Copie de la lettre de Seugner a Liebe, Avril, 1846.”

According to this a servant of Madame Hahnemann previously mentioned in Amalie’s letter of April 16th, 1845, had written this letter by order and with the knowledge of his mistress.

She herself then writes on April 17th to Mrs. Amalie Suss to whom again she sends one hundred francs. The latter thanked her for this and continues:

But you have grieved me very much when you say Leopold has offended you. He certainly has not done it intentionally; probably in his despair he has not used the right expressions; He always said, “Oh dear, I do love the good grandmother so much, and yet she does not want to see me.” Therefore, forgive him, if, as you think, he has offended you. God forgives us, and no human being is faultless. He says in his last letter he was altogether in despair, because he was at an age when he had to think about his future, and without the necessary means he could do nothing. We are poor down-trodden people; because now we only receive half the interest since it was too great a smash. It was impossible to live properly before and make ends meet, let alone now.

Through his own industry he has progressed so far that he is now in the first class, that is, the last class he has to go through.- The Almighty may help further. We still live in the same house, but have kept only the smallest room without a bed- room, and without anything; we also had to sell the piano-we have been deprived of every comfort. If only I did not suffer so much from gout!

Do not be afraid about his coming to Paris. Before Easter some-one from Paris who stayed with us, on his way through, wished to take Leopold with him gratuitously, and to look after him because he does so want to see you.

But I did not allow this since it might not be agreeable to you.

Good-bye, once more good-bye.

Your daughter, A.

This is the last letter of the collection and is very characteristic of both women.

In 1857 (August) we find a letter by Mrs. Amalie, widow of Dr. Suss, to Dr. von Boenninghausen. It is dated from Brussels, but sheds no light on the others.

Richard Haehl
Richard M Haehl 1873 - 1932 MD, a German orthodox physician from Stuttgart and Kirchheim who converted to homeopathy, travelled to America to study homeopathy at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia, to become the biographer of Samuel Hahnemann, and the Secretary of the German Homeopathic Society, the Hahnemannia.

Richard Haehl was also an editor and publisher of the homeopathic journal Allgemcine, and other homeopathic publications.

Haehl was responsible for saving many of the valuable artifacts of Samuel Hahnemann and retrieving the 6th edition of the Organon and publishing it in 1921.
Richard Haehl was the author of - Life and Work of Samuel Hahnemann