Hospital & Teaching Center

As this institution can now look after its own upkeep, I leave it to its faithful care to continue the grant of 200 thalers salary, a quarter, to Dr. Schweikert out of the balance in hand, as my work no longer gives me time to try and collect contributions from abroad, but I will not neglect to remit to you whatever may be sent to me in the form of contributions, and I shall always rejoice in the welfare of the institution which is so important to our science.


Cothen, January 4th 1835.


(“Allg. hom. Ztg., 1835, Vol. 6, page 366.).

Since the homoeopathic hospital came into existence it has accomplished much that is good and gratifying, but particularly during the last year through the excellent internal arrangements and the exemplary management of its present Director, Dr. Schweikert, well known as a practical and true homoeopath, who is directing the whole work of the institution with untiring activity. It will readily be seen from the Annals of the Institution, which will shortly be published, (this never took place-R.H.) how much need there is of powerful support from the homoeopathic physicians and philanthropic friends, if it is to continue its existence, and do further good service for science and mankind. Since its beds now number twenty-one, and the total cost of the yearly upkeep, according to superficial estimate, amounts to 3300 thalers, of which the patients may pay approximately 1300 thalers under the present arrangements, the institution can only remain permanent if an additional 200thalers is obtained through contributions, otherwise the funds which are very small will be exhausted. This could easily be accomplished if every homoeopathic physician binds himself to contribute a definite annual amount in accordance with his capacity, even if only for five years, as many as have already agreed to do. Each of them should make an effort to induce other philanthropic friends, and patients to make contributions. He should collect these, and send the sum total annually, either through a bookseller, or a provincial Society in his neighbourhood, to the Treasurer, Mr. Schumann, publisher, not later than the 10th of August, this being the most practical method.

I urgently invite all staunch homoeopathic practitioners, and friends of humanity, who take an interest in the promotion of our therapeutic science, which is the only true one, and in the model homoeopathic hospital of Leipsic, in which everyone can personally witness the unsurpassable advantages of this new science, to do this. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN.

Cothen, May 8th 1835.



Dr. Moritz Muller published in the “Allg, hom Ztg., ” of June Ist 1840, (Vol. 17 page 321) the following proved facts, as a reply to Fickel’s abusive work, “Direct proof of the invalidity of the homoeopathic therapeutic system.”

Dr. Fickel qualified at Leipsic in 1831, and practised in Zwickau in 1832. He was impudent, expensive, and unsuccessful. (Already he had published a book anonymously entitled,”Words of Comfort,” under the name of “Leckif,” which closed with the following sentence: “The ditch in which I have so comfortably is not without oxen.”) He returned to Leipsic in 1833. having been driven away from Zwickau by his creditors. Impoverished, and shunned by all physicians of both schools, he tired to find some means of subsistence.

During 1834 and 1835 he wrote, under two false names, three volumes of fictitious homoeopathic cures and similar provings of medicines.The manuscript of the first book, which appeared under the name L. Heine, was taken to the publisher Schumann, by one of his few acquaintances here (Leipsic) a dentist, probably his dupe. The second work in two volumes was printed in 1835 by Reinmann, under the name J. T. Hofbauer (the last volume of this work had been written by him in eight days). The former which had been more carefully compiled, was after its publication praised in some homoeopathic periodical by reviewers who did not suspect the possibility of such fraudulence. Encouraged by this success, Fickel disclosed, in 1835, to the publisher of his first work that he himself was Heine, and made the excuse that his creditors forced him to adopt a pseudonym and to remain anonymous. He offered him a work which was to be published under the title, ” A Compendious Homoeopathic Cyclopedia, by a Society of Homoeopathic physicians,” which he had begun to write by himself, and which would make it possible to dispense with all other homoeopathic books. The publisher dazzled by the reviews of the books already published, accepted this seemingly very advantageous offer and advanced him a considerable sum in order to enable him to complete the work. Deceived by Fickel’s plausible manner while he rapidly handed in the manuscript, the publisher believed he had found in him the man who could preside over the homoeopathic hospital, and gave him the first inkling of the post of the senior physician which was to become vacant. The publisher was co-inspector of the institution. He made Fickel acquainted with the medical inspector, and the latter quite charmed by his capabilities, realised the idea, of which Fickel had not even dreamt six months previously. ( Only those who know Fickel’s eloquence and facility of speech, can appreciate how the physician and the publisher, both men of honour, who had rendered and are still rendering great service to homoeopathy at great sacrifices to themselves, could be so grossly deceived. It was possible that he described to them in glowing terms the interesting lectures he would give on homoeopathy.) In vain did three other homoeopathic physicians of Leipsic, who had been at the time crowded out, and prevented from taking any active part in the hospital, warn the two men thus deceived. In justifiable indignation they abstained from influencing it in any respect.

In vain did they tell him that a mystification, or some fraud must exist….Helbig, Trinks, and Noack had found out that “Hofbauer’s” and Heine’s ” cures and provings of medicines were fictitious, and that Heine and Hofbauer were identical; Noack had at last discovered that Fickel himself was the “Society of Physicians.” writing the “Compendious Cyclopedia” and that as a matter of fact, he was Heine and Hofbauer, and also that he had simultaneously (1835) published, through Reimann, two allopathic therapeutical works under the name of Dr. Herting. But the Board of Inspectors thought that the discoverer was mistaken, and Fickel received the post of physician to the hospital on January Ist, 1836.

Moritz Muller is wrong in the last details that is regarding the date, as Noack, Helbig, and Trinks disclosure took place in 1836, therefore, after Fickel’s appointment.

The officially reported unmasking of the man took place on June 10th 1836. On that day Heinrich Robert Kabitzsch, a servant in the shop of Arnold the publisher, at Dresden, gave evidence before the District Authorities (Gustav Kramer, ordinary actuary and obligatory recorder, and Fr. Christ Stein, lay assessor of the provincial court of law) that Dr. Fickel manufactured his homoeopathic books in the summer of 1835, and said several times, “I shall for once deceive those fellows” (the homoeopaths). Dr. Noack then heard from Kabitzsch what kind of person Fickel was; yet he was already appointed chief physician, and Noack was still in communication with him on March 5th of the same year. Then in July Noack’s Alla potrida appeared, in which Fickel’s deception was disclosed without reserve.

After his release Fickel wished to go to Paris, but did not get farther than Frankfurt a-M., where followed up by his creditors, his effects were seized. He returned to Leipsic, and lived there separated from his wife and children. He then wandered about in several other towns, among others Teplitz (1839) where he still posed as a homoeopathic physician. In 1840 at Grosschonau he wrote his book, “Direct proof, etc.” but only for the sake of making money. Moritz Muller proved that the book contained gross untruths.

Later he tried to practise in various places. For instances, in 1858 he advertised especially for Typhus patient’s in Dresden.


Dr. J. Fr. Hennicke of Gotha, wrote on November 3rd, 1837, to Hahnemann, in Paris:

I have already received three reports from the Homoeopathic Hospital in Munich, and have published extracts from them in the “Allg. Anz. d.” The hospital was founded by the Home Minister, Prince Carl Ottingen-Wallerstein and supported by the State. The doctors Hofrath Reubel, Medicinalrath Widemann and Roth were appointed. The contents of these reports does great credit to homoeopathy, and must disconcert even the greatest unbelievers.

Only those who know Fickel’s eloquence and facility of speech, can appreciate how the physician and the publisher, both men of honour, who had rendered and are still rendering great service to homoeopathy at great sacrifices to themselves, could be so grossly deceived. It was possible that he described to them in glowing terms, the interesting lectures he would give on homoeopathy.

Richard Haehl
Richard M Haehl 1873 - 1932 MD, a German orthodox physician from Stuttgart and Kirchheim who converted to homeopathy, travelled to America to study homeopathy at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia, to become the biographer of Samuel Hahnemann, and the Secretary of the German Homeopathic Society, the Hahnemannia.

Richard Haehl was also an editor and publisher of the homeopathic journal Allgemcine, and other homeopathic publications.

Haehl was responsible for saving many of the valuable artifacts of Samuel Hahnemann and retrieving the 6th edition of the Organon and publishing it in 1921.
Richard Haehl was the author of - Life and Work of Samuel Hahnemann