Hospital & Teaching Center

More about myself : at the beginning of this month the “Leipsic Tageblatt ” published an advertisement recommending the second edition of Schwartz’s cookery book; I expostulated about this on the 10th of January, in the Tageblatt; I was attacked in the same paper, after that, in the lowest manner, first by someone unknown ( perhaps by Dr. Muller), and then by Schwartz himself.

If no one agrees with me then I must look for a kind of homoeopathy which differs from that of others, and I shall have to establish a new kind. Truth will for ever remain truth!

Haubold appears to be the best of all these uncertain men; he seems at least to have good intentions, even if his power is not so great; he seeks more after small external details than after the deeper intellectual principle; that is part of his personality, but he is said to be diligent in his homoeopathy.

Hartlaub refused the offer of having Hahnemann’s portrait sold for his own benefit, and wrote :

They might say,. that you are paying me for being so outspoken here in Leipsic. They shall not say that; I testify to truth and justice, and besides you know well that in case of need I am not too proud to ask openly for a loan from you, if you in your kindness wish to help me in that way.

I may perhaps, soon meet a poor girl that I shall like, and then I might need something to begin with. Yet it does not matter what you do. You will never hear from me anything but what I consider the truth. H. HARILAUB.

Hahnemann replied to this letter :

Dear Colleague,

During the last few years you have lived apart from human society, and been so completely isolated that you have almost forgotten how you should adapt yourself to others, and yet you can hardly live among them without this knowledge. Without ingratiating yourself with the people with whom you have to live, and upon whom you depend, without obliging and giving way, without politeness and consideration of their weak points, which do us no harm, and without deference towards those who have power, you cannot get on in the world. We must even ask politely for that which we could demand as our own right. The world has been made in this fashion, and not even a king can alter it, much less we, ourselves-to have pleasant manners has many good points in its favour, and is indispensable in our relationships with others. This, my dear Hartlaub, you must without delay, acquire, if you wish to be tolerated, loved and to gain promotion in this world. What harm would it have done to your honour, if you had first called on Schweikert, as was only fair, and asked for permission to attend the clinic? And after having neglected to do this, you went every day without any explanation, and told him to his face that you had not come to learn-but (do not be offended with me ) what was rude, repellent and bound to arouse hatred. Besides it was also insidious, because if you declare that you do not wish to learn from it, then you imply that you want to play the part of overseer and teacher. That is of course bound to arouse the indignation of the honourable Director of the Institution.

You must therefore blame yourself if he turns you out. Do try and alter your ways, for your own advantage. Alter from to- day onwards; do not only stop offending people, and saying rude things to them-for that would amount to very little towards adapting yourself in the world-no, begin immediately to practise the art of being polite, obliging, deferential, and thoughtful. It is high time you should do it. Others will not readily admit beforehand that they need you, but can easily see that you need their help.

You have followed our advice on so many points, as for instance, in altering your rough outward appearance, now quickly take the advice of your faithful friend, who also knows your good points and appreciates them.

The moment you alter(which you can do by reason of your strength of character) you will fare better and things will go well with you-you wish for this, and you must try to attain it, as I cannot contribute to it. I have politely asked Schweikert (not as jure quodam meo-as my privilege-demanded, which I could not do) to accept my recommendation of you, and with that ends my interference. From to-day onwards you treat everyone with politeness and courtesy-accomplish your metamorphosis as by a miracle-and you will find admission everywhere.

As regards marrying a poor girl, do not be in a hurry. Your poverty might make her very unbearable, useless, and insolent, and work your destruction. Poverty rarely works for good. I am not in a position to lend you money. You do not know the number of calls upon my purse, and how many relatives for whom I have to provide.

Remain assured that I wish to further your welfare in every possible way.

Your, S. HAHNEMANN. Cothen, January 28th, 1834.

This was followed by Hartlaub’s last letter to Hahnemann : Leipsic. 4.2.1834.

Esteemed Hofrath.

This is the first letter which I am not pleased at writing to you; it contains the long outcome of such a short period of activity. We do not appear to have understood one another; under your leadership I wish to become the candid and staunch defender of your true and pure doctrine, and yet in the first fight you say, ” Sheathe your sword!” I obey, I have sheathed it, but at the same time, the fight is finished and I withdraw like a silly boy. I knew that alone and unsupported I could not possibly fight openly against such a number of men of different minds without being crushed or repulsed with derision, and I should have guided my activity otherwise. But you will see that in this way, with the eternal praise and the occasional distinguished attacks on the reputation of this hospital, no blessing can result; it is a puppet for the sport of fools, a painted mask, which will ultimately fall off with fright. I have withdrawn, as you see I cannot now court their favours after first opposing them. I will continue to work quietly by myself for our science, as well and as much as I can. I will not bend my back or crawl; my deeds shall be unhampered, open and deliberate; I will not go through life bowing, creeping, simulating, deceiving and sliding; I know that I should get on better than many others; I might even to-day still be with Dr. Muller, earning good money, and laughing at the world in general. I showed already then that I would not do that; leave me this pride. Perhaps it will be of use some day. I quite believe that in Leipsic I shall not now be able to reap a big harvest, but fate may soon throw me elsewhere; your kindness may help me to that, if it is possible. In the beginning I called on Schweikert in a friendly way, and asked for permission to attend the clinic, but gentlemen of his type cannot sense the truth, and it is that which upset him so much.

As regards the loan, do not be offended, but I was not really in earnest about it.

Meanwhile I will continue to work peacefully; I shall write again sometime. Keep me in your memory. With hearty good wishes of you and yours, and kind regard to Dr. Lehmann.


Hahnemann did not reply; he wrote on the letter : ” Received on February 5th.”



He wrote to the Inspectors :

Dear Colleagues,

The proof of the manifold advantages of our method of treatment over the Old School which is so devoid of principle and purpose, and frequently harmful to the patient, can only be demonstrated to the public in a well and carefully administered hospital, where all the objections made by our allopathic opponents, in cases of private patients fall away altogether. (“That,” for instance, “the name of the patient was only signified by a letter, and that no one had witnessed the treatment or the recovery, and, therefore, the result might quite well be imaginary.”

In a homoeopathic clinic, which is properly administered, the patients are available for the inspection of experts, and the medical treatment can be carried out in their presence, and thus all possibility of fraud ceases, and consequently all denial of the homoeopathic treatment will be silenced.

You will, therefore, consider it justifiable that I am so anxious about the upkeep and perfecting of our homoeopathic clinic in Leipsic, and you colleagues, will perceive that I have every reason for conceiving all possible means which shall give our institution the dignity of a model clinic for homoeopathic therapy, so that we can put before the world the irrefutable proofs of the superiority of our Art. The deep love for pure homoeopathy, which animates our friend, Dr. Schweikert, and which has induced him to give up his previous remunerative occupation to undertake the management of our hospital, gives us the first true, prospects of succeeding in our purpose.

But it is impossible for him to live in expensive Leipsic, on the yearly income of 400 thalers, which has been accorded to him. We can, therefore, forsee that the zeal of this leader, who is so indispensable to our institution, may grow cold, and it may even become impossible for him to remain at the head of it; even for a short time. All things considered, our homoeopathic clinic stands or falls with this honourable man. Without him it will irretrievably fall. I, as the natural protector and life- long patron of this hospital, recognise, therefore, after careful consideration, that it is necessary to give Dr. Schweikert, as Director :

Richard Haehl
Richard M Haehl 1873 - 1932 MD, a German orthodox physician from Stuttgart and Kirchheim who converted to homeopathy, travelled to America to study homeopathy at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia, to become the biographer of Samuel Hahnemann, and the Secretary of the German Homeopathic Society, the Hahnemannia.

Richard Haehl was also an editor and publisher of the homeopathic journal Allgemcine, and other homeopathic publications.

Haehl was responsible for saving many of the valuable artifacts of Samuel Hahnemann and retrieving the 6th edition of the Organon and publishing it in 1921.
Richard Haehl was the author of - Life and Work of Samuel Hahnemann