Hahnemann’s Removal to Kothen

Yesterday afternoon Hahnemann hastened to see me with the decree that had just arrived, and said he was urged to make a decision, as the summer was coming; if a more definite statement could not be made with regard to the most important point?

I told him I had done everything I could in this matter; I could not possibly beg for another decree from His Serene Highness.

In my presence and that of Freygang and my son, the tears came into the eyes of this much irritated and insulted man; he declared confusedly that he could not speak in his usual way as his temper was irritable. I must confess that the sorrow of the man touched us deeply; I am convinced that before us sat one of the greatest physicians of the century; whose discoveries will only be appreciated in their full extent, by posterity.

I therefore promised to do all that was possible and to forward his petition, so that His Serene Highness may deign to notify me by a writ from the Cabinet, as follows:

Concerning the further request of Dr. Hahnemann, which you have put before me, I will willingly grant him the assurance, that with the permission for dispensing his own remedies in my country, is to be understood, that he is authorised to give to his patients the remedies necessary for their treatment which he has prepared with his own hands, without the intervention of the apothecaries’ shops.

Hahnemann joyfully declared that the promise of His Serene Highness would set him completely at rest, and therefore I must beg of you, my very esteemed friend, to put the matter before His Serene Highness.

I have put my reasons before you, why I think that it would be of very good purpose at the present moment if we could spread the news, that Dr. Hahnemann who is becoming more and more famous every day in the Prussian State, has found a place of refuge by the liberality of His Serene Highness. It will do them good in Berlin to have something to talk about; I beg of you therefore without regard to my own person, and notwithstanding the fact of my high esteem for Dr. Hahnemann’s many discoveries, to proceed with the explanation before His Serene Highness, in accordance with your own opinion.

To-day the State Newspaper again defends Dr. Hahnemann. I therefore urgently beg of you for a quick reply. Excuse, my very esteemed friend, the form of this letter, due to the haste and rush of business under which it was written.

Remain assured of the unbounded devotion and faithfulness with which I remain.

Your most grateful and obedient, A. MULLER.

Leipsic, 9 April, 1821.

(To Oberhofmeister von Sternegg).

Your Serene Highness, Gracious Lord, etc., etc.,

Dr. Hahnemann went to Cothen yesterday to buy a house. The paragraph in the Nurnberg Correspondent which gives great praise to the Medical Council of Kothen in regard to their conduct towards Hahnemann, caused a great sensation on its arrival here yesterday. I regret that the copy destined for me has not yet arrived, so that I may put it before your Highness.

Etc., etc., I remain with profound veneration and submission, Your Serene Highness’s humble servant, ADAM MULLER.

Leipsic, 26th April, 1821.

(To the Duke Ferdinand of Anhalt-Cothen).


From: “Correspondence between Frederick Gentz and Adam Heinrich Muller” (1800-1829); published by Cotta in Stuttgart, 1857 (page 354).

22 October, 1821.

Hahnemann has recently had the triumph, in Cothen, of completely curing an inflammation of the lungs, without venesection, with homoeopathic minimum doses, which so far has been considered an impossibility. I entreat you not to be deterred by the reasoning of the world, from the resolution, to put yourself in Hahnemann’s care, as long as your strength will allow you to persevere with it. The whole allopathic system, which has so far been experimenting with you is palliative, and one has to pay dearly for the consequences. Remember the mustard seed in the Gospel and how many great things nature develops from the smallest life-germs. One seed grain will grow, but a quantity of seeds thrown together will destroy each other; it is the same with quantities of drugs, with which medical science swamps the organism. One drop of extract of China or Valerian works wonders, that are annihilated by bottles and pints of these divine gifts. If Hahnemann, one of the greatest chemists of the century, had done nothing but banish the principle of cooking and mixing, and re-establishing the rights of simple medicines, after finding out from the healthy body their true effects (and not from the deceptive sick patient) and then introduced the doctrine of the minimum doses, by that alone he would be immortal. The actual medical science has got lost in the materialism of the modern age; he has found it again, has rediscovered it. Do listen to me in this one thing and I in exchange will be your faithful vessel and amanuensis, and will not attempt, write, or undertake anything in politics but what you approve of.


Vienna, December 17th, 1821.

You remember that Hahnemann himself advised me not to take his powders in my present condition. It has remained like that, and I may well say that since the middle of October I have felt so well, as never since May, 1818. If I reach the Spring like this without a new attack I shall gather courage for a long time; should a relapse occur, I shall return at once to Hahnemann’s powders. The (relative) ease and pleasure with which I now undertake all business, is to me the best proof of an important physical recovery, etc.


Friedrich von Gentz, born May, 1764, died June 9th, 1832, was one of the most famous political writers of Germany, who attacked Napoleon most violently. Later he became the tool and assistant of Metternich and his reactionary efforts.

Adam Muller, who was born June 30th, 1779, in Berlin, had studied Protestant theology and jurisprudence at Gottingen, but had gone over to the Roman Catholic Church in 1805 in Vienna; after that from 1806-9 the education in political science of Prince Bernhard of Sachsen-Weimar was entrusted to him. Together with Heinrich von Kleist he published “Phobus” (1808). After he had taken part in organising a revolt in Tyrol, the Emperor Franz drew him into his encourage and he afterwards travelled with him to Paris in April, 1818. From the following year onwards he was Austrian Consul General in Saxony residing in Leipsic. He was present also at the conferences in Vienna (1815) and in Karlsbad (summer of 1819) noted for their reactionary resolutions for the suppression of the so-called `demagogue efforts,” on account of alleged widespread anti-monarchic conspiracies in Germany: he was a reactionary through and through which is shown in one of his works on the necessity of a theological basis for statescraft. In reference to national and political economy he was the most determined opponent of Adam Smith with his doctrine of a free competition in economic power and of the most practical development of work by sharing. Adam Muller was successful in persuading Duke Ferdinand and his wife, who was the daughter of King Friedrich Wilhelm II of Prussia, to go over to the Catholic Church (1825). Muller died in Vienna on January 17th, 1829.


To Dr. Hahnemann of Leipsic We reply to his request of the 21st of this month: that We willingly give him permission to establish himself in Our town of residence, Kothen, as a practising physician. Also in consideration of the fact that in Our country all scientific research is given free play, as an exception to the general rule, We wish to grant him the privilege of preparing with his own hands the remedies required for his treatments, and to give them to the patients under his care. Otherwise We remark that Dr. Hahnemann must submit himself to all other Laws and Police regulations of the country, and will therefore have to obey the directions of Our Medical Direction, from which, however, like all Our subjects he has the right of appeal to Us.

We conclude with the desire for the happiest results in all the treatments of Dr. Hahnemann, so that his wide-spread reputation may increase, and give Us the opportunity of giving him proofs of Our special esteem and good-will.

FERDINAND, Duke of Anhalt.

Kothen, April 2, 1821.

To Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in Leipsic.

Regarding the date at the end of this answer, “April 2” (in the text itself an error must have crept in, as naturally it must mean 21st of last month and not of this month) it is to be assumed that comparing it with the later date of the Consul General, April 9th, the dating in advance had been purposely carried out by the Government Office. The recipient of the writing was to feel as if the more propitious and liberal exposition of the Cabinet letter was issued immediately after, or perhaps before, the drafting of the curt letter of the Government, from the Duke’s own decision, therefore not through Hahnemann’s remonstrances, and mediation from Leipsic. The wording and contents of the documents show irrefutably that the more liberal and welcome interpretation of the patient for residence, came from the Ducal Cabinet after the petition of the Consul General.

Richard Haehl
Richard M Haehl 1873 - 1932 MD, a German orthodox physician from Stuttgart and Kirchheim who converted to homeopathy, travelled to America to study homeopathy at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia, to become the biographer of Samuel Hahnemann, and the Secretary of the German Homeopathic Society, the Hahnemannia.

Richard Haehl was also an editor and publisher of the homeopathic journal Allgemcine, and other homeopathic publications.

Haehl was responsible for saving many of the valuable artifacts of Samuel Hahnemann and retrieving the 6th edition of the Organon and publishing it in 1921.
Richard Haehl was the author of - Life and Work of Samuel Hahnemann