Hahnemann at Torgau. Organon

Be kind enough to offer my compliments to the physicians who joined you in writing to me, and say to them that I honour and esteem them as faithful disciples who are intent to promulgate the true doctrine of the Master as he created and perfected it.

Yours faithfully, M. HAHNEMANN.

Paris, 54, Faubourg St. Honore.

And lastly followed another Letter to the Publishers

Paris, 3rd August, 1865 Messrs. Reichardt and Zander,

Dear Sirs,

It was impossible for me to answer your last letter sooner on account of my absence from Paris. I see, however, from it, that we shall soon agree.

In the meantime I give you once more my opinion on the conditions, over which we do not agree.

1. You would receive the copyright for four years; but I cannot bind myself for the present to a prolongation of that time as it would make the actual possession of my property unreal; as I already said in my last letter I see no reason why at the end of these four years I should not again prolong your copyright for another definite period of years, if we are mutually satisfied with each other; but I must be free to do, or not to do it, just as you will be free to accept it or not.

2. As the “Organon” is only small, I do not wish you to print it like the specimen you sent me; the form and size, etc., of the fifth edition seem to me the most appropriate for this sixth edition. I cannot give my consent under any circumstances that it should be incorporated with Suss’s “Organon,” as on every page of my “Organon” there are important, sometimes long, sometimes short, alterations.

3. I will authorise you to hinder the sale of Lutze’s “Organon” in any way you can suggest; I have already requested by letter, that the Minister of State of Dessau, prohibit Dr. Lutze from selling his “Organon,” and I received a short time ago the reply that this matter had been handed over to the police; I must await further developments.

4. Dr. Lutze advertised his “Organon” at the time for one thaler, and I wish to see my “Organon” sold at the same price. As I have no intention of making a business deal with this sixth edition of the “Organon” sold at the same price. As I have no intention of making a business deal with this sixth edition of the “Organon,” I should prefer to be satisfied with 800 Francs, assuming that each copy of the “Organon” is sold for one thaler.

5. In regard to the American publication of the sixth edition of the “Organon,” I received some time ago a collective letter from Dr. Constantine Hering, etc., etc., of Philadelphia, in which they asked me to hand over to them the English translation, which I shall naturally do, in consideration of my great esteem for these physicians and on account of the great importance of a beautiful and absolutely faithful translation. The sale of this translation accomplished in America, would, however, only be valid in that country; I shall retain the copyright for England, and for all other English-speaking countries; therefore as soon as this translation is accomplished, you are free to enter into communication with me over this in regard to England, etc. This new English edition will be all the more important, as in the first place it is undertaken by physicians who know the German and English languages equally well, and also because all the previous editions of the “Organon” without exception, have been translated very badly and incompletely into English.

It is impossible for me to give you the date when the printing of this sixth edition can be commenced; I can only assure you that the copying of the manuscript is progressing diligently under my supervision.

Yours truly, M. HAHNEMANN.

54 Rue du Faub. St. Honore.




(No. 152 of the “Reichsanzeiger,” June 7th, 1810.) ( *Dr. Fr. Hartmann communicates to us in the “Allg. homoop. Zeit.,” 1844, Vol. 26, No. 11, among as series of essays:

“From the life of Hahnemann.”

“In order to attract the attention of the Public-on the publication of the “Organon of the Rational Healing Art,” which took place in 1810 at Dresden, by Arnold, it does not seem improbable that Hahnemann himself, published the following essay on the 7th June, 1810 in the Reichs-Anzeiger No. 152. The words and mode of expression in the same, confirm my supposition, all the more, as I have learned to know them well, having been for several years a listener and pupil of his.” )

The author of this work does not speak of the defective medical science of the day. He seems to take it for granted that every one knows how much in the dark it has been until now, how little there has been that would stand a test, how little that would offer a certainty in practice, and how unnatural and artificial their systems were, built up on assumptions, dogmas, and scholastic dialectics. [Here Hahnemann mentions all the numbers which contain essays written by him a piece of work that no one else would have easily undertaken as it would have been too arduous–R.H.). Without being led astray by the rules and proceedings of the old school of medicine, which is in a bad way, the author takes a new course which is altogether different from the path trodden by the scholars of to-day, in order to bring back with certainty the art of healing to a sound, true and pure basis. He has twenty years experience on his side. The following is an extract from his book:

“The object of the healing art does not consist in ferreting out the inner essence of things (which it is not possible to investigate) and prying into their wisely concealed nature in the abstract. It is not to search into unprovable assumptions in bold assertions or overstudied, unnatural, and useless explanatory efforts, which are even more obscure than the matter to be unravelled ( 13 Anon.) but to re-establish health quickly but gently and permanently according to well defined reason.” The author calls this the rational art of healing ( 1.2). Does every physician see what there is to cure in each disease, what to remove (knowledge of disease and indications) does he see clearly what properties each remedy possesses that expel disease (knowledge of the specific medicinal properties). He recognises the healing powers of every medicine through the knowledge of what is to be cured in every disease, and knows how to fit one to the other for clearly obvious reasons, therefore he gives in every way really useful help (Indicated) that is, he prescribes the suitable medicine in the required in the required quantity and repeats it in the right order of time, he knows the obstacles to recovery and how to eliminate them, so that recovery be permanent, such a physician acts according to sufficient reasons, and he alone is a rational healer ( 3).

All speculation and writing on the primary cause of disease is empty and remains idle boasting, it is a misleading play of imagination ( 6, 13, Anot.).

Only the outer signs of disease betray that the inner invisible part of the body may be altered by disease, but how it is altered no mortal knows nor can he conjecture, and does not need to find out as the whole disease declares itself sufficiently well, for the purpose of treatment through the outward signs (symptoms), which the physician has to remove altogether through the appropriate medicine, in order to cure the disease completely ( 12, 13, 14). It cannot be conceived or shown, that the assumed inner morbid changes have not been eliminated and destroyed, when all the signs of disease have disappeared and nothing is left but the signs of renewed health (11, 12). As the Creator has conditioned the disappearance of the inner changes in the body on the elimination of the signs of disease, therefore only the latter need be removed by an appropriate comprehensive means, in which way the disease becomes cured completely and permanently (in 5-14 minutely, explained and proved). And further as the healing properties which medicines possess, never can by themselves and a priori, be displayed for our observation, but only manifest themselves by producing symptoms of disease in the healthy organism ( 15) so also are these disease conditions which can be caused by medicines, to be regarded as the only powers for healing which they possess (16) and tested experience irrefutably teaches us, that every disease, that is, group of symptoms, can be quickly and permanently cured by a medicine which produces all these symptoms, or at least the most striking of which the disease shows in a healthy body. This infallible law of nature on which all true healing should be based, nature herself teaches through events, where one old trouble is quickly removed and healed by the intervention of a new and similar one, as numerous experiences will teach ( 28, 30). That discord in the state of health, which is called disease, is over-powered and annihilated by a similar but more powerful agent (that is through the intervention of a new similar disease or medicine capable of producing such a disease). No freshly manifested, disease, if entirely different from a previous existing one would do the same ( 22-27). In the same way we can prove through countless examples (see introduction to book) that at all times, only quick and permanent cures are produced, where a medicine is used, which has the power to produce a similar condition of disease, as that which it has cured–through the physicians who accomplished such cures had done so by a chance accident and did not understand why it helped.

Richard Haehl
Richard M Haehl 1873 - 1932 MD, a German orthodox physician from Stuttgart and Kirchheim who converted to homeopathy, travelled to America to study homeopathy at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia, to become the biographer of Samuel Hahnemann, and the Secretary of the German Homeopathic Society, the Hahnemannia.

Richard Haehl was also an editor and publisher of the homeopathic journal Allgemcine, and other homeopathic publications.

Haehl was responsible for saving many of the valuable artifacts of Samuel Hahnemann and retrieving the 6th edition of the Organon and publishing it in 1921.
Richard Haehl was the author of - Life and Work of Samuel Hahnemann