Death of Mrs Hahnemann

Although Hahnemann demanded strict obedience from his children, as a husband he was far from having the rule in his own hands. His tall and stout wife, who like Agnes Frei, in the case of the noble painter, Albrecht Durer, gave him many a bitter hour, exercised the most baneful influence upon him. …





We take the following description from Dr. Stapf’s account in his “Archiv” (8th Vol., 2nd part, 1829):

Already on the eve of the Festival, friends hurriedly arrived from all parts to joint in the festivities; from Berlin, Brunswick, Dresden, Eisenach Leipsic, Merseburg, Naumberg, and many other places; even from Basle, in Switzerland, which was several hundred miles away, arrived one of the knees and truest friends of homoeopathy, Dr. Siegrist. It was a very happy fathering of many men, all aiming at one goal. Many, who had previously only known and esteemed each other by some, become personally acquainted; older friends met again, and many a hearty nd fruitful relationships was begun or considered. On the 10th August at 6 o, clock in the morning, some music was played in honour of the old man there was a table aimed after the manner of an alter decorated with flowers and oak leaves, and on which stood a life-like bust of Hahnemann, which had been executed for the Association. Near-by on a side table, was a magnificent and exquisitely finished alter oil- painting of Hahnemann, in a gold lithographs reproduced from it. After the numerous assembly, in which the family of he recipient of this homage jointed, had grouped themselves, the old man was led in by Dr. Stapf. Then Baron von Gersdorff, in short address gave him the greetings and congratulations for the day, in. the name of all present, and placed a wreath of fresh laurel leaves on the bust. After this, Dr. Rummel handed over the Diploma of Congratulations which the Medical Faculty had sent from Erlangen. Stapf gave a edition de luxe of Hahnemann Lesser Writings, collected and edited by himself, and Dr. Albrecht (Doctor of Laws) of Dresden, the Legal defender of homoeopathy, gave a valuable poem.

Deeply touched by this demonstration of friendship, in this festive hour, the venerable man spoke words of import filled with heartfelt joy and gratitude, and then received the personal congratulations of those who were present.

The honored scholar received in addition, from far and near, many numerous and pleasing tributes of recognition and cordiality. We remember first of all the Jubilee gift, with which the Duke and Duchess of Anhalt-Cothen surprised Hahnemann, accompanied by a gracious letter in their own handwriting; this was a golden snuff-box, with initials in diamonds (Hahnemann priced the value of the box in his will at 8o to 100 thaler-R. H.) and an antique drinking cup;’ there was also a diploma of honorary membership from the society of Natural Philosophy of Osterland at Altenburg, as well as a large number of letters from friends expressing congratulations and good wishes.

After these festive greetings, the assembled company met in. the garden, at the invitation of the venerable host, and spent a few happy hours with him in leaned conversation for many never to be forgotten. At one o, clock all re-assembled in a room of the hotel.., in which he banquet was tone held, to discuss the way in which the existing sum of 950 thalers could be most appropriately used for the promotion of homoeopathy; this sum had increased in the last few days through unexpected contributions, to 1,200 thalers.

After much discussion it was decided to leave the money in hand in the care of Hofrat Dr. Muhlenbein and Dr. Rummel, to be invested at interest, so that I might increase, and also that increase should be made by the sale of the lithographs on hand of Hahnemann portrait, and of the programs of the festivities, and continued collecting, and only when the sum had so considerably increased that something big could be undertaken, was a more explicit definition of its use to be made; yet the erecting of a homoeopathic clinic was the highest goal to be attained the locality of which was to be discussed later.

All those who were present undertook to supply further contributions for this highly beneficent object, and send then to the administrators of the capital sum, who in their turn were to publish from time to time, the names of the contributors in the Archiv of the homoeopathic Art of Healing, or have them mentioned in the index of names, which was published at the end, and that an official statement of accounts was to be rendered. the upon followed the foundation of a society of Homoeopathic Physicians he members of which were to consist of true homoeopaths. this society was to meet once a year on the 10th of August, in a locality chosen by themselves.

At the end of this meeting those present assembled for the banquet, where they were jointed by several influential strangers, who were staying at the time at Cothen to regain health through Hahnemann’s treatment under his personal supervision. He, for whom the banquet was held, had, had declined to be present for very valid reasons; therefore the place of honour remained vacant, as he was irreplaceable.

Joy and cheerfulness animated the meal and many toasts were proposed.

At the invitation of Hahnemann, all those present returned to his house at six o’clock, and spent the evening hours with him, in friendly and learned conversation. they all partook of a happy meal, and it was late when they departs, with hearty wishes for the welfare of a life so dear to them all;f or in the second part of th century of his indefatigable activity, humanity and science would have to thank him for much that was great and beneficial.

Thus ended the celebration of the Festal Day, which has been secretly arranged beforehand by faithful love and veneration..


Written in excellent Latin and consisting of thirty-four pages, had been printed by Stapf, and contained the following statements:

With Hahnemann begins a new epoch in medicine. He has not only criticised the old and new systems but has discovered something quite new, homoeopathy, which differing from all previous systems, although surmised by a few, had not hitherto been logically evolved by any.

No other science of treatment conforms more closely to the laws of mature, none cures diseases so well, but has discovered something quite new, homeopathy, which differing from all previous systems, although surmised by a few, had not hitherto been logically evolved by any.

No other science of treatment confirms more closely to the laws of nature,. none cures diseases so well, but one diverges to much from the ordinary path was homoeopathy.

It is therefore not surprising that it has so many friends and enemies. All previous systems based only on the opinions of their day, have vanished;the laws of nature are eternal. All previous systems owe their origin to speculations; but homoeopathy alone is based on the law of nature, and therefore it will continue to grow and come to light.

After a detailed account of Hahnemann’s life, the author asks the question. What is this exceptional something that Hahnemann has given to Medical science by his discovery?

Hahnemann doubted, very early in his career, the accuracy of the generally accept teaching of medical treatment, and recognized the sad condition of medicinal science, he could not area to use a medical art, the, the deficiencies and dangers of which he had learned to understand;he gave up medical practice, a s he preferred honorable poverty to a had conscience. He struggled for many years to support his family by translations derived from his wealth of knowledge in chemistry and foreign languages. Yet he yearned, again and again, for mistakes, which led away even the best physicians from the right path.

Thus he recognized the general error, which held most medical men captive; they exercised their profession unsupported by observations and experience, and led by useless suppositions and opinions, they were trying in vain to grasp the inner cause of disease, which all always remain hidden from the mind.

He gradually established the conviction, that other means would have to be found to help the art of healing, and came to the conclusion, that only real experience could be trusted, and that only observations of the effects of medicines carried out on the healthy body would attain the aim.

Through the translation of Cullen’s Materia Medica in 1790, Hahnemann was induced to try the effect of China bark on himself. The fundamental thought of homoeopathy was discovered in this way. He did not rest content with his isolated fact, but added further proving with remedies, and discovered in that way the true law of healing which corresponds to the order of nature. This had been sensed by previous investigators, but had been brought to light by none.

Hahnemann acted with the greatest precaution when he began to try the method of treatment on patients. He succeeded in curing diseases more thoroughly, more easily, and with more certainty than had been possible for any other physician.

Experiments, repeated a hundred times, and careful observations, made him certain that he had discovered the true natural law of treatment, in accordance with which every remedy would quickly cure all disease in a gentle, sure, and pleasant way, if only the signs it had produced on the healthy body corresponded as far as possible with the the symptoms of disease. He also recognized that previous successful cures must have depended upon the same principle.

Richard Haehl
Richard M Haehl 1873 - 1932 MD, a German orthodox physician from Stuttgart and Kirchheim who converted to homeopathy, travelled to America to study homeopathy at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia, to become the biographer of Samuel Hahnemann, and the Secretary of the German Homeopathic Society, the Hahnemannia.

Richard Haehl was also an editor and publisher of the homeopathic journal Allgemcine, and other homeopathic publications.

Haehl was responsible for saving many of the valuable artifacts of Samuel Hahnemann and retrieving the 6th edition of the Organon and publishing it in 1921.
Richard Haehl was the author of - Life and Work of Samuel Hahnemann