Bowel Flora

I would remain you that for a long period, bacteriologists relying upon the experimental evidence, mainly on animals, that non-lactose fermenting bacilli of the intestinal tract did not produce any pathological lesion, induced the physician to accept the idea that these organism played no part in causing diseases.

I think it can now be established that the non-lactose fermenting bacilli of the intestinal tract do play a part in chronic disease, and the proof has come, not from thee laboratory but from the clinical success which has followed the administration of the potentized vaccine (nosode) made from these organisms.

The bacteriologist must now accept evidence of the physicians that these organism s are pathogenic – and here may I give my interpretation of the word “pathogenic”. In derivation it means “originating disease”, but I would prefer to modify this for the purpose of this paper, as meaning “associated with disease”. I visualize the germs as being present but not necessarily causing the symptoms complex – the disease. Such an interpretation may not be literally accurate but I suggest that it is more scientifically correct, and in any case it will help me to discuss with you the more practical aspect of his paper. You have help you a list with two columns, one under the heading “organisms” and the other “associate remedies.” From this it become possible for any physician engaged in general practice, without the technical knowledge, or the facilities of a bacteriological lab oratory, to determine for himself the role played by any of the organisms named in the first column. In this the physician who has been fortunate enough to acquire knowledge of homoeopathic practice

THE POTENTIZED REMEDY AND THE BOWEL FLORA (Paterson ) British Homoeopathic Journal (April 1936) AMENDED LIST, (AUGUST 1948)

Organisms Associated Remedies

I. B. MORGAN (BACH) (a) B. Morgan (pure).. Alumina Graphites (Paterson) Baryta carb. Kali carb. Calcarea carb. Mag. carb. Calcarea sulph. Nat. carb. Carbo veg. Petroleum Carbo sulph. Sepia Digitalis SULPHUR Ferrous carb.

Medorrhinum, Psorinum, tuberc.bov.

(b) B. Morgan-Gaertner.. Chelidonium LYCOPODIUM Chenop. Mercurius sulph. Hellebore Sanguinaria Hepar sulph. Taraxacum

II. B. PROTEUS…… Aurum mur. Ignatia Apis Kali mur. Baryta mur. Mag. mur. Calcarea mur. Muriatic acid Conium Natrum mur. Cuprum Secale Ferrum mur.

III. B. “No. VII”…. Arsen. iod Kali carb. Bromine KALI IOD. Calcarea iod. Kali nit. Ferrum iod. Mercurius iod. Kali bichrom. Nat. iod Kali brom.

IV. B. GAERTNER…… Calcarea fluor. Nat. phos. Calc. hypoph. Nat. sil. fluor. Calcarea phos. PHOS. Calcarea sil. Phytolacca. Kali phos. Pulsatilla Mag. phos. SILICA MERC VIV. Zincum met. phos. Syphilinum


VI. SYCOCCUS (Paterson).. Antimonium tart. Nitric acid Calcarea met. Rhus. tox. Ferrum met. THUJA Nat. sulph. Bacillinum

VII. COCCI (Bowel)…. Tuberculinum Bacillinum

VIII. “No GROWTH”…. MERC. SOL. and is acquainted with the homoeopathic materia medica has a peculiar advantage. In the second column he will find many remedies used in homoeopathic practice, and of which he has formed a mental picture of their pathogenesis – or ” proving:. By compounding the system complexes of each of the group remedies, he can form a symptom picture of pathogenesis of the individual organism. WIth this in mind he may then use the product – the potentized vaccine – the nosode in the treatment of disease and by his results determine whether the organism does play any role in chronic disease. He may also, by clinical trial determine if the nosode does complement and enhance, as I suggest it does,, the action of the remedies in the group. The bowel nosodes have been available and been used by homoeopathic physician since 1928 and thus there should be opportunity for many of you now present to give evidence of the therapeutic value- or otherwise – of these nosodes.

This table can also be of service to the physician use a bacteriological report. Should there be a particular non-lactose organism reported as present, practical guidance is afford in two directions. Note should be made of the actual percentage of the non-lactose to other organism present and this determines according to a proposition I formulated in a previous paper “The Potentized Drug and Its Action on the Bowel Flora “, B. H. J., April 1936, whether it is advisable to give or to withhold the administration of a vaccine or nosode at that moment.

Probably of great importance is the fact that the finding of a particular type of non-lactose organism at once indicates to the physician a small group of remedies which he may consider as applicable to the case. Experience has shown that where a specific non-lactose organism has been identified, a remedy from that group has given evidence of clinical action. In chronic disease it is often impossible to get a clinical picture from which to choose a remedy and the stool examination is thus of great value in giving guidance to a possible group of associated remedies, in such cases.

The clinical test has proved that the non-lactose fermenting bacilli of the intestinal tract do play a role in chronic disease.

As I have already mentioned, the bacteriological investigation should not stop there and I have offered for your future interest and assistance a working hypothesis founded upon the typing of the B. Coli. You must no longer accept a bacteriological report which states,” no pathogenic organisms, B. coli only.’

The lactose fermenting bacilli of the intestinal tract- the group known as work in as laboratory but on clinical observation on the sick human.

I suggest that in asking for bacteriological reports on stool specimens, you request that the B.coli be typed according to the MacConkey grouping, which you will find on the reverse side of the paper before you. I have suggested that the B. coli according to that grouping is related to a corresponding non- lactose type and that the nosode of that non-lactose type with its group of associated remedies, can be used with clinical benefit in chronic disease.

From my clinical observations, I then assert that B. coli can be pathogenic – that they may play a role in chronic disease.

I appeal, not to the bacteriologist, but to the clinician to test out this working hypothesis.

In conclusion I would borrow from Chronic Disease, A Working Hypothesis by Bach and Wheeler, the publication with which I introduced this paper and with slight modification I would say: “My conclusion are based on twenty years work, bacteriological and clinical, and my results are such that I desire to invite as wide testing as possible of both conclusions and practice.

“For if my colleagues can confirm me out of their experience, they will find themselves possessed of a new and powerful weapon for treatment of chronic disease, and if they cannot me, then one more hopeful path will be shown to be a blind alley and we can turn to new explanations.”


Bach and Wheeler (1925) Chronic Disease – A Working Hypothesis. Gurney -Dixon (1919)
Transmutation of Bacteria. Rettger and Cheplin (1921)
Intestinal Flora (With special reference to the Implantation of the Bacillus acidophilus). Yale University Press. Havens (1935)
The Bacteriology of Typhoid, Salmonella and Dysentery Infections. Hinshelwood (1946) Chemical Kinetics of the Bacterial Cell. Paterson (1936)
“The Potentized Drug and Its Action on the Bowel Flora.” British Homoeopathic Journal. — (1933)
“Sycosis and Sycotic Co.” British Homeopathic Journal. —- (1936)
“Technique in the Preparation of the Non-lactose Fermenting Nosodes of the Bowel and Indications for Their Use”. Transactions of Eleventh Congress of International Homeopathic League, Glasgow,August 1936.


Dr., HAMILTON : I would like to thank Dr. Paterson very much for his most interesting paper.

It has been shown that the non-lactose fermenting organism have been found in the stool associate with some cases of chronic disease, and in considering the application of the nosode in treatment it seems to me that the following general principles should be born in mind :

(1) Each of the non-lactose fermenting organism is associated with a specific form of chronic disease and has its own particular and peculator symptomatology.

E.g., the symptomatology of Morgan is different from that of Gaertner or Proteus, etc.

Also, it has been found that the symptomatology of each of these organisms is similar in many ways with that of other remedies.

E.g., Morgan with Sulphur, Proteus with Nat. mur., Morgan- Gaertner with Lycopodium.

These remedies have been found to be complementary to he nosodes.

(2) Often in a difficult case, one cannot decide which remedy to give even after the most careful repertorization. Two or more remedies may have equally strong indications in the case. In these circumstances, a nosode is often useful since in its own symptomatology it combines the symptoms of the other remedies.

John Paterson
John Paterson 1890 – 1954 was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. John Paterson was a Microbiologist, who was married to Elizabeth Paterson, also a Microbiologist. They both worked at the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital and at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital.
John Paterson was President of International Homeopathic Medical League in 1939.
John Paterson wrote The Bowel Nosodes, and he was responsible for introducing them into British homeopathy n the 1920s.