11. Topography

Carbo veg is related to Arnica and Selenium which are its complementary.

In the laryngitis of influenza, laryngial cough, catarrhal laryngitis with incessant cough, it is always better not to wait for the search of a simillimum. It is better to use the more sure remedies alternately. As for example we may prescribe Drosera 200, one dose, followed every hour by Sambucus 6, Rumex 6 and Spongia 6. We will thus have a good and rapid result.

Cuprum metallicum is an important antispasmodic remedy, specially useful in whooping cough or in whooping cough like cough with possible cyanosis and laryngial suffocation (like Carbo vegetabilis). Amelioration by drinking cold water (like Causticum.)

Corallium rubrum is the opposite of Cuprum. The child becomes red during the fit of whooping cough. Really speaking Cuprum acts also very well, even if the child becomes red during the fit.

Let us recall here some of the principal remedies of whooping cough: Belladonna, Ipeca, Drosera, Coccus cacti, Mephitis, Arnica, Cina and the nosode Pertussin.

There are the principal remedies having an elective action on the larynx and trachea. Let us now consider the remedies having a local elective action on the bronchi, the lungs and the pleura.

II Lower Respiratory system.

1. Pleurisy and pleuritis.

Seven remedies are of the first importance: Sulphur iodatum which is the most important of all. Its satellite is Arsenicum iodatum; then the trio of pleurisy: Bryonia, Rananculus bulbosus, Asclepias tuberosa; finally the duo of the exudation: Cantharis and Apis, to which we may add Kali carbonicum.

Sulphur iodatum is indicated in pleuritis for avoiding pleurisy. In course of pleurisy, to check symphysis, and finally when there is symphysis. It is also indicated in Corticopleuritis Sulphur iodatum, acts rather on the left lung, while Phosphorus triodatus acts rather on the right.

Arsenicum iodatum has the same indications as that of Sulphur iod. It is an excellent remedy in general, in oxygenoid tubercular patients, more or less menaced by pulmonary bacillosis. Has special action on the right lung.

Bryonia is the most important of the three remedies of pleuritis. Pains ameliorated by rest, aggravated by movement. Right sided.

Rananculus bulbosus: Pleurodynia aggravated by humidity. Left laterality. Marked action in rheumatic and alcoholic patients in relation to Lachesis and Sulphur.

Asclepias tuberosa: Tubercular condition. Acts specially on the left base.

Cantharis and Apis are the remedies of exudation. Cantharis being the most important.

Kali carb is a remineralising remedy. Should be applied at the end of pleurisy.

One point merits special mention here: Opposition between Sulphur iodatum and Phosphorus triodatus. Phosphorus triodatus is more indicated in tubercular patients having central pulmonary lesions of caseous type, while Sulphur iodatum responds to peripheric fibro-caseous or fibrous lesions.

Finally, let us not forget the remarkable decongestive action of Sepia on the left apex. Sepia is an important but the most misunderstood remedy of tuberculosis and of congestion of the left apex. When one treats a recalcitrant tuberculous patient, when he does not react to medicines and seems to evolve towards an evolutive phase, with a left apical localisation we must think of Sepia, even in the absence of the general symptoms of the remedy.

II. Pulmonary and bronchial affections.

Lycopodium and Chelidonium act on the right base purely topographically, affecting the whole inferior portion of the hemithorax (right) (right lobe of the liver, pleural cul-de-sac, base of the right lung). It is opposed to Sulphur, Natrum sulphuricum, Antimonium sulphuricum aurum acting specially on left base in asthma.

Bryonia is indicated from the pulmonary point of view. It acts specially on the right lung.

Antimonium tartaricum acts on the two lungs, like Ipeca. Antimonium is one of the most faithful remedy of expectoration. Elective action on the bronchial mucous and on the bronchial alveoles. Has also action on the heart. Ipeca acts on the contrary through the medium of the vagus on the diaphragm and on the bronchial mucous. It acts very well on the respiratory spasms and bronchial mucous. But it may cause congestion if it is given very often or in very high dilutions.

Ethyl sulphuricum dichloratum is the remedy of the acute oedema of the lungs. Satellite of Phosphorus and of Sulphur.

Phosphorus is here an important remedy of pulmonary congestions, of bronchopneumonias and of pneumonias, action electively on the parenchyma of the lungs, specially on the right side.

Silicea is opposed to Phosphorus. It acts on the interstitial pulmonary tissues, on the pulmonary elasticity. It is a remedy of suppuration, and a remedy of emphysema as well (metabolical trouble of silicate on the lungs). In persons suffering from emphysema one will often give Phosphorus and Silicea alternately in high dilutions. Phosphorus during congestive phases. Silicea for giving more elasticity.

We will not speak here again about different antispasmodic remedies such as Cuprum, Ipeca, Hydrocyanic acid, etc., which we have already studied. We will speak only about those that have elective action. Phellandrium: pain which crosses the right apex; Myrtus communis on the right apex; Illicium, pain specially on the third rib of the right side and of the corresponding cartilage; Chelidonium: spontaneous pain, one or two centimetres below the lower angle of the right shoulder-blade. Chenopodii glauci aphis has similar pain on the left shoulder blade.

And let us now conclude our study by some general consideration about the important ground remedies of the respiratory apparatus. We may say that there exists an axis formed by four important remedies (Schema II): Sulphur, Phosphorus, Arsenic and Carbo vegetabilis.

Sulphur is used specially in congestive stages, but the remedy has a centrifugal action. It is used at the end of acute stage.

Phosphorus is also a remedy of congestive states, but as the action of the remedy is centripetal it should be manipulated rightly.

Arsenic is indicated when the patient has lost his vitality. Carbo vegetabilis is used when there is a greater loss of the vital force.

Often the respiratory troubles evolve according to these four remedies, i.e. to say one may check the gravest (Carbo veg) and less grave (Sulphur).

On each side of our schema we may indicate: Lachesis, the great remedy of hyposphyxic conditions; Ignatia, Cimicifuga, Cuprum are the remedies of spasms. On the left of our table on the top: Lycopodium, pneumonia of children with fanning of the nostrils; Nux vomica its complementary; Thuya and Natrum sulphuricum, remedies of hydrogenoid constitution and of sycosis, opposed to psoric conditions of all the other remedies of the chart; Sepia, a remedy of the respiratory system, though it is less important, yet it should not be neglected; it is related to Nux vomica and Thuya; Causticum, a remedy of aphonia laryngial paresis, in related to Thuya and Natrum sulphuricum.

Psorinum is very important in pulmonary affections specially chronic and responds to chronic Sulphur aggravated, while evolving towards Carbo veg and Opium (uremia).

Silicea and Phosphorus are opposed to each other; Silicea is related to Natrum muriaticum, which follows Natrum sulphuricum. Between Sulphur and Iodium is placed Sulphur iodatum, which is very important in tuberculinics. The adolescent Natrum muriaticum, which evolves towards Silicea, may have pulmonary lesions or serious functional troubles which may evolve towards Sepia or Lachesis. The patients of Sepia and Lachesis are often chronic Natrum muriaticum or chronic Pulsatilla. Natrum muriaticum has also important relations with Calcarea carbonica and with its complementary Hepar sulphur, a remedy of suppurations (pulmonary), which may later on evolve towards Silicea. We may still indicate some satellites of these polychrests Opium and Morphinum, remedies of uremic coma. Around Opium: Cuprum arsenicosum (spasms), Ammonium carbonicum, Carbolic acid, Helleborus.

Carbolic acid, Helleborus, Opium and Morphinum are the four remedies of Cheyne-Stokes respiration.

Between Phosphorus and Carbo veg: Cuprum and Veratrum album. Let us also think of the trio of vagotonia: Ipeca, Hydrocyanic acid, Lobelia inflata.

Silicea has some relations with Baryta carbonicum in pulmonary sclerosis.

Pulsatilla is an important drainer of Phosphorus, Sulphur and Lycopodium.

Rhus toxicodendron, the drainer of Thuya and Natrum Sulphuricum.

We find also the three important remedies of the drainage of Dr. Nebel’s tuberculinics : Pulsatilla, drainer of Marmoreck Rhus tox, drainer of T.R. and Denys, Nux vomica drainer of T.K. Sometimes T.R. and the hydrogenoid conditions are drained by Nux vomica and Ipecac.

Sulphur’s important satellite in acute cases: Aconite.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.