MOSCHUS signs and symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from the Text Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics of Rare Homeopathic Remedies by Oscar Hansen. Find out the indications for the use of homeopathy medicine MOSCHUS…

Characteristics Symptoms

      Trembling of whole body. Scolding even to faintness. Pricking in body and “fidgets,” preventing sleep Nervous. Faintness. Vertigo, with a sensation as if falling down from a great height. Scalp is very sensitive to touch. Sounds in ears as from the report of a cannon. Urine as clear as water and copious. Sudden sensation in upper part of larynx as if it closed upon the breath. Breathing oppressed; must take a deep breath. Breathing oppressed; must take a deep breath. Difficult, short respiration with sticking in right of the chest, better during rest. Cramp in lung with inclination to cough, gradually increasing and making the patient desperate. Tightness of the chest; must breathe deeper and more frequently than usual. Suffocative constriction; cannot lie down and gasps for air. Palpitation of the heart. Involuntary movements of the limbs. Coldness of the surface. Aggravation: From cold, in the open air. Amelioration: From warmth, in a warm room.


      Hysteria, faints dead away from the least excitement, even from eating. (Asafoet., Nux mosch). Hysterical spasm, ushered in by contraction of throat and suffocation. Globus hystericus. Syncope, great flatulence, causing fainting by pressure on the solar plexus. Incontrollable laughter. Diabetes, great thirst, profuse urination, loaded with sugar. Violent neuralgic headache, with feeling of coldness, aggravated by open air, relieved by warmth of the room. Spasmodic nervous hiccough. (Best remedy). Suppressed menses, with hysterical spasms, choking in throat, fainting. Also too early and too profuse menses, with intolerable itching of the genitalia. Violent sexual desire, with intolerable titillation in the genital organs, in both male and female. Laryngismus stridulus, with crowing inspiration, attacks excited by eating or laughing. Spasmodic constriction of the larynx and chest, and sense of impending suffocation are associated with many diseases. Spasmodic asthma, with violent cough, much mucus in the chest, great rattling and constriction of chest. Threatening paralysis of the lungs, with great collection of mucus and difficult expectoration. Angina pectoris, with constant desire to take a long breath. Whooping-cough, with suffocation, and rattling of mucus. Extreme palpitation of heart, with dyspnoea and deathly anxiety.

Oscar Hansen
Dr. Oscar Hansen, M.D., from Denmark, was a corresponding member of the British Homeopathic Society and the American Institute of Homeopathy. His book 'Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics of Rare Homeopathic Remedies' was published in 1899.