JUGLANS CINEREA signs and symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from the Text Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics of Rare Homeopathic Remedies by Oscar Hansen. Find out the indications for the use of homeopathy medicine JUGLANS CINEREA…


Characteristic Symptoms

      Sharp, shooting pain in occiput. Jaundice (Nux vomica), with stitching pains about the liver, pain under the right scapula. (Chelidon., Bryon.). Stools yellowish-green with tenesmus and burning in anus. Eruption resembling eczema simplex with itching and pricking when heated by over-exertion. Itching and burning pustules. The itching ameliorated by scratching. Eruption resembling flush of scarlatina. The greater part of the eruptions appear on the lower extremities and sacrum.


      Occipital headache. Angina pectoris, with suffocative pain behind sternum, aggravated especially by walking, and has to stand still. Scarlatina. Eczema. Herpes circinatus. Impetigo. Lichen. Erysipelas. Erythema nodosum. Ecthyma.

Oscar Hansen
Dr. Oscar Hansen, M.D., from Denmark, was a corresponding member of the British Homeopathic Society and the American Institute of Homeopathy. His book 'Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics of Rare Homeopathic Remedies' was published in 1899.