Some Cases by Dr Dulac

She considered the things calmly and told me that her son, full of beauty, laborious and docile to advices will easily recoup what he has lost. (Hahnemannism v. III, p. 260, 1870).


Our earth contains all the modifiers, mental as well as physical. And if we had known all these modifiers and could have used them, we would have been less surprised of some singular anomalies that we meet with in good natures. Thus I have known at Paris people of very high intelligence having some weakness which surprise me.

One was conceited, proud (Platina).

An other was naive and candid (Stram).

A third credulous up to puerility (Bell).

A fourth, without energy and without character (Petroleum).

With Platina, Stramonium, Belladonna they were made complete men. (Letter of 24-11-1876, p.1)

Alumina, Causticum, Nux vomica and Sulphur suit to those who, while healthy, were sensitive, devout, prompt and ardent, and who in consequence of a morbid state have become of a different and opposite character.

Persons who were resolute and courageous have become inconstant and pusillanimous require Nux vomica.

A man who is indifferent to things of sentiment, when he becomes jealous up to crime requires Hyoscyamus and Lachesis.

There are others for other medicines. (Letter of 5-5-1879)

After having given a medicine Nux vomica, to a patient having a psychic condition: the following day, well marked pain and numbness of the kidney and in all the limbs is for me, in case of mental diseases a proof of cure.

Because unfortunately, the mind then alone suffers, and when the sufferings appear, there is everything to be hoped.


Some other indications of Dr. Dulac

1. Phosphorus: Mental depression, mental agony. (Hahnemannism, v. II, p. 194).

2. Natrum muriaticum 1000: Consolation aggravates chagrin and tears. (Dulac, v. II, p. 235)

3. Deep discouragement and hopelessness because of a purely imaginary cause (Dulac, v. II, p.255) Veratrum 200.

Deep discouragement and hopelessness with the impulse to suicide in a smoker cured by Tabacum 30. (Lembert)

4. Impulse to homicide without motive (Dulac, v. II, p.255), Nux vomica 4000, 3 cases.

5. Mercurius vivus (Dulac, v. II. P. 157): Homicidal impulse caused by contrariety.

6. Ignatia 24: Physical or moral illness following loss of fortune. II, 257.

Following unmerited reproaches attacking the delicacy and honour. II. 258.

Unconsolable mothers for the death of single child, engraved and assisted the funerals with courage II, 291, 2.

Strong propensity to suicide in a mother after the sudden loss of child, very prompt cure. (Dr. Lambert).

7. Rhus: Fear of being poisoned. Hahnemannism, v. II, p.258. 290.

8. Mental derangement following loss of fortune: Ignatia, Rhus, Natrum, Calcarea carb. 200, given at an interval of 15 days and in the above order. II. 258.

9. Belladonna 30: Impulsion to suicide (window, instrument) with red cheek. 11. 289.

10. Phosph ac. 12: Following betrayed confidence, pulse small and rapid, general heat, red patches on the cheeks, diarrhoea and weakness, II, 290.

11. Ignatia 200: Chagrin, affliction, loss of beloved relative specially in women when there are nervous troubles, spasms, convulsions and in men of mild character and of delicate conscience. II, 291. see 6.

12. Nux Vomica: Would suit better in men in the same circumstances. II, 291.

13. Aconite: away useful against the fright of death and in women in labour. II. 291.

14. Opportunity of treating the passions of men. II, 291-5.

15. Vivus, Sulphur, Sepia, China, Nux. In this order month after, and by repeating different dilutions, the character of a women changed who was irritable, less adorable, taciturn, discontented. Cure in 6 months. II, 294.

16. Bryonia 200: Strong, prompt to become angry, headache characterised by a great fullness and heaviness of the head and sensation while bending down, as if everything is going to come out, 294.

16/2 Ambra: Works in those who are very prompt to shoot. (Dulac by Servan)

Ambra: was successful in a person who did not dare to write in the presence of someone.

17. The Prouds: Lycopod, Platina, Staphysagria, Lachesis, Veratrum.

The egoists: Sulphur, Lycopodium, Silicea, Calcarea carb., Solubilis. Helinois and indicate persons: Calcarea Carb., Natrum mur., Nitric ac., Ammonium carb.

The violents and angry: Nux vomica, Bryon., Calcarea carb., Phosphorus

The envious: Lycopod., Arsenicum, Pulsatilla, Staphysagria, Lachesis Hahnemannism. II, 295.

18. Calcarea carb. 30 and 600: Deep hate and antipathy against someone, 2 cures. II, 523.

19. Natrum mur. 20: exasperated and vomiting the most fearful blasphemies: great weakness, dryness of the tongue and great thirst, irregular and intermittent pulse. II. 624.

20. Sulphur 600, Nux 600: At the critical age, melancholic, weeps without reason, finds life bitter although in fortunate position. Noises, smells, the least contrariety and admonitions irritate in the highest degree.

Sulphur changes he melancholy more mild and Nux-v. brings the gay and charming character back. II, 525.

21. Platina 6600: cured a young man who had a dry character, proud, without respect for those he loved better and became reserved, respectful, submissive to this parents. III, 39.

Platina: Does it not to our society so proud and which wants the sense of veneration.

22. Iodium 200: Exaltation and great desire of vengeance, to fight in a duel, shivering although apparently very hot, III, 40-


23. Belladonna 30: Has cured many cases of imbecility in young girls during pregnancy, apathetic, indifferent, repulsion for the society, distracted, vague look, intelligence less clear and less lucid. Hahnemannism. III, 41.

24. Hepar sulph 30: Has changed the bad mood during three months of puberty and who since two months, had become hot-heated, violent irascible, spoke such a volubility that one had not always the time reasoning and did not wish to listen the most just observations, III, 261.

25. Natrum muriaticum 30: Given once every week for 10 weeks cured a young man doing the 2nd year studies in the Ecole polytechnique having the following symptoms: combine the ideas while listening and reading; inaptitude to thinking and to serious works. Figures and numbers written on the mathematical tables meant nothing to him and seemed as if shrouded with mist (cited above). III, 262.

26. Nux vomica 200: has cured an employee a in business of fancy articles, formerly gay, communicative and docile to advices, became after having lost his position, morose, capricious, irritable, and easily losing control of himself; the least contradiction put him out of his self-control and he remained hours after hours without taking part in the conversation. (already cited).

27. Platina 600: Cured him later on when he has some proud ideas lost the respects for his superiors and that he become cold haughty, and very much satisfied of himself (already cited). Dulac, id.p.263-4.

28. Sulphur 600: Has cured the mother of the young man mentioned above, who fell in a deep melancholy. She lost her sleep, was disgusted of her life, fearing the future. The remedy produced at first slight aggravation on the week, although she has taken only once 2 globules dry (already cited) Dulac, id.p.264.

29. Gaspary has cured with Baryta carb., a toothache which tormented the patient during each menstruation and who was forced to extract the tooth, but in vain. Besides, this remedy afraid and becoming afraid for a bagatelle. Bibliotheque Homoeopathique de Geneve. 2nd ser., v. 2, p.115.

30. Natrum muriaticum was successful in a child who was late in speaking.

Dr. Dulac while experimenting the remedy remained mute for 24 hours. Letter of the 23.11.1874.

31. Sulphur suits when the patient is very anxious of his future and of his domestic affairs. Dulac. Biblioth. H. 1874. VI, p. 216.

Summary Indications of Medicines in Psychic Diseases.

32. Alumina, Causticum, Nux vomica, Sulphur suit to sensitive character, devout, prompt, ardent zealous and good above all. Letter of 28.8.1876, p.1.

33. Nux vomica, which suits to persons who become easily angry, egoists. Makes them sweet, cordial and warm.

Nux: Suits then to persons, good, cordial, whose character has become completely changed. Letter of 14-9-1176, p.2.

34. Pulsatilla: “If Hahnemann has said that Pulsatilla cured women who are naturally mild, peaceful, docile and submitted, it is that they have in these primitive symptoms, these qualities but quite the contrary. Thus, when I have taken or gave Pulsatilla to another in high dilution, I have always produced in myself and in my patient, irritativeness, unsubmission, and sulkiness etc. The same is the case with all the medicines. Letter of 14.9.1974, p.4.

35. Hepar: Cured the disposition to murder when it exists even in patients of good character, because it can produce this disposition in them. Letter of 14.9.1876, p.4.

36. Lachesis and Arsenic may cure perfidy in persons the most loyal made perfidious momentarily by the disease. Letter of 14.9.1876, p.4.

37. Carbo vegetabilis: When I have taken it, it has made me sceptic, defiant of my own power. And with it I have cured some sceptic persons. 14.9.1876, p.4.

Jean Pierre Gallavardin
Jean Pierre Gallavardin (1825 – 1898) was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to gain international renown. Gallavardin was a Physician at the Homeopathic Hospital in Lyons.
Gallavardin set up a homeopathic Dispensary for the cure of alcoholics, often working in conjunction with priests, and he wrote several books on this subject.
Jean Pierre Gallavardin wrote Psychism and Homeopathy, The Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism, How to Cure Alcoholism the Non-toxic Homoeopathic Way, Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica, Plastic Medicine, and articles for The British Journal of Homeopathy, On Phosphoric Paralysis, and he collated the statistics on pneumonia and other cases for the United States Journal of Homeopathy, and he contributed widely to homeopathic publications.