Intelligence development

I am persuaded that, when the psychic indications of homoeopathic medicines will be well studied and well known and when the medicines will be used more caution, one will obtain in the mentally deranged persons, a proportion of cure still more high than those of the Middletown asylum.

VI. The cases cited above and those that I have not yet cited, force me to believe that, by destroying, by the help of medicines, the evil impulses of the most different characters. I have perhaps made some of my clients avoid some occasions of vices and scandals (libertinage, legal separation) and even homicides or suicides so frequently committed in our time under the influence of grief, fit of anger, of jealousy or intoxication. By Ameliorating the character of persons. I have besides increased individual happiness and that of their families.

The above observations will also lead, besides, the moralists to consider from a new point of view, the human responsibility that may be increased or diminished almost at will by giving some medicines and even by the use of some foods, which I will show later on.

There are some medicines which are capable to develop and consequently-similia similibus curanter to destroy almost all the modalities of the character and of intelligence of man; and these modalities are of very great number. I have the intention to make known, in a special work, the medicines indicated against most of these different modalities.

While trying to popularise this new application of medicine exposed here. I only follow in their spirit, the advices more or less explicit or eminent philosophers: Socrates, St. Augustin, Descartes-who considered the the medicine as being able to contribute usefully to the moral and intellectual culture of man as I will expose later on.

However I have not the naivety to believe that, by the help of different medical agents and even by the help of agents of much more higher order and with which I have not to occupy myself here, I have not, say, the naivety to believer that men may come o this earth with an indefinite perfection and with complete happiness. It I had that illusion, it would be very soon dissipated, having a retrospective view on the history of the humanity, where I would see in the antiquity people by some centuries of barbarism and in modern times citing but one example, the 18th century to end in France as one knows, after having been qualified by the contemporarians of the century of enlightenment, of philanthrophy and of tolerance.

But whatever may happen, our duty is, when we cannot do better we can at least do good in the more or less restricted circle of our individual activity. And this is precisely what I have just attempted here by exposing the utility of the medicines for the amelioration of the character and of the intelligence of man.

As nothing has been created without reason, one should presume that if the medicines have the psychic properties, it is for being used to that end. Let the doctors then walk in the new path. They will be recompensed by the satisfaction to have done some good, if not by the gratitude of their patients.

VII. If by the use of medicines used to the end that I have just exposed, we may obtain fortunate results, personal and social in civilised men, we would perhaps obtain better results in persons less or not civilised, wither because there is more to ameliorate in the latter, or because they will be rather influenced by the material agents amelioration than by the agents of a higher order. What are the first defects of character and vices to check in them in order to be able make them civilised? Wickedness, the ferocity and the polygamy. The latter is considered by all our missionaries as the greatest obstacle to the conversion and to the civilisation of the barbarous tribes. It never existed in fact, in civilised people of the antiquity and those of the modern times. I restrict myself to state the fact, because here it is not the place to find out its very complex explanation. I think that it is enough to indicate the medicines which might diminish or cure that disposition to ferocity and polygamy.

Higher up I have mentioned three medicines: Nux vomica, Lachesis, Natrum muriaticum, which cure the disposition to wickedness, now I am going to make known a fourth.


A husband very wicked towards his wife and to all the members of his family. Cured by Arsenicum 200.

One single dose of Arsenicum album 200, which was given to him without his knowledge in a soup, was sufficient to cure this husband of his wickedness really exceptional. He himself had the conciseness of rapid change of his character and he believed that it was due to some glasses of syrup of orgeat that he drank at that time. “It seemed,” said he, “the syrup of orget is very good for me because it has changed my character.”

That beautiful cure been effected by a doctor, recently dead, and, to whom I informed some indications regarding mind, of some medicines.

In order to check the disposition to polygamy in a person by the help of medicines, it is necessary to use those that dissipate the disposition to follow that custom which is habitually traditional or rather those that cure the impulse to follow the instincts of the animality. These instincts are, in fact generally predominant in men who have no or less culture, moral or intellectual. It is probable that will be possible to make them renounce more easily polygamy after having stopped or at least considerably diminishing in them the instincts of animality. Among other medicines capable of producing that effects, I will indicate platina with which I have been able to cure the tendency to libertinage in a young peasant who had hardly any moral and intellectual culture than the polygamous uncivilised people and with which I have even suppressed more or less completely some period of abnormal ruts and of normal rut in female animals belonging to different species. I cite below three cases, the last two specially., to show the powerful action of this remedy against some genital impulses. There is every ground to hope that, by ameliorating the latter in polygamous people, it will help them to renounce polygamy; it would destroy besides the senseless pride of the sovereigns of the barbaric people who are the tyrants of their subjects.


Impulse to libertinage in a young girl of 18 years Amelioration by Nux vomica 200. Cured by platina 200.

A maid-servant of a farm, aged 18, very lively, very laborious doing very well her work, had given herself up to libertinage from very early age, and seemed very much disposed to give herself up again and again. Also, as her daily work forced her to go about every evening a part of her village, she took the advantage of accosting the young men whom she met. Following my advice, her master gave her without her knowledge and in her soup, a single dose of Nux vomica 200, which ameliorated notably her genital passions, then six to seven weeks later, a single dose of Platina 200 seemed to extinguish almost completely the genital passion of that young girl; because since then she avoided to do her evening round which furnished her the opportunity to accost on her way many young persons of her village. She is always lively and laborious.


Period of abnormal rut since several months in a mare. Cured by platina 200.

One of my clients asked me if I knew a remedy to cure a mare who was in rut continuing since several months, and because of this she did not let to be groomed by the groom and broke the carriage of her master. I advised him to dissolve 7 to 8 globules of platina 200 in five spoonfuls of water. He should put one spoonful of that solution in half a glass of water with which he should imbibe a handful of bran or a piece of bread, which he should give the mare to eat only once. He should let act this first dose for five days; if it diminishes the genital excitement, he should it act still longer. If this result does not appear at the end of five days or after having manifested, it ceases, he should give another spoonful of medicine administered in the same manner.

The first spoonful of platina, given at different intervals caused only a fleeting calmness, the fourth spoonful caused to disappear the rut for six months, at the end of which a slight return of the rut which was cured by the same remedy.

A dose of platina given very frequently, would have before making to disappear the rut, brought and aggravation as it arrive in a case of a Homoeopathic doctor of Belgium who cured a mare in continual rut with some doses very often repeated, of this remedy. One may avoid this aggravation always useless, sometimes dangerous.


Period of rut in a bitch interrupted during 5 days by a dose of platina 200.

A bitch was in a a period of normal rut. I gave her a single dose of platina 200. The period of rut was completely checked for five days at the end of which it reappeared.

The proprietor of that bitch, thinking the remedy inefficient as it has only produced a momentary effect, made the mistake not to give the medicine every five days as for example a new dose of that remedy which would have then cured completely the period of rut in that bitch, as it did in the case of the mare in the preceding case.

Jean Pierre Gallavardin
Jean Pierre Gallavardin (1825 – 1898) was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to gain international renown. Gallavardin was a Physician at the Homeopathic Hospital in Lyons.
Gallavardin set up a homeopathic Dispensary for the cure of alcoholics, often working in conjunction with priests, and he wrote several books on this subject.
Jean Pierre Gallavardin wrote Psychism and Homeopathy, The Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism, How to Cure Alcoholism the Non-toxic Homoeopathic Way, Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica, Plastic Medicine, and articles for The British Journal of Homeopathy, On Phosphoric Paralysis, and he collated the statistics on pneumonia and other cases for the United States Journal of Homeopathy, and he contributed widely to homeopathic publications.