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Secale cornutum. [Sec]

      Though the symptoms of scale cornutum with reference to the female organism are not of more importance than a half dozen other drugs, we will mention this remedy here. There are a number of drugs which are to be used in uterine haemorrhage and Secale is usually the first one thought of. It has a passive painless flow of dark fluid blood, worse by motion; it this occurs in wrinkled, scrawny women, who become cold and formication is present, Secale is all the more indicated. But in uterine haemorrhages “there are others.”.

Sabina [Sabin]

      Has paroxysmal flow of bright red blood, with pains in joints, small of back and a bruised sensation down anterior surface of thighs. (Ipecac with nausea.).

Trillium. [Tril]

      Active or passive haemorrhage, gush at each movement; sensation as if hips and back were falling apart, relieved by bandaging tightly.

Ustilago. [Ust]

      Bright, partly clotted haemorrhages from passive congestion of uterus, brought on by so slight a cause as a digital examination. Pain in left ovary.

Bovista. [Bov]

      Blood flows from least exertion, menses every two weeks. This and such remedies as Millefolium, Ferrum, Erigeron, Carbo vegetabilis will meet most cases of metrorrhagia and menorrhagia. Intermenstrual pain coming on midway between menses, or intermenstrual haemorrhages, call for Hamamelis. Secale, however, has some other uses in uterine affections, such as displacements following parturition. In tumors of the uterus it has been frequently verified, where the general symptoms of the drug lead up to its use.

Zincum valerianate. [Zinc-val]

      This is a happy combination of two very important remedies for females. It has restlessness, with nerve fag from ovarian and uterine irritation, long continued anxiety, and loss of rest from care of children. The uterus is heavy, not sensitive, but the ovaries are exquisitely tender; probably both uterus and ovaries are prolapsed, tendency to loose bowels. There is a tired feeling in the brain, the patient is confused and continually under a nervous strain. It suits quick, fidgety nervous women easily fagged out with aching, sensitive ovaries. The 2x and 3x have been found to work well.

Ferrum iodatum. [Ferr-i]

      This remedy produces:

1. Bearing down pains in the pelvis, with feeling as if the uterus descended so as to be pushed up when sitting.

2. Starchy leucorrhoea.

3. Pressure on the rectum.

4. Menses more painful than usual.

The remedy finds its field in pale, anaemic, scrofulous subjects, and it has become a favourite with many in prolapsus uteri, and the first and third of the above symptoms have been found excellent ones on which to use the prescription.

Fraxinus Americana. [Frax]

      Pelvic congestion incident to displacements, with no special indication for other remedies.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.