
Caulophyllum [Caul]

      Is a remedy most similar in many respects to Cimicifuga; it does not have the headache, and its rheumatic urination and headache characteristic of the In bearing down and throbbing hypogastric region, with pain the menses become suddenly suppressed from cold; there is symptoms are confined to the smaller joints, while those of Cimicifuga are of the fleshy parts of the muscles. Caulophyllum has as a characteristic a sensation of internal trembling.

Belladonna. [Bell]

      No digest of the remedies affecting the female organism can possibly be made without Belladonna. It has bearing down, which is worse when lying down and is relieved by standing, while the bearing down of Sepia is worse when the patient stands. The menstruation of Belladonna is profuse and early, of bright red blood, with cramps in back and arms. The dysmenorrhoea is intensely painful and accompanied with cutting pain through the pelvis in a horizontal direction; not circumferential as under Sepia and Platinum. The pains are paroxysmal, and the discharge often offensive. Amenorrhoea also finds its remedy in Belladonna when all acute inflammations about the pelvic organs, Belladonna is a valuable remedy, but like all the remedies it will fail unless closely indicated. In metritis there will be found on examination a sensation of heat and great sensitiveness; the discharges feel hot to the patient. There is a great bearing down in all these troubles, and, of course, the general symptoms of the drug must be present. In acute endometritis it is invaluable. The cervix is swollen and sensitive, and there is much throbbing in the pelvic organs. In uterine displacements, especially if recent, Belladonna is a valuable remedy. Prolapsus calls for it, the back aches as if broken, there is tenesmus of the bladder and strangury, and pulsations are felt in the congested organs. Belladonna is the principal remedy for acute inflammation of the ovary, ovaritis, especially if the peritoneum be involved; the pains are severe, clutching and throbbing, the right side being more characteristic of Belladonna. There is great sensitiveness; the slightest jar cannot be borne. Belladonna cannot be mistaken for any other drug in its action on the female organs if its symptoms be studied with care, and no other drug can take its place.

Kreosote. [Kreos]

      The menstruation of Kreosote is usually copious, and is accompanied with humming and roaring in the head and preceded by abdominal bloating. The flow may be intermittent and accompanied with dragging downward in the back. It differs from Sepia, in that the flow is early and profuse, while that of Sepia is late and scanty. The menses are apt to be followed by dark brown, offensive leucorrhoea. The leucorrhoea of Kreosote is very characteristic, and in this field it has won laurels. The discharge is very acrid, very offensive, and excoriates the parts which it touches; it is yellow, the patient is weak, there is violent itching of the vagina and smarting and burning between the thighs; the parts become swollen, hot, hard and sore. After the leucorrhoea has continued for some time it has an odor of green corn. This acridity of the leucorrhoea readily distinguishes Kreosote from Sepia and Murex. In displacements Kreosote is very useful, especially in prolapsus uteri. There is dragging in the back, and a dragging downward which are relieved by motion, thus distinguish from Sepia and Nux vomica. Kreosote is a useful remedy in ulcerations about the female organs, with offensive excoriating discharge, burning pain, heat and soreness.

Helonias. [Helon]

      There are two special indication for this remedy in female complaints, namely: atony of the genital organs, and pain extending from the back of the uterus. The keynote leading to its selection has ever been a “consciousness of a womb.” Probably in affection of the uterus calling for other remedies there is a consciousness of womb, but the here the consciousness consists of a soreness and weight in the womb, which in consists of a soreness and weight in the womb which is constant there is not let up to it, and there is accompanying a tired, aching feeling in the back and limbs, in such cases Helonias act as a uterine tonic. Helonias is a useful remedy in leucorrhoea, which is dark, offensive and constant; it flows on every exertion. General debility is marked, and pruritus may accompany. Danforth considers Helonias the most frequently indicated remedy in vaginitis and vulvitis. The mucous membrane is red, inflamed, and the itching is intense. He uses the 3x trituration. The menses are too frequent and too profuse, and the flow is passive, dark, coagulated and offensive. Abortion from the slightest over- exertion, and sterility due to great debility, may call for Helonias. Displacements of the uterus also find their remedy in Helonias, with heaviness in hypogastrium a tired dragging feeling in the back, which, upon slight exertion, extends all over the body. Burnett praises this use of Helonias. Womb seems to heavy. Debility and anaemia are characteristic of the remedy. There is a general atonic condition of the whole system, and this is quite apt to make the patients hypochondriacal and low-spirited. “It suits but those who are worn out with hard work, and those who are enervated by indolence and luxury and consequently have atony of the pelvic organs and tissues.” (Kinyon.).

Bellis perennis [Bell-p]

      Is a very useful remedy in what Burnett terms a “fagged womb.” In the overworked and fagged, where”stasis” underlies their complaint.

Coccus cacti [Coc-c]

      Is the remedy for extreme irritation in the lower part of the vagina, worse when passing urine. it has also herpetic spots on the skin.

Calcarea carbonica. [Calc]

      A wonderful remedy in female affections is Calcarea Carbonica. Given a woman with the general Calcarea constitution, and nine times out of ten there will be some trouble with the organs or functions peculiar to her sex. Profuse menstruation is the rule. The menstruation of Calcarea is abnormal, being early and profuse, and lasting too long; the irregularity as to time is important, in fact, Hahnemann states that if the menses are on time Calcarea will do no good. Cold and damp feet accompany this menstruation and the temperament will distinguish Calcarea from Belladonna and Nux vomica, both of which have early and profuse menstruation. In amenorrhoea Calcarea is an invaluable remedy, especially where the first menses are delayed, and there are apt to be, as a result, congestions to head or chest, haemorrhage, night cough, general anaemia and unnatural appetite. In leucorrhoea Calcarea does great work. Here it is perhaps more often thought of than any other remedy, but here the general symptoms are the more important; the strumous condition, the enlarged glands, acidity, cold feet, and morning hunger must be taken into primary consideration. The leucorrhoea itself is milky, at times profuse, with itching and burning. In fact, in the treatment of all leucorrhoeas by any drug the general symptoms must of necessity form the ground work of the prescription rather than the character of the discharge.

Aletris farinosa. [Alet]

      One symptom should mark this remedy as an especially useful one in female disorders, and that is, “tired all the time.” The menses are premature and profuse, with labor-like pains. In uterine displacements and leucorrhoea it is an excellent remedy, being indicated by the extreme constipation in which great efforts are required to evacuate the bowels; digestion is weak. It is one of the bitter tonics, resembling, somewhat Helonias and Senecio, which was Dr. Holcombe’s remedy for retarded or suppressed menstruation, where the patient is nervous, hysterical and sleepless. According to Hale, “Aletris is the China of the uterine organs. The patient is tired, dull heavy, unable to concentrate the mind on anything. Debility from protracted disease.” The characteristics of Aletris, therefore, are the tired feeling, the extreme constipation and the weakness of digestion accompanying uterine displacements or leucorrhoea.

Senecio aureus. [Senec]

      About the only use we make of this remedy is in female affections, and this application is mainly clinical. Indeed, Allen’s Primer does not mention it as a remedy for women at all, and Burt’s “Memorizer” omits it altogether. It has considerable value in amenorrhoea. The late Dr. Holcombe, of New Orleans, recommended Senecio 1x for retarded or suppressed menstruation, where the patient was hysterical, nervous and sleepless. In uterine irritation brought on by displacements, such as prolapsus or flexion, accompanied by scanty menstruation, pain in the neck of the bladder, which is relieved as the flow becomes more profuse, Senecio will do good work. In dysmenorrhoea it has been frequently verified. Its provings have developed symptoms very similar to hysteria, and it influences the mucous membranes much as does Pulsatilla. There is a profuse mucous discharge taking of the menses often times, and it has a valuable in chlorosis of scrofulous girls with a tendency towards dropsy.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.