Apis mellifica. [Apis]
This remedy produces a perfect picture of synovitis, especially of the knee joint; there are sharp lancinating, stinging pains shooting through the joint and aggravation from the slightest motion. There is effusion into the joint, a so- called white swelling, and the pains are relieved by cold application. It corresponds especially to scrofulous conditions.
Iodine. [Iod]
This remedy follows Apis well, especially in scrofulous children with dropsy at the knee joint.
Kali iodatum. [Kali-i]
This remedy in indicated by a spongy swelling of the joint, a feeling of heat inside the joint, and a gnawing boring pain, which is worse at night and accompanied with restlessness.
Bryonia. [Bry]
Here the synovitic joint is pale red and tense, with sharp, stitching pains, greatly aggravated by motion and relieved by the warmth of the bed. It suits rheumatic or traumatic synovitis. It may be preceded by Aconite, which will come in for the intense systemic fever, especially if occurring in strong, healthy constitutions, or by Belladonna when the pains are severe and sudden, attended with a hot, dry skin and much redness and swelling.
Ledum. [Led]
Suits acute traumatic synovitis where there is an effusion into the joint; the parts are sensitive, the pains are aching and tearing with but little fever. It is especially adapted to sub- acute affections of the knee joint.
Causticum. [Caust]
This remedy has prominent swelling of the joints, which show fluctuation and indolency. There is stiffness of the joints and a tendency to hydroarthrosis.
Sulphur. [Sulph]
Is especially useful in strumous patients when exudation has taken place. It is particularly useful when the knee is affected, and it comes in after Apis and Bryonia.
Pulsatilla. [Puls]
This remedy suits gouty, rheumatic or blenorrhagic synovitis; the joints are swollen, with sharp, stinging pains, which force the patient to move the part. There is a feeling of deep soreness, as of sub-cutaneous ulceration.
Mercurius. [Merc]
This remedy suits syphilitic or strumous synovitis, with tendency to complete destruction of the joint. The general symptoms will indicate the remedy, such as aggravation at night, profuse sweating, feeling of coldness and chilliness, restlessness, a threatening suppuration and the characteristic cachexia.
Calcarea carbonica. [Calc]
This remedy will be needed in scrofulous children to correct the cachexia in those who are characteristically Calcarea children.