Liver Affections

Sulphur. [Sulph]

      **Sulphur is suitable to chronic affections of the liver; it increases the flow of bile and there is much pain and soreness in the liver. **Sulphur often completes the cure commenced by **Nux. Liver complaints from abuse of mercury will oftentimes call for **Sulphur. If the stools are colorless and if much jaundice or ascites be present **Sulphur is contra- indicated. **Lachesis, however, has jaundice, as do all snake poisons, and is useful in the enlarged livers of drunkards, with tenderness on pressure and throbbing in the right side. Jaundice from sexual excesses call for **Cinchona. Dr. Thayer, of Boston, recommended **Cinchona in biliary calculi, and Dr. Williams of Augusta, Me., has had success with **Ipecac in this connection.

Burnett claims that **Hydrastis is the best remedy in gall-stone colic.

**Berberis vulgaris is also an important remedy in gall-stone affections.

Phosphorus. [Phos]

      **Phosphorus is homoeopathic to fatty degeneration of the liver, with well marked soreness and jaundice. The stools are grayish white. Cirrhosis and atrophy may also call for **Phosphorus. The jaundice is indicative of organic diseases, and the remedy is a useful one in malignant diseases of the liver.

**Digitalis has also been recommended in acute yellow atrophy. Jaundice accompanying pneumonia may also call for **Phosphorus.

Taraxacum [Tarax]

      This is a decided liver remedy, and the indications are a mapped tongue and a bitter taste in the mouth, chilliness after eating, pain and soreness in the region of the liver and bilious diarrhoea. **Kali bichromicum also has a mapped tongue.

**Yucca filamentosa has a pain going from the upper region of the liver to the back and a bad taste in the mouth. The stools are loose and bilious, accompanied with much flatus. The face is yellow and sallow and the tongue takes the imprint of the teeth. Another remedy used in bilious troubles is **Euonymus; it has intense heavy, wearing, occipital headache, the stools are deficient in bile, and it is useful in cardiac disturbance from inaction of the liver. **Euonymus 2X is an admirable remedy in hepatic congestion. Dr. Wm. E. Leonard says: ” In the case of torpid livers with tendency to attacks of biliary colic, it anticipates and prevents the colic.”

**Chionanthus has biliousness, sick headache, coated tongue, nausea and complete anorexia. It is remedy highly recommended for biliary calculi. Jaundice and hepatic pain are its indications. It overcomes catarrh, liquefies the bile, prevents the formation of calculi and promotes the discharge of those already formed. Sluggish circulation in the liver with the long train of symptoms resulting therefrom are indications.

**Ptelea has sharp pains in right hypochondria, distress in liver and constipation.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.