
Cimicifuga. [Cimic]

      This is another remedy for the neuralgic form of headache, and it has some valuable symptoms. It corresponds to headache of students and those exhausted by fatigue. There is first a sensation as if the top of the head would fly off. There are sharp, lancinating pains in and over the eyes, shooting to the top of the head. The brain seems to move in waves, and there may be the symptoms of a sharp pain extending from the occiput to the frontal region, as if a bolt were driven through the head. Headaches which are reflex or dependent on some uterine irritation are met by this remedy. When there is a feeling as if the patient would go crazy it is especially indicated. Many of the pains begin in the occiput and shoot down the spine; there is a tendency to bend the head forward, which relieves somewhat.

**Sepia. Migraine, which has existed for years in women with profuse leucorrhoea is often cured by **Sepia. It corresponds to the left eye and the left temple and the pain extends backward.

Silicea. [Sil]

      **Silicea is a very useful remedy in headache, but one not very often used. When a patient with a headache has her head tied up with a towel or handkerchief it will probably indicate one of two remedies.

**Argentum nitricum if the head be tied up tightly; here we have relief from pressure; and **Silicea if the head is tied up simply to keep it warm. The headache of **Silicea nervous and caused by excessive mental exertion. The face is pale at the commencement of the headache, but gets flushed as the pain becomes intense; body is chilly. It is supra- orbital and worse over the right eye, the pains coming up from the back of the head. Noise, motion and jarring aggravate. Warmth relieves.

**Menyanthes is similar in some respects to Silicea, but pressure rather than warmth relieves; and on going upstairs there is a sensation of a heavy weight on the vertex. The headache of **Silicea like that of **Ignatia and **Gelsemium is relieved by copious urination. An additional indication for **Silicea is an extreme sensitiveness of the scalp.

**Strontium carbonicum. This is most similar to **Silicea, but the pains increase gradually to their greatest intensity and then decline.

Argentum nitricum. [Arg-n]

      A characteristic of this drug is that the head seems enormously large. There is much boring pain in the left frontal eminence. **Thuja has a sensation as if a nail were driven into the frontal eminence. **Ignatia and Coffea also have these sharp, nail-like pains. The pains under **Argentum nitricum increase to such a degree that the patient seems as if she would lose her senses. Tying the head up tightly relieves the headache of this drug, it being the pressure that relieves.

**Epiphegus. Headaches brought on by over-exertion, shopping, excitement, etc. Pain worse on left side pressing on temple. Constant desire to expectorate with a viscid saliva. Pains relieved by rest and lying down.

Melilotus alba. [Meli-a]

      A remedy often overlooked in the treatment of congestive forms of headache is **Melilotus. With this remedy there is a sensation of bursting, it seems as if the brain would burst through the forehead, the pains are intense and throbbing and almost drive the patient frantic. The eyes are bloodshot and the headache tends to recur every afternoon. Sometimes the headache culminates in nosebleed, which relieves. Congestive headaches, due to sexual irritation, are speedily benefited by the remedy. It seems to produce engorgement of the erectile tissues everywhere. Especially is this noticed in the nose. This drug will often take the place of headache powders and relieve quite as promptly and more safely. There is with this drug, which reminds of **Cimicifuga, an undulating sensation in the brain.

**Bryonia has a splitting headache; and it is especially suitable to rheumatic cases; it is seldom indicated in sick headache; the bursting sensation is characteristic.

Natrum muriaticum. [Nat-m]

      The headache of **Natrum muriaticum is as if there were little hammers beatings in the skull, worse from moving the head or eyeballs. It comes on in the morning, is worse about 10 A.M. and is preceded by partial blindness, as we found under **Iris and **Gelsemium. The little hammer sensation is also found under **Psorinum. **Natrum muriaticum, as well as **Calcarea phosphorica, is an excellent remedy for certain headache in school girls during menses. A malarial basis for a headache will sometimes suggest this remedy.

**Calcarea phosphorica. Headache in school children and especially in those who are maturing and anaemic; headache on top of head.

**Ignatia suits highly nervous and sensitive temperaments and those whose nervous system has given away to anxiety, grief or mental worry. The headache generally centers around the region of the ear and runs up to the parietal bone or occiput, leaving a stiffness of the nape of the neck, profuse urination relieving. It has also as before stated the ***clavus hystericus.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.