
Are you suffering from Typhoid? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Typhoid….

Arnica [Arn]

      Says she is “So well” when desperately ill.

Can be roused, answers correctly, then goes back into stupor (Baptisia, Phosphorus a.).

“I am not sick: I did not send for you; go away”

Foul death-stool. Haemorrhagic tendency.

“Bed feels so hard” (Baptisia, Pyrogen).

“So sore”, can only lie on one part a little time: restlessness from this cause.

Involuntary and unnoticed stools and urine.

Arsenicum Album [Ars]

      Rapid sinking of strength : great emaciation.

Lease effort exhausts.

Great restlessness: constantly moves head and limbs: trunk still, because of extreme weakness. Tongue dry, brown, black.

Face distorted, hippocratic, sunken, anxious.

Rapid sinking of forces: extreme prostration.

Anxiety: Restlessness: Exhaustion.

Thinks he must die. (Arnica says he is “not ill”.)

Worse 1-2 a.m. and p.m.

Cadaveric aspect: cadaveric smelling stools.

Thirst for cold sips.

Baptisia [Bapt]

      Typhoid fever Typhoid conditions in fevers.

Rapid onset. Rapid course.

Abdomen distends early.

Odour horrible. Delirium.

Besotted condition: purple, bloated face.

Answers a word or two, and is back in stupor.

Feels there are two of him. Is scattered.

Tries to get the pieces together (Pyrog.).

In typhoid, “Baptisia vies with Pyrog. and Arnica”.

Bryonia Alba [Bry]

      A most persistent remedy: develops slowly.

Lacerating, throbbing, jerking headache.

Nausea and disgust, whitish tongue.

Bitter taste. Thirst for large draughts of cold water (Phosphorus).

“Nervous, versatile or cerebral typhoid.”

Sluggishness, then complete stupefaction.

When roused, is confused: sees images.

Thinks he is away from home and wants to be taken home.

Irrational talk: prattles of his business: worse after 3 p.m.

Delirium apt to start about 9 p.m.

Wants to be quiet. Pain, limbs, when moving.

Tongue dry.

Easily angered.

Faint if sits up.

Carbo Vegetabilis [Carb-v]

      “A sheet-anchor in low states of typhoid, in the last stages of collapse; where there is coldness, cold sweat, great prostration; dyspnoea-wants to be fanned. Cold tongue.”

“Desperate cases. Blood stagnates n the capillaries.”

Blueness-coldness-ecchymoses. Can hardly breathe, air-hunger. Says “Fan me Fan me”

Haemorrhages, dark, decomposed, unclotted (Crot. h.).

Indescribable paleness face and body.

Crot. Horridus [Crot-h]

      Typhoid with decomposition of blood and haemorrhages-anywhere.

Intestinal haemorrhage; blood dark, fluid, non-coagulable.

Tongue fiery-red, smooth, polished (Pyrog.), intensely swollen.

Yellowness of skin is an indication for Crot. h.

“Lachesis cold and clammy: Crot. h. cold and dry.”

Attacks that come on with rapidity (Baptisia, Hyoscyamus).

Rapidly increasing unconsciousness. Besotted appearance (Baptisia).

Typhoid when it becomes putrid.

“Diseases of the very lowest, the most putrid type, coming on with unusual rapidity.”.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

      Fevers rapidly develop the typhoid state (Baptisia, Crot. h.).

Sensorium clouded.

Starting eyes: Carphology. Picks bedclothes.

Teeth covered with sordes.

Tongue dry, unwiedly, rattles in mouth, so dry.

Involuntary stool and urine (Phosphorus, Arnica).

Subsultus tendinum.

Mutters, or says no word for hours.

Mentally very suspicious: refuses medicine, thinks you will poison him (Rhus, Lachesis).

Jealous (Lachesis). Alternately mild and timid, then violent. Will scratch, and try to injure.

Exposes person (Phosphorus). Wants to be naked.

Talks to imaginary people: to dead people.

Illusions: hallucinations; talking, with delirium, then stupor.

Early can be roused: later complete unconsciousness.

Lachesis Muta [Lach]

      Loquacity: delirium with great loquacity.

Face puffy, purple, mottled.

Much rumbling in distended abdomen.

Clothing cannot be tolerated: must not touch abdomen or throat.

Tongue swells (Crot. h.): difficult to protrude.

Suspicious. “Trying to poison her” (Rhus.).

Worse after sleep: sleeps into aggravation.

Cold, clammy (Crot. h. cold, dry.).

Stool with dark blood.

Muriaticum Acidum [Mur-ac]

      “Also one of our best remedies in typhoid.”

Tongue dry, leathery, shrunken (Hyoscyamus, Arsenicum).

Muscular prostration comes first, mind remains long clear (reverse of Phosphorus acid).

Lower jaw drops. Sides down in bed from excessive weakness (Phosphorus acid).

Cannot urinate without the bowels also moving.

“Nearer to Carbo veg. than any other remedy.”.

Phosphoricum Acidum [Ph-ac]

      “One of our best remedies in typhoid.”

Simultaneous depression of animal, sensorial and mental life from the start.

Slowly increasing prostration.

Advanced typhoid.

Lies in stupor, unconscious of all that goes on: but if roused is fully conscious.

Glassy stare, as if slowly comprehending.

Prostration. Tympanitic abdomen.

Dry brown tongue. Dark lips. Sordes.

Bleeding; nose, lungs, bowels (Crot. h.).

Jaw drops: “as if must die of exhaustion.”.

Phosphorus [Phos]

      Abdomen distended, sore, very sensitive to touch (Lachesis).

Worse lying left side: better, right.

Stools offensive, bloody, involuntary. The Anus appearing to remain open (Apis.).

Burning in stomach: burning thirst for cold water. Desire for ice cream.

Fear alone: in the dark: of thunder.

Especially useful in typhoid pneumonias.

Suspicious (Lachesis).

Pyrogenium [Pyrog]

      (Burnett’s great remedy for typhoid.)

Bed feels hard (Baptisia).

Great restlessness: must constantly move (Rhus), to relieve soreness of parts (Arnica).

Tongue clean, smooth, fiery-red; or dry and cracked.

Horribly offensive diarrhoea (Baptisia).

Sense of duality (Baptisia).

Pulse quick; or out of proportion to temperature.

Rhus Toxicodendron [Rhus-t]

      “Fevers take on the typhoid type: triangular red-tipped tongue and restlessness.”

Cannot rest in any position (Pyrog.).

Slow and difficult mentation. May answer correctly. Talks to himself.

Refuses food medicine. Fears poison (Hyoscyamus, Lachesis).

Dreams of strenuous exertion.

Taraxacum [Tarax]

      Restlessness of limbs with tearing pain. “Like Rhus only mapped tongue.”.

Terebinthina [Ter]

      Tongue bright-red, smooth, glazed (Pyrog.).

Extreme tympanites (Phosphorus acid., Phosphorus).

Thick scanty urine: mixed with blood, or cloudy, smoky, albuminous.

Diarrhoea with blood intermixed.

Fresh ecchymoses in great numbers (Arnica).

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.