
Are you suffering from Small-Pox? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Small-Pox….

Aconitum Napellus [Acon]

      To modify first stage and early second stage.

High fever: great restlessness. Fear of death.

Anthracinum [Anthr]

      Gangrenous cases, with severe burning.

Antimonium Tartaricum [Ant-t]

      Long held by homoeopaths to be specific for small-pox.

Pustules with red areola, like small-pox, which leave a crust and form a scar.

Pains in back and loins.

Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region: slightest movement causes retching and cold sweat.

Violent headache: (<) evening; (<) lying; (>) sitting up; (>) cold.

Variola; backache, headache; cough with crushing weight on chest; before or at beginning of eruptive stage; diarrhoea, etc. Also when eruption fails.

Lilienthal says: “Tardy eruption with nausea, vomiting, sleeplessness, or suppression of eruption. Putrid variola with typhoid symptoms (Baptisia).

Apis [Apis]

      Erysipelatous redness and swelling, with stinging-burning pains, throat and skin.

Absence of thirst.

Urine scanty-later suppressed.

Arsenicum Album [Ars]

      Great sinking of strength.

Burning heat: frequent small pulse.

Great thirst. Great restlessness.

Rash irregularly developed with typhoid symptoms.

Haemorrhagic cases, or when pustules sink in, and areolae grow livid.

Metastasis to mouth and throat.

Worse cold. (Apis worse heat.).

Baptisia [Bapt]

      Typhoid symptoms: foetid breath.

Pustules thick on arch of palate, tonsils, uvula, in nasal cavities; but scanty on skin.

Great prostration with pain in sacral region.

Drowsy; comatose; limbs feel “scattered”.

Belladonna [Bell]

      First stage; high fever and cerebral congestion.

Intense swelling of skin and mucous membrane.

Dysuria and tenesmus of bladder.

Delirium and convulsions. Photophobia.

Crot. Horridus [Crot-h]

      Pustular eruptions. After vaccination.

Eruptions, boils, pustules, gangrenous conditions, when fever is low and parts bluish.

Haemorrhagic cases.

Cuprum Sulphuricum [Cupr-s]

      Cerebral irritation, where eruption fails to appear. Convulsive phenomena.

Hamamelis Virginicus [Ham]

      Haemorrhagic cases oozing of dark blood from nose; bleeding gums; haematemesis, bloody stools.

Hippozaeninum (Nosode of Glanders) [Hippoz]

      Low forms of malignant ulcerations, especially where nasal cartilages are affected.

Confluent small-pox.

Pustules and ulcers spread extensively over body till hardly a part remains free.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

      Eruption fails to appear, causing great excitement, rage, anguish, delirium in paroxysms. Wants to get out of bed, and uncover.

Lachesis Muta [Lach]

      Haemorrhagic cases.

Worse after sleep.

Dusky or purplish appearance, with excessive tenderness to touch.

Malandrinum [Maland]

      (The nosode of “grease” “Grease ” in horses was, or is believed to be identical with pustules occurring on the udders of cows, which affected the hands of milkmaids and rendered them immune from small-pox: it was from this observation that inoculation and later vaccination (from “cow-pox) arose. in horses.)

Clarke says: Homoeopaths have found in Maland. a very effectual protection against infection with small-pox and vaccination.

Mercurius [Merc]

      Stage of maturation: ptyalism. Tendency of blood to head.

Moist swollen tongue with great thirst.

Diarrhoea or dysentery with tenesmus, especially during desiccation.

Phosphoricum Acidum [Ph-ac]

      Confluent, with typhoid conditions.

“Pustules fail to pustulate; degenerate into large blisters, which leave raw surface.”

Stupid: wants nothing: not even a drink.

Answers questions but does not talk.

Subsultus tendinum: restlessness. Fear of death.

Watery diarrhoea.

Phosphorus [Phos]

      Haemorrhagic diathesis. Bloody pustules.

Hard dry cough: chest raw.

Haemorrhage from lungs.

Back as if broken: faintings. Great thirst.

Rhus Toxicodendron [Rhus-t]

      “Eruption turns livid and typhoid symptoms supervene.”

Dry tongue. Sordes lips and teeth.

Wants to get out of bed. Great restlessness (Arsenicum)

Confluent: great swelling at first, afterwards eruption shrinks, and becomes livid.

Sarracenia Purpurea [Sarr]

      (Drug of the North American Indians) seems to have done marvellous work in aborting and curing small-pox.

Sulphur [Sulph]

      Tendency to metastasis to brain during suppuration.

Stage of desiccation: or occasionally inter-current remedy where others fail.

Thuja [Thuj]

      Which will cause the pustules of vaccination to wither and abort, should be one of the remedies of small-pox also.

Lilienthal says: “Pains arms, fingers, hands, with fullness and soreness of throat.

“Areola round pustules marked and dark red.

Pustules milky and flat, painful to touch. Give especially during stage of maturation, it may prevent pitting.”.

Variolinum [Vario]

      Probably the most potent of all, having the complete picture of the disease from which it is prepared.

Dullness of head.

Severe pains in back and limbs, which became quite numb.

Chills, followed by high fever.

Violent headache.

White-coated tongue.

Great thirst.

Severe pains and distress in epigastric region with nausea and vomiting, mostly of greenish water.

In many cases profuse diarrhoea. In some, despondency.

Small-pox pustules on different parts of the body, mostly abdomen and back. Pustules perfectly formed, some umbilicated, some purulent.

“Given steadily the disease will run a milder course. It changes imperfect pustules into regular ones, which soon dry up. Promotes suppuration and desiccation. Prevents pitting” (Lilienthal).

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.