
Are you suffering from Hepatitis? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Hepatitis….

Aconite [Acon]

      “Sudden inflammation of liver, first attack.

Violent, rending, tearing pains: bursting.

Restlessness; tortures of anxiety: moving constantly: fear of death:” great thirst.” Kent.

Belladonna [Bell]

      “More sensitive to jar and more sensitive to motion ( Bryonia) than almost any other remedy.” Kent

Severe pain right hypochondrium on a small spot near and above umbilicus. Worse motion: very sensitive to touch.

Acute pain, liver, worse lying right side ( Mercurius, Mag. mur); pains go to shoulder ( Chelidonium, Crot.h.) and neck: or spread to back ( Chelidonium) and kidneys. Get rapidly worse.

Cause retching and vomiting of bile: has to bend double ( Kali


Can tolerate no pressure Or Jar.

Thirst for cold water: or thirst for water changed into thirst for beer ( Natrum mur., Merc).

Desire for lemons and lemonade which help.

Belladonna is red, and hot.

Bryonia [Bry]

      “Inflammation and many liver symptoms.

Liver, especially right to be, lies like a load in hypochondrium.

Every breath, every motion, every touch causes pain. Stitches and burning, with nausea and retching. Spits up bile.

When he coughs reels liver will burst” ( Nat. sulph.) Kent.

Chamomilla [Cham]

      “Excessive sensibility of nerves: so excessive that few remedies can equal it” ( Hepar, Nux).

Intense irritability: and its consequences.

Hepatitis after vexation, or taking cold.

Stitching pain in liver with vomiting and chilliness: after vexation.

Jaundice after a fit or anger ( Nux).

Vomiting of bile and food.

Chelidonium [Chel]

      One of our greatest liver medicines.

Congestion: inflammation fullness; enlargement: in semi-chronic and acute cases this remedy proves suitable.

Stitching; shooting; tearing pains from liver region through to back (See Belladonna, Kali carb).

Characteristic pain below right shoulder angle; cord-like constriction round hypochondria ( Lyc). Jaundice.

An old reputation with Homoeopaths for early pneumonias. “:Liver and Lungs.”

Better hot drinks ( Ars): Hot Milk: eating.

Podophyllum [Podo]

      Congestion, and enlargement of liver: acute and chronic hepatitis.

Great irritability of liver; excessive secretion of bile.

Pain, liver: inclined to rub it with hand

Stuffed feeling: distention, live ( Arsenicum).

Worse thought or smell of food ( Arsenicum, Sepia).

Slimy tongue: as if spread with mustard: tooth- notched.

Everything goes wrong:L all dark; no light.

Cannot sit still for fidgets, body (feet, Zincum met.).

Mercurius [Merc]

      Pressing pain or stitches, liver. Cannot lie on right side ( Belladonna, Mag. mur). Liver tender to touch.

Bitter taste, thirst, little appetite.

Liver swollen, hard. Distension. Jaundice.

“The liver furnishes much trouble. our forefathers took blue mass every Spring to regulate the liver, and tapped their livers with iti.e they had worse livers than if the doctors had stayed warmth of bed.

Desire for beer ( Belladonna, Natrum mur.);iced water; milk for sweets,. which discharge; bread and butter.

Aversion to meat, wine, brand, coffee.

Cornus cer [Corn]

      Chronic hepatitis and bilious derangements.


Constant working of bowels, as if they were all in motion

Sensation as if the would break in two at waist.

Magnesia mur. [Mag-m]

      Pressing pain, liver, when walking ( Hepar, Ptelea trifoliata), or touching it; worse lying right side ( Belladonna, Merc), liver hard and enlarged.

Can only lie on left side for sensation of some- thing dragging over to that side.

Chronic induration and pressive pain extending to stomach and back.

Recurring attacks indigestion, biliousness, constipation; large hard stools like balls.

Eats frequently to ease gnawing in stomach.

(Comp. Chelidonium, Graphites).

Marked enlargement liver, with ascites.

Nux vomica [Nux-v]

      Constrictive pain hypochondriac region.

Liver swollen, indurated, sensitive, with pressure and stinging,: must loosen clothing.

Soreness, with pain right shoulder ( Belladonna, Chel, Crot. h.). Acute congestion, liver.

Jaundice from anger ( Chamomilla), high living.

Sufferings from much worry;l from too much mental and too little bodily exertion.

Longs for brandy, beer, fats which disagree.

Aversion to meat, tobacco, coffee, water, ale.

Chilly; irritable ( Chamomilla, Hepar) to verge of insanity: hyper- sensitive to air, light, noise.

China [Chin]

      Swollen, hard liver: sensitive to least pressure or

Sensation of subcutaneous ulceration.

Obstruction of gall-bladder with colic: periodic recurrence: jaundice. Biliary calculi.

“Nerves in a fret”, feeble, sensitive, anaemic, chilly.

Periodicity in regard to pains, and complaints.

Camphora [Camph]

      Constrictive pain below short ribs, extending to lumbar vertebrae.

Aching in anterior part of liver.

“With ‘acute’ Camphor their is prostration, blueness, coldness, yet he wants to be uncovered. In Camphor, during heat and when pains are on, he wants to be covered up: but the old stage is relieved by cold: he wants more cold.” Kent.

Hepar [Hep]

      Hepatitis with jaundice; with white or greenish stools.

Sticking pain in liver when walking ( Mag. mur.).

Liver enlarged two or three inches beyond robs.

Chronic engorgement of liver.

Useful during inflammatory process in cirrhosis of liver. Hepatic abscesses ( Phosphorus, Lachesis, Silicea, etc.

Typical Hepar is quarrelsome: nothing pleases, everything disturbs. Becomes in tensely angry; abusive; impulsive: even to violent impulses to destroy. (Comp. Nux).

Oversensitive physically also, to cold, to draughts. Desire for vinegar.

Hippozaeninum [Hippoz]

      Hepatitis with gangrenous and ulcerative inflammation of gall ducts.

Liver greatly enlarged, d often showing signs of fatty degeneration.

Useful in low forms of suppuration and catarrh, malignant ulcerations and swellings.


Lachesis [Lach]

      Acute pain lover; extends to stomach ( Arsenicum).

Inflammation and chronic obstruction

Cannot bear any pressure about hypochondria.

(Calcarea, Lycopodium, Nat. sul., Nux vomica, Crot. h., Ptelea trifoliata)

Pain ulcerative; as from suppuration: under ribs.

Liver swollen and painful in anterior, superior aspect.

Abscesses of liver ( Phosphorus, Hepar, Crot.h., Hipp., Silicea).

Typical Lachesis is hot, bluish, loquacious, jealous, suspicious.

Crot. hor [Crot-h]

      Intolerance of clothing about hypochondria and epigastric region ( Lachesis).

Pain, stitches, aching in liver and on the top of shoulder ( Belladonna, Chelidonium, Nux). Urine jelly like and red like blood.

Passive hepatic congestion: acute atrophy of liver.

Jaundice: malignant jaundice: dark haemorrhages from nose, mouth, etc., black vomit.

In malignant or malarial fevers. Specific for black water fever.

Sulphur [Sulph]

      ( Kent says) “The liver is a very troublesome organ, with enlargement, engorgement, in duration, pain, pressure and distress.

If stomach symptoms, they are exaggerated.

He becomes jaundiced, is subject to gallstones. A victim to chronic sallowness, which increases and decreases.

Every cold settles in the liver: every `cold,’ every bath, every change of weather aggravates his liver symptoms, and when these are worse he has less of other troubles.

It localizes itself in bilious vomiting and bilious headaches.

Stools black, then green, then white; alternate and change with engorgement of liver.”

But in the Sulphur patient. Warm: hungry: loves fat, etc., will clinch diagnosis.

Phosphorus [Phos]

      Diffuse hepatitis.

Hyperaemia and enlargement of liver

Liver hard a large, with subsequent atrophy.

Hepatitis when suppuration ensues, hectic fever, night sweats, marked soreness over

( Hepar, Hipp, Lachesis, Crot. h., Sil).

Jaundice. Pale stools. Abdomen Tympanitic.

Hepatic congestion, quantities of bright, or dark blood discharged with stool.

Craves cold food and drink: ice cream: wine.

“Bad effects from excessive use of salt.”

A characteristic symptom,: as soon as water becomes warm in stomach it is vomited.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      Hepatitis. Tension, pressing pain in liver which is enlarged.

Painful bloating right hypochondrium with stitches which extend to stomach ( Lachesis).

Violent burning, like red-hot coals in epigastrium. Burning thirst with no desire to drink: or thirst for small quantities.

The burnings of Arsenicum are relieved by heat: by hot drinks.

Always with the Arsenicum restlessness; anxiety; prostration.

Nitric acid [Nit-ac]

      Liver enormously enlarged. Jaundice.

Urine scanty and strong smelling.

Chronic hepatitis: “argue cake.”.

Stitches in liver region.

Natrum mur [Nat-m]

      Fullness liver, with stitching, tearing, rending pains.

Liver inflamed, swollen: skin yellow, earthy. Pain liver, after eating better as digestion advances.

Jaundice with drowsiness.

Aversion to meat, bread, coffee.

Better on an empty stomach.

Longs for bitter things, beer ( Belladonna, Merc), farinaceous things, sour things, salt, oysters, fish, milk.

Ravenous hunger towards noon.

Especially useful after malaria, and much quinine.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

      Tension like a cord or hoop, liver region ( Chel): cannot stretch or stand upright ( Sil).

Sore pain, as from a blow, right hypochondriac region worse touch.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.