
Are you suffering from Enuresis? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Enuresis….

Causticum [Caust]

      Causticum has weakness or paralysis of single parts:- paralysis of face, or of anus, or of bladder. etc. Expectoration slips back.

Or anus prolapses on coughing. Or urine spurts on coughing. Paresis of vocal cords.

“Unconscious of urine as it passes” (Apis, Argn., Cuprum, Mag.m., Sarsaparilla) (Aloe, of stool).

Urinates so easily that he is not sensible of the stream.” Useful in children who wet the bed, especially in first sleep (Sepia, Kreos).

Typical Causticum is worse for cold dry weather and winds. (Rhus and Dulcamara worse cold wet.)

“Worse in clear fine weather: better in wet weather.” Worse changes of the weather.

Sepia [Sep]

      “Sepia is compelled to keep her mind on the neck of the bladder, or she will lose her urine.”

Involuntary urine as soon as the child goes to sleep at night. The bed is wet almost as soon as the child goes to sleep (Causticum, Kreosotum).

Typical Sepia is sallow: indifferent; hates sympathy; wants to get away alone. (Comp. Nat. mur.).

Kreosotum [Kreos]

      Sudden urging to urinate: can’t go quick enough (Petroselinum).

Sudden urging during first, very profound sleep: (Causticum, Sepia) wets the bed.

Frequent urging: at night can’t get out of bed quick enough.

Wakes with urging, but cannot retain urine, or dreams he is urinating and wets bed (Belladonna).

Urine flows during first (Sepia) deep sleep, from which the child is roused with difficulty.

Apis [Apis]

      Incontinence of urine with great irritation of the parts. Worse night and from coughing.

(It may have, also, incontinence of stool, as if anus were constantly open. Phosphorus)

Typical Apis is apathetic, indifferent. joyless, jealous. Its pains burn and sting.

Intolerance of heat. Thirstless (Pulsatilla).

Pulsatilla [Puls]

      Involuntary micturition: urine dribbles while sitting (Compare Nat. mur.) or walking while coughing (Causticum), passing wind: at night in bed, especially in little girls.

As “Enuresis noctura for 2 years in a girl of 52 of mild disposition, fair, frequently changing colour

Especially after measles; worse in autumn.

Typical Pulsatilla is changeable and fickle: touchy and weepy. Loves fuss and sympathy.

Worse heat: stuffy room: fat and rich food.

Better moving about in the open air.

Belladonna [Bell]

      “No remedy has greater irritation in bladder and along urinary tract than Bell” (Staphysagria).

Constant urging: dribbles: burns (Staphysagria) like fire along whole length of urethra.

Spasmodic retention, or involuntary passage.

During sleep, dribbling of urine.

Dreams of passing urine, and involuntarily passes it (Kreosotum).

Dribbling when standing or walking: or from mere, motion, urine spurts (Pulsatilla). (Reverse of Rhus.)

When cold or chilled, they lose their urine (Dulcamara, Rhus, Causticum)

Starts in sleep, and wets the bed.

Staphisagria [Staph]

      Teasing and tearing all night long: bloody urine: involuntary urine, acrid and corroding; with burning (Belladonna). Worse from motion (reverse of Rhus). In young women after marriage: in old men with prostatic troubles, continued teasing with dribbling (Belladonna)

After urination feels bladder not empty, for urine continues to dribble away.

Staphysagria is a great remedy of sphincters: for sphincters stretched during operations.

Also the great remedy of suppressed anger, suppressed feelings. Irritable bladder after suppressed wrath; after insults

“Great indignation about things done by others or by himself.”

Hypersensitive spots and areas; little points.

“Whole mind and nervous system are in a fret.”.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

      Involuntary urination during sleep.

“A marked feature of Lycopodium is polyuria during the night. Passes enormous quantities of clear urine: by day, quantity normal.”

Urine dribbles away, afternoon and evening, after 4 p.m.

Urine reddens and irritates skin: especially babies,-if left in contact.

Another leading symptoms, Red Sand In Urine: on child’s diaper.

Typical Lycopodium craves sweets, sugar; hot drinks; has afternoon or evening aggravation of symptoms: especially 4-8 p.m.

Lycopodium is more alive mentally than physically.

“Ugly on waking”, otherwise better in the mornings. May have the curious symptom, weeps when thanked.

Equisetum [Equis]

      Enuresis day and night; profuse, watery urine: especially enuresis from habit.

Has many urinary troubles. Pain in bladder as from distension: tenderness.

Constant desire to urinate and pass large quantities of pale urine without relief.

“Rapidity restored control over stools and urine in an old woman with general paralysis.”.

Argentum nit. [Arg-n]

      Urine passed unconsciously and uninterruptedly.

Spasmodic enuresis at night: (by day too).

Typical Argentum nit. craves sugar-which disagrees: craves salt; cool, open air: is worse in high places.

Hepar [Hep]

      “Urine passes very slowly, drops perpendicularly, is not voided with force. If with this you find wetting of the bed at night, Hepar is the remedy.”.

Cina [Cina]

      Urine copious and involuntary: with worm symptoms and ravenous appetite.

Typical Cina is cross and “ugly”: wants to be carried: or won’t be looked at or touched.

Wants things and throws them away.

Bores into nose with fingers.

Urine turns milky on standing.

Natrum mur [Nat-m

      Involuntary escape of urine while walking, coughing or sneezing (Causticum, Pulsatilla).

Violent desire and inability to retain urine (Sulphur)

Whenever he sat down urine came away (Compare Pulsatilla); day and night; necessitating very frequent change of clothing and bed- clothes.: continual craving for salt.

Has to wait long for urine to pass (Lycopodium) especially if others are near by.

Morbid appetite for salt (Phosphorus, Nit. a., etc.).

Typical Nat. mur.: mapped tongue: herpes about lips: crack middle lower lip.

Better alone: hates sympathy: maddening headaches.

After malaria and much quinine.

Sulphur. [Sulph]

      Constant desire to urinate: a few drops pass involuntarily.

Nocturnal enuresis.

Sudden, imperative desire, if not gratified, urine passes involuntarily (Thuja, Natrum mur., Kreosotum).

Irresistible desire to urinate on seeing water running from a hydrant (Cantharis, Lyssin). Must rise at night to urinate: rushes away from work to relieve bladder, or wets clothes.

“Enuresis in pale, lean children, with large abdomen, who love sugar and highly- seasoned food, and abhor to be washed” (Psorinum).

Hungry at Ii a.m. Won’t be covered at night.

Thuja [Thuj]

      Involuntary urination at night or when coughing (Causticum).

Got up at least six times nightly: saturated the bed frequently: urine highly coloured. strong odour.

Incontinence of urine (Sulphur, Nat. mur., Kreosotum, etc.): sudden desire, unable to retain it without grasping penis.

Cannot hold urine when riding, or during a long walk (Belladonna)

Chronic incontinence from paralysis of sphincter.

After vaccination. From tea-drinking.

Drops in sleep: worse onions. (?Warts, etc.).

Dulcamara [Dulc]

      If chilled must hurry to urinate.

Bladder troubles better in summer: worse in winter.

Involuntary urination after wading in cold water.

Typically: worse cold wet weather; suppressed discharges, sweat, etc. (Comp. Rhus; rev. Causticum).

Rhus tox [Rhus-t]

      Urine involuntary at night: when at rest (reverse of Belladonna).

Weakness of bladder in girls and women, with frequent desire to urinate.

Constant dribbling in boys.

Dribbling of urine in cold air, and on becoming very cold. (Compare Dulcamara)

May be violent tenesmus of bladder, with dribbling of bloody drops.

Typical Rhus is much affected by damp and cold: by washing (Sulphur, Psorinum). Better for heat.

Relieved by motion (Pulsatilla).

Nux moschata [Nux-m]

      Incontinence of urine.

Typical Nux mosch. is worse from Cold: (Dulcamara, Rhus, Arsenicum) from cold winds, draughts, drinks, bath.

Is different, apathetic, automatic, drowsy, with dry mouth and no thirst.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      Involuntary micturition, and bed-wetting.

Typical Arsenicum is nervous and anxious: restless: fastidious (Nux). “Will get out of bed to put a chair straight.” Very chilly.

Its worst hour, 1-2 a.m.-thereabouts.

Phosphorus [Phos]

      Involuntary urination in children of the Phosphorus build, who grow too rapidly.

Typical Phosphorus craves salt: cold drinks: ices. Fears the dark, being alone, ghosts, thunder.

The Phosphorus build is tall and slender: fine hair.

May pass copious, watery, colourless urine.

Psorinum [Psor]

      Vesical paresis. Obstinate cases of enuresis: wets the bed: during full moon.

Typical Psorinum is chilly. Dreads washing (Sulphur): is greasy and “offensive to sight and smell.”.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.