
Are you suffering from Depression? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Depression….

Natrum carb [Nat-c]

      Nervous exhaustion: physical exhaustion: weakness of mind and body.

Forgets what he reads. “Memory will not hold out from beginning to end of sentence.”

Bookkeepers lose the ability to add up figures.

Confusion of mind: brain-fag.

Worse from sun: ailments after sunstroke. (Sepia 43.).

Phosphorus [Phos]

      Very sensitive to external impressions (Nux).

Better after sleep (Sepia). Long sleep. Better rubbed.

Sympathetic (Pulsatilla craves sympathy).

Imaginations to clairvoyance (? Aconite) and ecstasy.

Feels as if in several pieces; cannot set the bits properly together (comp. Baptisia, Raph., Pyrog.).

Fear; in the dark: alone: of thunder: that something will happen: of death.

Strange faces look from the corner.

Indifferent to loved ones, friends (Sepia).

May uncover and expose person (Hyoscyamus, Stramonium).

Maniacal attacks with extreme violence. (See p.45.).

Tuberculinum [Tub]

      Kent gives many mental symptoms, observed and cured (by his own preparation.).

Hopelessness, in many complaints.

Anxiety evenings (Pulsatilla), till midnight.

Anxiety and loquacity (Lachesis) during fever.

Thoughts, tormenting, persistent, intrude and crowd upon each other during the night.

Persons gradually running down, never finding the right remedy.

Constant desire to change, to travel, to go somewhere, do something different, to find a new doctor.

“The cosmopolitan desire to travel belongs strongly to one who needs Tuberculinum”

Persons on the borderline of insanity.

Intellectual and lung symptoms interchangeable.

Desire for air. Suffocation in warm room (Pulsatilla).

“Where at every coming back of the case, it needs a new remedy.”

Especially helpful for persons with T.B. history.

Ailanthus gland. [Ail]

      Since the poisoning all incidents of past life are forgotten, or remembered as things read about, or belonging to another.

Glonoin [Glon]

      Could not remember which side of street her house was on.

Well-known streets strange.

Loss of location: loses himself in streets that he has traversed for years.

All right in regard to everything else.

Disinclined to speak: would scarcely answer.

Recognized no one: repulsed husband and children: raved, screamed, wished to rush from house, to jump from window.

For bad effects of excitement, fright, fear, injuries (Aconite) and their later effects.

Broods on old unhappiness.

Fear of death: has been poisoned (Rhus. etc.).

Camphor [Camph]

      Felt he was journeying in one direction, when he was actually monobromide moving in the opposite.

Sensation of going in wrong direction, but numbers on houses showed he was going the right way.

Kali bromatum [Kali-br]

      Loss of memory, had to be told word before he could speak it (Plumb.).

Dull: torpid: perception slow: answers slow.

Delusions: pursued by police: will be poisoned (Rhus, Lachesis, Gloninum): is selected for divine vengeance: that her child is dead.

Hands constantly busy: walks the room groaning: full of hear.

Fearful delusions.

“Life threatened by members of his family.”

Fear to be alone: at night: under the impression that they have committed, or are about to commit some great crime and cruelty.

Religious delusions, feeling of moral deficiency.

Indifference: almost disgust for life.

Night terror of children (Calcarea carb.): cannot recognize or be comforted by their friends: may be followed by squinting.

Eupatorium purpureum [Eup-pur]

      Dull, stupid. Various delusions.

Homesick at home (Bryonia).

Conium [Con]

      A gradually increasing state of imbecility.

Unable to sustain any mental effort, or to rivet the attention.

A delirium, not constant, and without fever.

Forms of insanity that are slow and passive.

Great unhappiness recurring every fourteen days.

Cannot endure the slightest alcoholic drink.

Characteristic, Sweat during sleep. (See p. 43.).

Plumbum [Plb]

      Slow of perception. Loss of memory: while talking, unable to find the proper word (Kali br.).

Apathy: intellectual torpor to coma.

Language extravagant. Searching about on the floor.

People in the ward seemed as small as dolls (comp. Platina), and the opposite wall of room seemed to be sunk 40 ft. below his own level.

Illusions of vision, saw castles, palaces.

Friends that pursued him and sought his life.

Abused the doctors, tried to strike and bite the nurse (comp. Belladonna).

Wait before answering: answers rationally, then is off the track again: talk a mixture of sense and nonsense: bursts into laughter.

Violent delirium, impelled to tear themselves and bite their own fingers.

Violent delirium succeeded the epileptic spasm.

In delirium his life was in danger from assassination or poisoning; everyone about was a murderer (comp. Arsenicum).

Greatly increased muscular strength.

Zincum [Zinc]

      Enfeeblement. Mind slow: weak and tired.

” Repeats all questions before answering.”

Waits a moment, looking blank: then face lights up and he answers.

Torments everyone with his complaints.

“Not the mentally deficient: but the mental enfeeblement of disease.”

(Brain trouble : spinal meningitis, etc.)

“When the reflexes are abolished, Zincum met. comes in.”

In paralysis from cerebral thrombosis, one has seen reflexes restored by Zincum met. and recovery rapid thereafter.) (See p. 39.).

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.