Appendix Caecum

Are you suffering from Appendix Caecum? Dr. Tyler tells us the BEST homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Appendix Caecum….

Belladonna [Bell]

      Years ago, when making diagrams to show the action of remedies on parts of the body, one grasped the fact that two drugs seemed to share the honours in this area- Belladonna and Mercurius corrosivus. And one knows that Belladonna has earned a great reputation for early, simple inflammation of appendix. Among its symptoms are:

Great pain in right ileo-caecal region. Cannot bear the slightest touch not even of bed covers. Tenderness aggravated by least jar. (Kent says, “The jar of the bed will often reveal to you the remedy.)

Belladonna has much swelling. Its inflammations throb: feel bursting.

Kent also says, “There are instances where Belladonna is the remedy of all remedies in appendicitis.”.

Mercurius [Merc]

      Painful, hard, hot swelling, movable, near right ilium; previous extension of thigh.

Hard, hot, red swelling between umbilicus and inferior spine of ilium. Must lie on back, leg flexed. Fever, thirst, red dry tongue.

Constipation; red urine. (Typhlitis.)

Mercurius characteristics: Offensive breath, mouth, sweat. Worse heat of bed, but sensitive to draughts and damp cold. Thirst with salivation. Typically: large, dirty, Tooth-notched tongue.

Mercurius corr.[Merc-c]

      Kent has this drug down in black type of appendicitis.

Mercurius corr. is violent and active.

Has far more activity, excitement and burning.

Caecal region and transverse colon painful.

Bloated abdomen.

Characteristic: Great tenesmus of rectum, the “never-get-done” remedy.

Abdomen bruised, bloated, tender to least touch. Tenesmus of bladder, also. Hot urine passed drop by drop.

Opium [Op]

      Opium, morphia, aspirin and such painkillers in old school dosage are absolutely contra-indicated affections. They mask symptoms, whose urgent gravity is not recognized. They also prevent the possibility of discovering the homoeopathic remedy.

But Opium, in homoeopathic potency and dose is one of our most useful remedies here Typically the face is red, bluish, bloated. “For continuous stertorous breathing, gives Opium.”

Opium is painless, inactive, torpid: or, develops extreme nervous excitability, especially to noise,”hears flies walking on the wall.”

Paralytic conditions of bowels and bladder: inability to strain.

A curious determining symptom, if present: Says he is not sick when desperately ill ( Arnica).

Pupils contracted: in fatal cases, they dilate.

Plumbum [Plb]

      Large, hard swelling in ileo-caecal region.

Sensitive to touch and motion ( Belladonna, Lachesis).

Plumb. has terrible colic: relief from bending double and hard pressure. Typically, has retraction of abdomen ( Platina).

Navel and anus are violently retracted, as if abdomen were drawn to back.

Sudden constipation.

Anaesthesia, or excessive hyperaesthesia.

Cold sweat, or absolute absence of sweat.

Lachesis [Lach]

      Lies on back with knees drawn up: tenderness, pain, and swelling neighbourhood of caecum.

Great sensitiveness to contact, especially of clothes ( Belladonna, Hepar, Lycopodium). (Typically, also, of neck) Worse after sleep; from warm bath ( Opium). Hot flushes; hot sweat.

Purple puffiness of face is characteristic.

“Acute Lachesis has nausea and increased choking from warm drinks: chronic Lachesis has nausea from a cold drink.”.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

      Is given as one of the remedies of inflammation of colon and caecum.

Colicky pains right side abdomen, extending into bladder, with frequent urging to urinate.

Balloon-like distension of abdomen (rev. of Plumb.)

Abdomen sensitive to pressure and weight of clothes ( Lachesis).

Desire for sweet things and warm drinks.

Worse afternoon.

Bryonia [Bry]

      Appendicitis: peritonitis.

Must keep very still; stools hard, dry, as if burnt.

Pain in a limited spot: dull, throbbing or stitching. Bryonia is better lying on painful side, for pressure and to limit movement. Lies knees drawn up. Better for heat to inflamed part.

Phosphorus [Phos]

      Weak empty feeling in abdomen with burning between the shoulder blades.

Loud rumblings in abdomen; distension, though much flatus is passed.

Tympanites’, especially about caecum and transverse colon.

Nausea and vomiting; better cold drinks till they get warm in stomach; then are vomited.

Regurgitation of food by mouthfuls.

Worse thunderstorms, dark, cold.

Hepar [Hep]

      Deep, circumscribed swelling in ileo-caecal region; lies on back with right knee drawn up.

Decreased peristalsis.

Worse cold, dry air, wind; uncovering, touch.

Better damp weather; warm wraps.

Chilly; oversensitive, mind and body.

Sweats easily: dare not uncover.

Hasty, irritable, dissatisfied.

Crot. horridus [Crot-h]

      Typhlitis and perityphilitis. Low type. Red-tipped tongue.

Prostration: no stool; or discharges very offensive.

Prostration of vital force.

Sudden purpura haemorrhagica.

Lachesis is cold and clammy. Crot. cold and dry.

Lachesis is bluish. Crot. yellowish (or bluish); jaundiced appearance, skin, whites of eyes.

Deep-acting remedy of sepsis.

Characteristic: swelled tongue.

Crot. cascavella [Crot-c]

      Has a reputation here; but its mental symptoms are very strange and pronounced.

Apis [Apis]

      Abdomen bloated : feels inflated.

Sensitiveness of ileo-caecal region.

Pains burning, stinging, sore. Extreme sensitiveness to touch.

Worse: after sleep ( Lachesis); hot rooms; better open air, cold water and bathing.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      Burning like fire, only relieved by heat, calls for Arsenicum, with restlessness, anxiety, anguish.

Arsenicum has coldness externally, with internal, burning heat.

Tongue bluish, brown, blackish: dry.

Colchicum [Colch]

      Distension with gas: cannot stretch out legs.

Caecum and ascending colon much affected.

Characteristic: Smell painfully acute; nausea and faintness from odour of cooking food.

Loathing of food, still more of its smell.

Abdomen immensely distended; feels it will burst.

Rhus tox [Rhus-t]

      Inflammation of caecum and appendix.

Pains like a knife right abdomen; walks bent from pain and contraction in abdomen.

Ailments from getting wet, especially after being over-heated.

Tongue dry, sore, red cracked; with great thirst.

Great restlessness, anxiety, apprehension.

Can’t lie in bed; must change position.

Fear at night. Fear of poison.

Cravings are for oysters, beer, sweets, cold milk. Or aversion to beer, spirits, meat.

Caladium [Calad]

      Burning in abdomen (in typhlitis).

Abdomen swollen and tender to touch.

Dreads to move ( Bryonia).

Red, dry stripe centre of tongue, widens at tip.

Sensation of a long worm writhing in transverse colon or duodenum.

Characteristics: Sweet sweat attracts flies.

Iris [Iris]

      Has been found useful (Clarke).

Characteristic: acrid, burning excretions.

Acrid vomiting: bilious, acrid watery stools burn like fire.

Cocculus [Cocc]

      Constant pain right iliac region near caecum worse least touch; pain remits, returns much aggravated: during pain, drawings through whole abdomen, causing her to work the limbs constantly: can find relief in no position.

Echinacea [Echi]

      (In Repertory for Appendicitis.) Boericke says: “It acts on appendix and has been used for appendicitis. But remember, it promotes suppuration, and a neglected appendix with pus formation would probably rupture sooner under its use.”.

China [Chin]

      China is also given as useful here.

Abdomen distended ( Comp. Lycopodium, Coch., etc.), wants to belch; eructations afford no relief.

Periodicity: colic at a certain hour each day.

Better hard pressure, and loose clothes.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.