An excellent compilation of symptoms of homeopathic medicine Sepia from the book Pearls of Homeopathy by M.E. Douglass, published in 1903….

Adapted to persons of dark hair, fibre, but mild and easy disposition.

Diseases of women; particularly those occurring during pregnancy, child-bed, and lactation; or diseases attended with sudden prostration and sinking faintness.

Complaints that are brought on by, or are aggravated after, laundry work.

Pains extend from other parts to the back; are attended with shuddering.

Particularly sensitive to cold air, “chills so easily;” lack of vital heat, especially in chronic diseases (in acute diseases, Ledum).

Sensation of a ball in inner parts; during menses, pregnancy, lactation; with constipation, diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, leucorrhoea, and uterine affections.

Coldness on the vertex.

Indifference; even to one’s family; to occupation.

Indolent; does not want to do anything, even work or play; even an exertion to think.

Yellowness of the face; conjunctiva; yellow spots on the chest; a yellow saddle across the upper part of cheeks and nose.

Herpes circinatus in isolated spots on upper part of body (in intersecting rings over whole body, Tellurium).

Painful sensation of epigastrium, not relieved by eating.

Constipation during pregnancy; stool hard, knotty, in balls, insufficient, difficult; pain in rectum during and long after stool; sense of weight or ball in anus, not relieved by stool.

Diarrhoea: almost constant oozing from the anus; after taking boiled milk; during dentition.Urine: deposits a reddish, clay-colored sediment, which adheres to the vessel as if it had been burnt on; fetid; so offensive it must be removed from the room.

Enuresis; the bed is wet almost as soon as the child goes to sleep; always during the first sleep.

Prolapse of uterus and vagina; pressure and bearing down as if everything would protrude from pelvis, must cross her limbs to prevent it; with oppression of breathing.

Menses: too early and too profuse, and lasting only one day.

Sensation of distention of the genitals.

Acrid, smarting leucorrhoea, with soreness of the pudendum.

Sepia should not be alternated with Pulsatilla.

Very indifferent toward everything, and apathetic.

Headache better after meals.

Great falling out of the hair.

Black spots hovering and swimming before the eyes.

Nausea, mornings only, passing off after eating something.

Sensation of a load in the abdomen, during emotion.

Great dryness of the vulva and vagina, causing a very disagreeable sensation when walking.

Yellowish leucorrhoeal discharge in the morning, with bearing down in the pelvic organs.

Leucorrhoea, like milk, only during the day, with burning pain and excoriation between the thighs.

Induration of the cervix uteri.

Cough, mostly in the evening, in bed.

Spasmodic cough.

She cannot sleep at night, on account of incessant cough.

Short, dry cough, which seems to come out of stomach.

Oppression of the chest, morning and evening.

Herpetic eruption on the lips.

Itching on the bends of the elbows.

Chilliness from every motion.

Very cold feet, with headache, evening and in the morning.

Icy cold and damp feet all day, like standing in cold water up to ankles.

Coldness, with deadness of the limbs and fingers.

Attacks of flushes of heat, as if hot water were poured over one, with redness of face, sweat of the whole body, with anxiety, without thirst or dryness of throat.

Sweat: profuse in the morning after awaking; sweat worse from least exertion, mental or physical, walking, writing, eating; cold sweat on breast, back, thigh and male genitals.

Melford Eugene Douglass
M.E.Douglass, MD, was a Lecturer of Dermatology in the Southern Homeopathic Medical College of Baltimore. He was the author of - Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment; Repertory of Tongue Symptoms; Characteristics of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.