An excellent compilation of symptoms of homeopathic medicine Phosphorus from the book Pearls of Homeopathy by M.E. Douglass, published in 1903….

Adapted to tall, slender persons of sanguine temperament, fair skin, blonde or red hair, quick, lively perceptions and sensitive nature.

Young people, who grow too rapidly, are inclined to stoop; chlorosis; anaemia.

Apathetic; unwilling to talk; answers slowly; moves slowly; moves sluggishly.

Weary of life; full of gloomy forebodings.

Great nervous debility; trembling.

Weakness and prostration of whole body; weariness, from loss of vital fluids.

Sensation of weakness and emptiness in stomach and abdomen.

As soon as water becomes warm in stomach it is thrown up.

Constipation; faces slender, long, dry, tough, and hard like a dog’s; voided with difficulty.

diarrhoea: as soon as anything enters the rectum; profuse, pouring away as from a hydrant; watery with sago-like particles; the anus remaining open; involuntary; during cholera time; green and bloody oozing from the constantly open anus: bloody water, like the washings of meat; after cold food, ice or ice-cream.

During pregnancy: unable to drink water; sight of it causes vomiting; must close her eyes while bathing.

Vomiting relieved for a time day ice or very cold food or drink.

Weak, gone feeling in the abdomen.

Haemorrhagic diathesis; slight wounds bleed profusely.

Haemorrhage: frequent and profuse, pouring out freely and then ceasing for a time; haemoptysis; metrorrhagia; cancer; vicarious, from nose, stomach, anus, urethra in amenorrhoea.

Cannot talk, the larynx is so painful; cough, going from warm room to cold air, laughing, talking, reading, eating, lying on left side.

Very great indisposition to mental or physical exertion.

Disinclination to study or converse.

Could not study nor keep his mind on any particular subject long at a time.

Lay most of the time in a stupor, from which he could be roused, however, for an instant, only to lapse back into low muttering lethargy.

Vertigo as soon as he attempts to rise from lying down.

A green halo about the candlelight, in the evening.

Black floating points before the eyes.

Hearing difficult.

Swelling of the nose, that is painful to touch.

Slow bleeding of the nose.

Nose swollen and dry; cannot draw air through it.

Frequent blowing of blood from the nose.

Emission of much flatus.

Emptiness and a feeling of weakness in the abdomen.

Extreme irresistible desire for coition.

Menses: too early, too profuse, and of too long duration.

Too early, too scanty, and watery; retarded, but copious; haemoptysis or haematemesis instead of the menses.Before menses: colic; leucorrhoea with weeping mood; bleeding of present ulcers.

During menses: blue margins about the eyes; spitting of blood; palpitation of the heart.

After menses: stitches through the pelvis; acrid, smarting, corrosive, and blistering leucorrhoea; aversion to sexual intercourse.

Spitting or vomiting of blood at each menstrual period.

puffed eyelids.

Stitches in the mammae.

Sensation of heart of burning up the back, between the shoulders.

Rawness in the larynx and trachea, with frequent hacking cough and hawking.

Suffocative pressure in the upper part of the chest.

Hoarseness: can hardly speak above a whisper; in the morning.

Violent, dry cough on reading aloud in the evening.

Frequent dry cough, with scanty expectoration.

Paroxysmal cough, accompanied by expectoration of tenacious, purulent mucus.

Dry, troublesome cough, causing soreness in the forepart of the chest.

Cough in the morning, after rising, with expectoration of transparent mucus.

Cough caused by constant tickling in the throat.

Bloody expectoration, with mucus.

Respiration always very short after coughing.

Respiration is impeded by rapid walking.

Tubercles of the lungs develop, with hectic fever.

Great oppression of the chest, so that the patient, during the attack of cough, and in order to expectorate, must sit up in bed, when she experiences great pain, with a constrictive sensation under the sternum.

Distressing anxiety and pressure in the chest, amounting to real suffocation, so that deep inspiration was difficult but not impossible.

Heaviness of the chest, as if a weight were lying upon it.

The spinous processes of the dorsal vertebrae between the scapulae become exceedingly sensitive to pressure.

Weakness in all the limbs.

Extensive gangrenous periostitis of the tibia, with severe febrile disturbances; the periosteum pulled off from a large area upwards, as far as the knee-joint; the bone was rough. Mucous membranes pale.

Blood very fluid and difficult to coagulate.

Great weakness of the whole body.

Lying on the left side at night causes anxiety.

Great sleepiness during the day, even before dinner.

He cannot fall asleep before midnight.

Flushed cheeks, the left one much more than the right.

Chilliness, every evening with shivering, without thirst.

Coldness in the knees, constantly in bed.

Icy coldness of the hands and feet, even in bed.

Heat and sweat at night, with ravenous hunger.

Sweat: profuse over whole body and on slight exertion.

Morning sweat, most profuse during sleep.

Melford Eugene Douglass
M.E.Douglass, MD, was a Lecturer of Dermatology in the Southern Homeopathic Medical College of Baltimore. He was the author of - Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment; Repertory of Tongue Symptoms; Characteristics of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.