An excellent compilation of symptoms of homeopathic medicine Ignatia from the book Pearls of Homeopathy by M.E. Douglass, published in 1903….

Especially adapted to the nervous temperament; women of a sensitive easily excited nature dark hair and skin but mild disposition quick to perceive rapid in execution. In striking contrast with the fair complexion yielding, lachrymose, but slow and indecisive-pulsatilla.

The remedy of great contradictions; symptoms often and suddenly directly opposite.

Mental conditions rapidly in an almost incredibly short time, change from joy to sorrow laughing to weeping.

persons mentally and physically exhausted by long concentrated grief; involuntary sighing, and a weak, empty feeling at pit of stomach not relieved by eating.

Bad effects of anger grief, or disappointed love; broods love imaginary trouble in solitude.

Children: reprimanded scolded sent to bed get sick are convulsed in sleep.

Headache, as if a nail were driven out through the side relieved by lying on it.

Cannot bear tobacco.

In talking or chewing, bites inside of check.

Sweat on the face of a small spot only, while eating.

Prolapsus ani from moderate straining at stool.

Haemorrhoids; prolapse with every stool, have to be replaced. Stitches up the rectum.

Cough dry, spasmodic; after warm drinks; every time he stands still during a walk the linger he coughs the more the irritation to cough increases. Roaring in ears increased by music.

Pain in small circumscribed spots; over-sensitive to pain.

In most cases Ignatia should be given in the morning.

Slight blame or contradiction makes him angry and this makes him angry with himself.

Finely sensitive mood delicate conscientiousness.

Sour taste in the mouth.

Sore throat sticking in it when not swallowing and even somewhat while swallowing the more he swallows, however the more it disappears if he swallows anything solid like bread it seems as though the sticking entirely disappeared.

A coarse stitch extending from the anus deep into the rectum.

Sore pain in the anus, without reference to the stool.

Great urgency and desire for stool in the evening, felt mostly in the middle of the abdomen, but no stool follows, only the rectum protrudes.

Frequent discharge of much watery urine.

Menses; too early and too profuse: discharge of offensive, black blood mixed with coagula.

Starting of the limbs when going to sleep.

Chill: always with great thirst for large quantities of water.

Thirst only during chill.

Chill begins in, and spreads from arms.

Shaking chill, with redness of whole body, or only of posterior portions, relieved at once in a warm room or by a warm stove.

The febrile coldness relieved by external warmth is characteristic of Ignatia.

Heat of the whole body in the afternoon, without thirst, with sensation of dryness of the skin. External heat and redness, without internal heat.

One ear, one cheek, and side of the face red and burning.

Deep, snoring sleep during heat.

Urticaria over the whole body, with violent itching, easily relieved by scratching.

Sweat without thirst. Fainting during sweat.

Eruption on the lips and in the corners of the mouth.

During the chill, thirsty, seeks external warmth; during the fever, no thirst, external warmth very pleasant; sitting up relieves the chill.

Melford Eugene Douglass
M.E.Douglass, MD, was a Lecturer of Dermatology in the Southern Homeopathic Medical College of Baltimore. He was the author of - Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment; Repertory of Tongue Symptoms; Characteristics of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.