An excellent compilation of symptoms of homeopathic medicine China from the book Pearls of Homeopathy by M.E. Douglass, published in 1903….

Adapted to stout “swarthy” persons to systems once robust, which have become debilitated, “broken down” from exhausting discharges; ailments from loss of vital fluids, especially haemorrhages or excessive lactation.

After climacteric with profuse haemorrhages; acute diseases result in dropsy.

Pains are darting or drawing-tearing in every joints all the bones, periosteum as if strained sore all over; obliged to move limbs frequently, as motion gives relief; renewed by contact and then gradually increased to a great height.

Great debility, trembling aversion to exercise nervous; sensitive to touch, to pain to draughts of air; unrefreshing sleep.

Excessive flatulence of stomach and bowels; belching gives no relief.

Colic: at a certain hour each from gall-stone, worse night after eating better bending double.

Labor-pains cease from haemorrhage; cannot bear to be touched not even hands.

Haemorrhages from mouth nose, or bowels longing for sour things.

Haemorrhages; blood dark, or dark and clotted with ringing in the ears, fainting. loss of sight, general coldness, and sometimes convulsions.

Sadness, indifference, apathy. Slow of train of ideas.

Full of plans and projects especially at night which prevent her from sleeping.

Headache so sensitive, especially at night, which prevents her from sleeping.

Headache so sensitive that it seems as though the skull would burst the brain beats in waves against the skull.

Ringing in the ears.

Bitter taste in the mouth.

Craves dainties, but hardly knows what.

Indifference to eating and drinking.


Fermentation in the abdomen from eating fruit.

Emissions of large quantities of flatus, which afford no relief.

Stools: yellow, watery; undigested; frothy; involuntary; putrid; cadaverous; worse at night and after a meal.

Rapid exhaustion and emaciation.

Fermentation in the bowels.

After a long-lasting attack of cholera infantum child becomes drowsy, pupils dilated, rapid and superficial breathing; chin, nose, and tips of the ears cold (impending hydrocephaloid).

Cough caused by laughing.

Sensation in the lower leg as if the garters were tied too tightly and as if the leg would to to sleep and become stiff.

General soreness of the whole body.

Excessive tenderness and sensitiveness of the nervous system.

Excessive, almost painful, sensitiveness of the skin of the whole body.

Paroxysms of fever return every seven or every fourteen days.

Restless sleep night before the paroxysm.

Thirst ceases as soon as chill begins.

General shaking chill over whole body increased by drinking.

Internal and violent chill, with icy-cold hands and feet desire to uncover, but chilly when uncovered.

On the least movement an unpleasant sensation of heat in the head and stomach.

Sweat with great thirst Sweating during sleep.

On being covered, sweats profusely all over.

The sweat parboils the skin.

Melford Eugene Douglass
M.E.Douglass, MD, was a Lecturer of Dermatology in the Southern Homeopathic Medical College of Baltimore. He was the author of - Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment; Repertory of Tongue Symptoms; Characteristics of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.