An excellent compilation of symptoms of homeopathic medicine Chamomilla from the book Pearls of Homeopathy by M.E. Douglass, published in 1903….

Adapted to children especially those with light or brown hair, excitable, nervous temperament; oversensitive from use or abuse of coffee or narcotics.

Peevish irritable oversensitive to pain drives to despair; cannot return civil answer.

Child exceedingly irritable, fretful; quiet only when carried; impatient wants this or that, becomes angry when refused, or when offered petulantly rejects it; “too ugly to live.”

Patient cannot endure any one near him, is cross cannot bear to be spoken to answers snappishly.

One cheek red, the other pale.

Oversensitive to open air; aversion to wind.

complaints from anger especially chill and fever.

Pains: spasmodic, distressing, wants to get away from them.

Piteous moaning of a child because he cannot have what he wants.

Because almost furious about her pains.

Speaks snappishly and short.

During menstrual period can hardly speak a pleasant word or give a civil answer.

Imagines he hears the voices of absent friends.

Semilateral headache.

Toothache, especially after a warm; during menstruation.

Sour eructations. The existing pains are all aggravated by eructations.

Great watery diarrhoea.

Stool hot, smelling like rotten eggs worse during dentition. Emission of large quantities of colorless urine.

Drawing from the sacral region forward, griping and pinching in the uterus followed by discharge of large clots of blood.

Profuse discharge of clotted blood, with severe pains like labor pains in the uterus.

Menses too early and too profuse with dark and coagulated, and sometimes offensive, blood.

Before menses: very irritable and peevish; snaps at every body; cutting colic and drawing in the thighs; abdominal spasms.

During menses: crampy colic; labor-like pressing from the small of the back to the genitals; drawing pain from the sacral region forward; griping and pinching in the uterus, followed by discharge of large clots of blood; profuse discharge of clotted blood, having an offensive odor.

Catarrhal of mucus in the trachea with wheezing.

Drawing of mucus in the trachea with wheezing.

The arms go to sleep and feel stiff when taking hold of anything.

Crampy feeling in the calves, especially at night.

Shivers, when uncovering or undressing.

Chilly on posterior, with heat of anterior, portion of the body or vice versa.

Long-lasting heat, with violent with violent thirst, and frequent startings in sleep.

Heat and shivering intermingled, with one cheek red the other pale.

Hot perspiration especially of the face and head.

Profuse sweat on covered parts.

Melford Eugene Douglass
M.E.Douglass, MD, was a Lecturer of Dermatology in the Southern Homeopathic Medical College of Baltimore. He was the author of - Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment; Repertory of Tongue Symptoms; Characteristics of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica.