Organs of Art of Healing

When such relief terminates as it is certain to do, the disease returns much aggravated. This aggravation is generally interpreted, by the allopath, as a violent change in the old or the appearance of a new disease and is again assaulted, viciously and heroically, by the exhibition of a new assortment of inappropriate drugs, or a resumption of the first inappropriate drugs increased in strength or size of dose. Finally drug effects persist to the extent that the patient’s health and comfort is lost where he seeks it. Hammond, the chief advocate of the use of bromides, as a sleep producer, admits that the bromides put more people in the insane asylum than any other drug. No one is more thoroughly conscious of the damage done by indiscriminate laxative taking than the physician. This habit too is credited with causing insanity. The result is, at best, a crippled colon, chronic toxemia, with its hosts of ills. The injurious effects are upon the liver, kidneys intestines, colon, etc., which are so crippled that their task of elimination is neglected, due to exhaustion from overstimulation. The normally functioning organ does what it should, the exhausted or overstimulated organ does what it should not. The absorption of toxines, by the overstimulated mucosa of the intestines, induces auto intoxication, high blood pressure, rheumatism, organic heart, liver and kidney disease, and a host of maladies to which civilized people fall victims. These unhappy and fatal afflictions that rob life of comfort and hasten its end, result chiefly for the reason that inappropriate remedies are applied to primary sickness and that refined, processed, demineralized food products are habitually included in the customary diet.

59. As examples of allopathic effects note that diarrhoea, pains, cough bladder weakness, constipation, chronic debility, stomach-weakness, chilliness, burning, catarrhal discharge, partial paralysis, rush of blood to head, (treated by blood letting) torpid body and mind, rapid pulse, slow pulse, sleeplessness, etc., are temporarily relieved only to be renewed with added severity or complicated with superimposed drug diseases. Thus is intractable chronic sickness, invalidism and insanity multiplied as the direct result of allopathic methods of treating the sick. This narrative of misfortunes, suffered by those who seek and from accredited doctors, can be easily affirmed and enlarged.

60. The result of allopathic methods lead inevitably to ever increasing dose, never to cure.

61. The allopathic doctors had faith but lacked knowledge. They were not trained observers, so missed the obvious. All that has preceded should have been plain to anybody.

62. What follows explains the obvious. What follows furnishes verification by example and experiment, of the truth that, till now, was missed, till Hahnemann called attention to it. It has always been intelligible and vastly important.

63 to 69 present a general view of drug effects.

63. Every drug has two effects : 1st, Primary drug effect; 2nd, Secondary vital reaction just as does every other influence affecting the vitality, whether drug or morbific influence. 64. The vitality passively receives the primary drug effects, then actively by a secondary counter effect, curative crises, neutralizes the primary effects, if they are not so violent as to destroy the life of the individual.

65. For example hot water heats then chills, exercise warms then chills, cold water cools then warms, coffee stimulates then depresses, opium produces sleep then sleeplessness, purgatives purge then constipate, etc., etc.

66. Potentized homoeopathic remedies produce little or no perceptible primary effects, but set up curative reactive processes. The reactive curative processes may be set up by highly attenuated doses, not too frequently repeated, by reason of the extreme susceptibility of the patient having symptoms of sickness similar to the pathogenesis of the drug selected as the remedy.

67. Homoeopathic cures are salutary, allopathic palliation is detrimental, destructive of health and comfort. Allopathic treatment permanently destroys health, and renders sickness, by reason of drug complications, incurable or difficulty curable.

68. A slight drug effect may linger after a cure by a homoeopathic remedy, but soon disappears after the extinction of the disease.

69. The reverse takes place after an allopathic palliation, immediately the disease condition is aggravated, as soon as the drug effects subside.

70 and 71. Recapitulation of all that precedes and summary of all that follows.

70. 1st, Sickness reveals itself in no other way than symptoms, perceptible to the senses. Nothing else is to be removed, there is no other guide to the remedy.

2nd. No substance or drug can be used as a curative remedy that cannot change or alter the state of health of the healthy.

3rd. Diseases cannot be cured by drugs that produce dissimilar symptoms in the healthy, but only by that drug that has the power to produce an artificial condition most similar to that of the natural disease.

4th. Experience teaches that medicines with opposite symptoms produce only transient relief of sickness. Medicines never cure which cannot aggravate the symptoms of the disease. Hence allopathy is not applicable to the cure of chronic serious sickness.

5th. The homoeopathic remedy is salutary, capable of creating similar symptoms where-by, when properly administered in the proper dose properly repeated, it is capable of establishing a healing crisis, what nature in accidental cures by similar diseases has demonstrated is necessary.

71. Three questions answered in the next 222 paragraphs:

1. How does the physician gain the knowledge of disease necessary for the accomplishment of its cure?

2. How does the physician gain a knowledge of drugs, as remedies, necessary for the cure of diseases?

3. How does the physician apply drugs effectively in the cure of disease?

72 to 83. General survey of sickness.

72. Regarding the first point; Diseases peculiar to mankind, are of two classes. The first includes rapid, morbid processes caused by abnormal states and derangements of the vital forces; such affections usually run their course within a brief period of variable duration, and are called acute diseases. The second class embraces diseases that develop from apparently trifling or imperceptible beginnings; but which in a manner peculiar to themselves, advance to maturity, dynamically derange the living organism, insidiously undermines the health, and ends only with death unless cured by the art of healing, in accordance with the eternal law of cure. These are called chronic disease, and are originated by infection with a chronic miasms. The chronic are discussed in Hahnemann’s book entitled Chronic Diseases.

Hahnemann had perceived that syphilis is the fundamental and exciting cause of many forms of chronic sickness many years before Osler had propounded his famous dogma : “Know syphilis in all its manifestations and all things clinical shall be added unto you.” But in addition to knowing syphilis, Hahnemann knew the fundamental nature of two other chronic miasms psora and sycosis. Every person who continues sick is not necessarily chronically sick.

73. Acute diseases likewise admit of division into several classes which can be for convenience, arranged under two general heads, viz :

1 Artificial acute sickness, due to

1 Overexertion,

2 Injury,

3 Overindulgence,

4 Drugs,

5 Exposure,

6 Unhygienic living,

7 Unhygienic surroundings.

2 Natural acute sickness due to natural causes

1 Epidemic,

2 Endemic,

3 Sporadic,

4 Contagious,

5 Infectious.

74. Many disease conditions, which do not terminate cannot be classed with chronic diseases, but are the direst result of allopathic treatment, and the direct result of the continued use of violent, heroic medicines in large and increasing doses. Drug sickness is induced by abuse of calomel, corrosive sublimate, mercury and mercuric ointment, argentum nitrate, iodine ointments, and other ointments capable of suppressing eruptions, opium, valerian, quinine, coal tar products, synthetic pain killers, digitalis, ergot sulphur ointment, purgatives, salts, compound cathartic pills, patent and proprietary drug mixtures dispensed, with surprising profits, to a credulous and easily exploited public. Add to this vast army of persons suffering from disordered sickness and rendered incurable or difficulty curable by the indiscriminate use of drugs, the host of narcotic addicts, and it is easy to believe that medicine has been a curse, not a blessing to mankind. Medicine is here left open to attack by new healing cults and suffers the reverse it deserves.

75. Drugs may and have ruined health.

76. Homoeopathy cures all natural diseases, but cannot correct all drug diseases which are induced by indiscriminate and persistent use of drugs through a long period of time. 77. True chronic sickness is due to infectious miasm and not to unhygienic living unless cured by the proper remedy.

CA Baldwin
CA Baldwin