Hodgkin’s disease

July 4.-Glands have been larger till the last few days. Now they have decreased. General health very good.

Sept.12.-Has been at Yarmouth. There a gland broke, and discharged matter and blood. Other glands still very bad.

Rx Aconite Lycopodium 6, one pilule three times a day.

Oct. 10.-Lumps are bigger. p73

Have broken and began discharging. Since then easier. General health very good. Pulse rather frequent, but steady and strong. On listening over the heart I found the bruit had disappeared.

This showed that the competency of the mitral valve had been restored, and was a significant fact, taken in connection with the case of Mr. Teale’s, in which sudden death from heart disease followed operation, and the case of my own, in which disease of one of the heart valves developed after a tuberculous gland had been removed.

Rx Kali iod., gr. iii. three times a day. A lotion of the same in the strength of a drachm to the ounce.

Dec. 24.-The patient remarked to me, that before coming under my treatment he had always been better in winter than in summer.

The glands have been larger in winter, but have broken out more in the summer. Since coming to me he has been better than before; no new places have appeared-only the breaking out again of old ones. Repeat.

Jan. 9, 1886.-Rx Calcarea Fluor. 6x, two grains three times a day.

May 8.-Feels much stronger. Glands same.

Rx Aconite I, one pilule three times a day. Aconite 30 at bedtime.

Aug. 4.-No more abscesses. Lumps decreasing. General health very good. Repeat.

Nov. 27.-Has cold and cough.

Cough worse in morning with phlegm. Bowels confined for four days. Is stronger and stouter. Has a rather painful gland at the side of the larynx.

Rx Nat. mur. 30, one pilule three times a day.

Jan. 8, 1887.-Glands smaller; did not break. Cold got better.


June4.-Has had fresh cold and cough at night; cannot go to sleep for wheezing.

Rx Arsen. 3, one drop every three hours.

June 12.-Chest better, but still has cough on lying down at night. Aching all over. Has cold in head. Neck rather smaller.

Rx. Aconite I, one pilule three times a day. Hyoscy. 3, one pilule at bedtime if required.

June 24.-Cough soon left him. Still has cold in head. Aching gone.

Rx Aconite I three times a day. Aconite 30 at bedtime.

May 16.-Ex Aconite 6 three times a day.

Sept. 17.-Has been three weeks without medicine. Has had sharp attack of diarrhoea. Before this the right side of the neck p73 swelled up much and then went down. It is both puffy and soft, but no distinct sign of pus. Repeat.

Nov. 12.-The glands did not break. Has had a bad cold and cough. Coughs much on lying down.

Rx Rumex 6, one drop every two hours.

Nov. 26.-Got rid of his cough in a week.

Rx Baryta c. 30, three times a day. Rumex if required.

Jan. 4, 1888.-Has been well except for cold. Gland swelling again.

Rx Aconite 6, one pilule three times a day.

Jan. 28.-Very much better generally. The gland went down in three days. Cough less.

This was his last attendance, as he was practically well.


Alice M., 25, servant, came to the Homoeopathic Hospital Feb. II, 1889. She had had enlarged glands on both sides of the neck for three years. The tonsils were not enlarged, and she could not account for their appearing. They were worse in cold weather and ached at times.

Rx Aconite 3, one drop four times a day.

Feb.2.-Improving. Repeat.

Mar. 25.-There has been very cold weather. Up till then the neck was better. Not so well since. Repeat.

April 22.-Right side not so big left a little bigger. Has had severe cold, but is better now. Repeat.

July 22.-Neck much smaller than it has been for a very long time. It always does get smaller in summer, but not so small as now.


Sept. 2.-Better, but rather swollen since weather became so cold.

Rx Aconite Lycoc.3, one drop three times a day.

Dec.2.-Has been better. Now not quite so well. Repeat.

Jan.6, 1886.-Glands have been painful.

Rx. Calcarea Fluor. 6x, gr. ii. three times a day.

Feb. 3.-Better, less painful. Repeat.

Mar. 10.-Glands more painful in the cold weather.

Rx Aconite Lycoc. 3, gtt. ii. four times a day.

April 7.-Not so well.

Aconite nap. I, one pilule four times a day.

June 9.-Rx Kali mur. 6x, gr. ii. three times a day.

Oct. 27.-Kept improving under same medicine till now.

Has a very bad whitlow.

Rx Silicea 3, gr. ii. ter die.

The whitlow got better, and the Kali mur. was resumed. She continued under this for some months. On May 11th she developed a p73 pain in the lower part of the back and right leg, which gave her much trouble. Under Bryonia it became much better, but did not leave her. Finally Argent. nit. 12 removed it, but she unfortunately had a fall, which brought it back again for a time. The neck steadily improved, and none of the glands suppurated, though at times there was a threatening of this. She ceased attending in December 1888.


Ethel T., 12, school-girl, pale, sallow, very unhealthy looking, with enlarged glands on each side of the neck, and the marks of old scars, was brought to me on April 29, 1891.

Four years before had ophthalmia. The present swelling of the neck glands came on six weeks ago in consequence of a chill, as it was supposed. The right eye is inflamed, there being a phlyctenula at the edge of the cornea.

During this time her health has been worse. She has frontal headaches, a slight cough, is very irritable, low spirited, and cries.

Is chilly, and likes much clothing in the night. The tongue is white; bowels regular; the appetite is abnormally good, she is hungry before her proper meal-times. Sleep is bad; she wakes with pains in the neck and throat. She has large lips; they have been so for two years.

Rx Aconite 6, gtt. i. every three hours.

May 6.-Eye got very bad for sometime; is much better the last three days. Much less pain in the glands. Is much better than she has been for many weeks. Repeat.

May 20.-Glands seem to be softening; no pain. The eye is bad. Many more phlyctenulae have appeared. Eye feels hot.

Rx Acid nitricum 30, gtt. i. every three hours.

May 27.-Eye better to-day, but has been very bad. Glands inflamed and suppurating.

Rx Hepar 30, gtt. i. every three hours.

June 3.-Eye not so well for last few days; painful. Shooting pains in head.

Rx Rhus t. 12, gtt. i. every two hours. silic. 30, one pilule every two hours if abscess opens.

June 10.-Abscess in neck opened spontaneously on 7th. Since then has better. Has an itching eruption all round the body, and some spots on the arms. Had some of it three weeks ago.

Repeat Silicea Calend ointment.

June 17.-Eye was better till last three days.

Rx Sul. 30, gtt. i. every four hours.

June 24.-Eye has been worse, but now is better. Is low and weak. Feet hot; stockings damp. p73

June 27.-Eye worse; burning Is low and weak. Worse in night; restless.

Rx Mercurius cor. 3, gtt. i, every two hours. Arsen. 30, one pilule every two hours if required.

July 1.-Very much better; was better the next day after commencing Mercurius cor. She can now bear the light and see a little. The rash is urticarious and leaves a scurf. Rx Mercurius cor. 6, gtt. i. every three hours. Boracic acid lotion (half a grain to the ounce). Calendula ointment.

July 8.-Eye better. Glands the same as before. Has had restless night.

It Mercurius cor. 3.

July 15.-Very much better; can see better. Has had neuralgia in teeth.

Rx Conium 30, one pilule three times a day.

July 22.-On 16th nose bled profusely. Pain in teeth has been bad; teeth carious. Neck better Eye better, but there is still some photophobia.

Rx Tuberculinum Kochii 200, two globules on the tongue at once. Kreas. 30, one pilule every two hours if toothache continues. July 29.-Toothache gone. Eye very much better. Neck better.

Rx Sacch. Lact.

Sept.2.-Has been pretty well, but the eye does not get quite well. Ulcer in centre of cornea. Has had toothache.

Rx Mercurius cor. 3, gtt. i. every two hours.

Boracic acid lotion. Kreas. 3, one pilule every two hours when toothache trouble-some.

Sept. 9.-Eye much better; photophobia less. Has had much pain in lumps of neck.

Repeat. Also another dose of Tuberc. Koch. given.

Sept. 23.-Much better. Eye better; can write now. Toothache has been bad. No medicine.

Dec. 2.-Has remained fairly well the last ten weeks. All inflammation gone from eye. Leucoma on cornea.

Rx T. Koch. 200, three globules on the tongue.

Dec. 16.-Two days ago had pain in the side of the head and face, first on the right side, then on the left. The neck has been very painful; worse in the evening; is now better.

Repeat the dose of T. Koch. 200. Rx Staphisagria 30, every hour if required for toothache.

Jan. 6, 1892.-Neck very much better. Repeat.

Jan. 26.-Has been better. Neck better. Toothache at times.

Rx Bacillinum 1m., one dose. Staphysagria if required.

March 2.-Neck better. Has a very bad cold and cough; worse at night.

Repeat Bacillinum I m. Rx Arsen 30, one pilule every three hours.

March 16.-Cough very much better. Neck better. Repeat.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica