Veratrum Alb Cured Cases

Clinical cases which were cured by the homeopathic medicine Veratrum Alb in Constantine Hering’s practice. Published in the book Model Cures….

116. A compositor, aet. 24, lean, of pale, earthy complexion, suffered for years after eating carrots, all sorts of cabbage, especially the white and sauerkraut, every species of fruit, pears in particular; violent attacks of neuralgia; a certain movement was felt about the naval, then suddenly, always at the same place a pinching as if by pincers followed, with the most intolerable pain lasting half or a whole minute; each time it went away with borborygmus, extending to the caecal region. There occurred also a sensation of constriction above and below, preventing flatus from passing. Attacks of anxiety and pain increase from half to a whole hour, abdomen swelled and became painful to the touch.

Along with all this: inclination to vomit chest constricted, breathing shorter, more and more difficult, cold sweat, stupefaction and total exhaustion. Could not swallow a drop of liquid, much less any solid food. He lay many hours stupefied, unconscious, with a swollen face and protruded eyes, without sleep. After wind passed up or down it went off. ver. alb. four powders, each containing four grains of the powdered root, caused a dreadful aggravation, followed by a perfect cure. – HAHNEMANN IN LESSER WRITINGS

117. A young lady has since three months on awaking nausea, vomiturition and constricting sensation the throat; dullness in the head, sometimes sensation as of a piece of ice lying on the vertex. Frequent chilliness, can scarcely get warm, feet, hands and nose icy cold. Catamenia irregular, generally every three weeks. Early on the day on which menses appear diarrhoea, chilliness, four to six watery evacuations with burning pain in rectum. Irritability; sensitive, gets angry at trifles, or weeps about little things: Veratr. – J.C. MORGAN

118. A women, aet. 36, with insanity, has lectrophilie, red burning face, anxiety hopelessness, despair, continual moaning and screaming without a cause. Does not eat or drink, is sleepless. Brought on by sexual excitement. Veratr.- SCHULLER

119. A crippled girl who fell down suddenly with an attack of convulsions, was brought to bed and had a shaking chill. She sat up in bed in a semi-conscious state, refusing assistance, food or drink. Anxiety, with groaning all night long. Chides her father for taking part in the revolution; thinks she hears the drum which proclaims his execution. This is followed by silent brooding and occasional starts. Menses checked, the abdomen tense face pale, arms cold, eyes fixed with contracted pupils. Pulse slow and almost imperceptible: Veratr.- WOOST.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.