Keynote symptoms of homeopathy medicine Podophyllum, described by A. L. Monroe in his book, Method of Memorizing the Materia Medica, published in 1882….


Patient has Diarrhea, chronic in kind,

Or acute Dysentery each morning,

Diarrhea coming often with gushing and wind;

Of his fluids the patient seems draining;

Prolapsus of Anus with cramping of limbs,

Having often a cause in hot weather;

Yellow, greenish, or bloody and sour smelling stools,

Like jelly and mucus together.

Less often quite slimy or chalky in hue,

Undigested, and quite unexpected too,

Making Cholera Morbus a remedy true.

A.L. Monroe
Dr Andrew Leight MONROE (1856-1935)
American homeopath - Louisville.
Chair of materia medica at Pulte College in Cincinnati.