During the frequent stools chilliness and shivering. [GREDING, l. c., p. 60.]

During the evacuation of the bowels extraordinary exhaustion. [GREDING, l. c., p. 44.]

335. He becomes pale in the face during the stool. (Should be “during the frequent stools,” as in S. 333.][GREDING, l. c., p. 40.]

During the diarrhoea appetite for food and drink. [GREDING, l. c., p. 76.]

Violent, bloody diarrhoea. [ETTMULLER, l. c. – DESSENIUS, (Not accessible.) Composit. Medicam. Lib. x, p. 422.]

A diarrhoeic stool (aft. 12 h.). [Bch.]

Stool, the first part of which is of large size, but the remainder comes away in thin strips, but of proper consistence and colour. [Stf.]

340. The excrements are acrid (aft. 12 h.).

Constiveness, constipation on account of hardness and large size of the faeces (aft. 3, 14 h.).

The first day constipation. [Trn.]

During the costiveness diuresis. (Not found.) [GREDING, l. c., p. 28.]

During the costiveness heat and pain in the head. [GREDING, l. c., p. 44.]

345. Long-continued constipation. [GREDING, l. c., p. 76.]

All the evacuations are suppressed. (For some days, from an excessively large dose.)

During the evacuations profuse cold sweat on the forehead. [ALBERTI, (This sixth volume not accessible.) Jurisc. Medorrhinum, t, vi., p. 718.]

Burning in the anus during the stool (aft. 12 h.).

A burning in the anus during the stool. [GREDING, l. c., p. 36.]

350. (Sore pain at the anus.) [Stf.]

Pressing upon he anus, with blind piles.

Blind piles (aft. 10 h.).

Aching pain the bladder, and burning when urinating. [GREDING, l.., p. 55.]

Burning in the fore part of the urethra during micturition (aft. 3 h.). [Trn.]

355. Scalding urine.

Acridity of the urine.

Stitch in the orifice of the urethra after micturition.

Pinching pain in the urethra when not urinating.

Pain in the urethra as if it were constricted behind the glans penis, accompanied by urging to urinate, ineffectual because the bladder was empty (aft. 24 h.).

360. Involuntary micturition. [GREDING, l. c., p. 31.]

During the flow of urine loud rumbling in the belly. [GREDING, l. c., p. 51.]

Diuresis. [KALM, (Statement. (ii, 93, of English translation.) Resa til Norra America, iii, p. 49.]

Diuresis with severe coryza. [GREDING, l. c.]

The scanty urine is yellow and turbid, even when first passed (aft. 24 h.).

365. Excoriation of the prepuce.

Drawing pain in the testicles.

Erections of the penis.

Greater feeling and sensitiveness of the genital organs (aft. 12, 15 h.).

Copious menses. [GREDING, l. c., p. 45.]

370. The long-absent menses return at the new moon.

The menses that had been suppressed many years reappear. [GREDING, l. c., pp. 51, 80.]

Before the catmanenia epistaxis. [GREDING, l. c., p. 59.]

The catamenia return too soon, on the thirteenth and ninth days. [GREDING, l. c.]

Small pimples on the right labium, before the menses. [GREDING, l. c.]

375. Before the menses (towards noon) vertigo (In original, “drehen im Kopfe.”) and (at night) sweat. [GREDING, l. c., p. 70.]

During the flow of the menses (which had remained absent six weeks) headache (tearing?), especially in the morning, with inclination to vomit; in the evening the headache is relieved.

During the catamenia roaring in the ears, pain in all the limbs, and great thirst. (Not found.) [GREDING, l. c., p. 81.]

Towards the end of the menstrual flux grinding of the teeth and bluish face. [GREDING, l. c., p. 61.]

Dryness and heat in the nose as in stuffed coryza (aft. 6 h.). [Stf.]

380. Coryza (aft. 8 h.).

Violent, very frequent sneezing. [MURALTO, l. c.]

Catarrh on the chest, without actual (involuntary) cough; the viscid mucus be brought by hacking cough (aft. 8 h.).

Violent palpitation of the heart which pushes the ribs out; the heart beats very high and pushes the hand away, without pain.

Palpitation of the heart with anxiety, and quicker audible respiration. [Bch.]

385. Excessive anxiety that takes away the breath.

Oppression of the chest after a burning in the throat and a gnawing pain in the stomach. [BERGIUS, l. c.]

Tightness of the chest and difficult respiration, even when sitting, and at the same time headache. [Bch.]

Tightness of the chest: he cannot draw in sufficient breath on account of narrowing of the air tubes by viscid, dense mucus (aft. 4.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

On the slightest movement, even in the house, short breath (a kind of oppression of the chest), which only goes off on sitting quite silent and motionless.

390. Extremely laboured and difficult respiration. [BENIVENIUS, l. c.]

Spasmodic contraction of the intercostal muscles towards the left side, which hinders breathing (aft. 3 h.).

Painful constriction of the chest.

Soft pressure on the chest, when standing, and tightness of the chest (aft. 11.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

When walking tightness of the chest and pressing in it as from fulness, so that his breath fails him. [Fz.]

395. It takes away his breath.

It takes away his breath. [FOREST, l. c.]

Almost completely extinct, unnoticeable breathing.

They were in danger of suffocation, so tight as their breath. [L. SCHOLZIUS, (Observation of poisoning.) in Schenk, lib. viii, obs. 178.]

Constriction of the larynx. [MURALTO, l. c. – WINTER, (Observation.) in Breslauer Sammlung, 1724, p. 267.]

400. Suffocative constriction of the larynx. [REIMANN, – LORRY, l. c.]

Spasmodic constriction of the larynx, with contracted pupils.

Attacks of constriction of the larynx, suffocative attacks, with protruding eyes (aft. ½ h.).

Scrapy feeling in the throat like cattarh.

Pulsating pressure, as with a blunt point, on the left side of the chest, in the region of the fourth rib; on touching the part there was sore pain and as if festering. [Fz.]

405. Attacks of anxiety at the heart, which then beats very strongly, and with a feeling as if it were very warm (aft. 4 h.). [Trn.]

In the left side of the chest contractive pain, like cramp, periodically recurring (immediately).

Frequent oppression on the chest, and on breathing a pain in the side, especially in the morning on rising (aft. 5 d.).

Squeezing pain in the region of the sternum, more after drinking than after eating.

A pressive pain in the region of the sternum after eating and drinking.

410. Pressure in the region of the sternum (aft. 2 h.).

A pressure ending in stitch under the last right rib, worst when breathing (aft. 24 h.).

Cutting pain in the chest (aft. 15 h.).

Pain under the ribs, especially during expiration.

Some attacks during the day of shooting pain in the right side of the chest that interrupts respiration.

415. In the left side of the chest, on a small spot, a pricking throbbing pain (aft. 5 h.).

Stitches in the right side. [GREDING, l. c., p. 32.]

Pain in the side with pains in the region of the stomach. [GREDING, l. c., p. 53.]

Pain in all the ribs. [GREDING, l. c., p. 31.]

Pain in the side, in the breasts and thighs. [GREDING, l. c., p. 54.]

420. Sharp, slow stitches near the nipple, that at last itch. [Fz.]

Pain in the left side of the chest, then in the back. [GREDING, l. c., p. 54.]

Frequently recurring chest pains. [GREDING, l. c., p. 44.]

A painful rhytmical pressure in the upper part of the sternum. [Bch.]

Grasping pain in the right side of the chest (aft. 20 h.). [Fr.H-n.]

425. Pain in the chest with dry cough. [GREDING, l. c., p. 42.]

Tickling quite low down in the air tubes, causing cough, with slight expectoration (aft. 1, 6 h.).

Dry short cough, excited by a tickle in the lowest part of the sternum (immediately).

Tickle quite low down in the ramifications of the air tubes, causing cough, without expectoration (aft. 24 h.).

During the cough oppression in the chest.

430. Along with almost dry cough, pain in the side and headache. [GREDING, l. c., p. 85.]

During the cough pain in the left side, with weakness and dyspnoea. [GREDING, l. c., p. 35.]

In the evening deep, hollow cough, each time of three to four impulses, which seemed to come from the abdomen. [Bch.]

Hollow cough with long impulses, and cutting pain in the abdomen (aft. 6 h.). [Bch.]

Tickle on the chest as though to cough, in the middle of the sternum (aft. ½ and 1 h.). [Bch.]

435. In the evening severe cough, for three hours with flow of saliva. [GREDING, l. c., p. 42.]

At night hoarse, dry cough. [GREDING, l. c., p. 61.]

At night and in the morning severe dry cough. [GREDING, l. c., p. 43.]

After dry cough frequent expectoration. [GREDING, l. c., p. 43.]

Cough and copious expectoration, with blueness (In original, “schwarz.”) of the face and involuntary micturition. [GREDING, l. c., p. 85.]

440. Heaviness of the head in the nape; the cervical muscles cannot support the head.

The muscles of the nape are as if paralysed.

Rheumatic stiffness of the nape, which causes vertigo, especially when moving.

Round about the neck and on the chest a pricking as from stinging-nettles, which is allayed by stroking with the hand (with redness and miliary eruption on the skin, only observable on passing the hand over it).

Pain outwardly on the neck, as if the skin were excoriated there.

445. Burning in the region of the scapulae. [GESNER, l. c.]

Pain from the scapulae all over the back, with diuresis, thirst, and costiveness. [GREDING, l. c., p. 53.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.