230. Great nausea before the vomiting.

Constant nausea and flow of saliva, with good appetite and thirst. [GREDING, l. c., p. 66.]

Inclination to vomit with taste of bile in the mouth.

Great nausea with much thirst. [GREDING, l. c., p. 63.]

Great nausea with profuse flow of saliva. [GREDING, l. c., pp. 54, 55, 56, 59, 63.]

235. Nausea with great thirst and diuresis, for three days. [GREDING, l. c., p. 63.]

Great nausea, with red, perspiring face. [GREDING, l. c., p. 56.]

Inclination to vomit and hoarseness, much cough. [GREDING, l. c., p. 85.]

Inclination to vomit, during which froth runs out of his mouth. [GREDING, l. c., p. 80.]

Inclination to vomit, with lock-jaw (trismus). [GREDING, l. c., p. 82.]

240. Inclination to vomit, with flow of saliva and lock-jaw. [GREDING, l. c., p. 83.]

Extreme irritation to vomit almost to fainting. [GREDING, l. c., p.68.]

Vomiting. [SMYTH, l. c. – MURALTO, l. c. – GREDING, l. c. – (immediately) LEDELIUS, l. c.]

Vomiting of food. [GREDING, l. c., p. 39.]

Two attacks of vomiting, each time vomiting three or four times; in the intervals of half a quarter of an hour between the attacks of vomiting, the nausea persisted; the vomited matter smelt sour. (The vomiting was allayed by drinking cold milk, but there occurred afterwards in bed a very severe chill.)

245. Vomiting of the food with green slime. [GREDING, l. c., p. 34.]

Vomiting of all food and long sleep. [GREDING, l. c., p. 77.]

Vomiting of the ingesta with slime and green matter. [GREDING, l. c., p. 32.]

Vomiting of green slime. [GREDING, l. c., p. 37.]

Vomiting of green slime and then of a quantity of froth then of yellowish-green, sour smelling slime. [GREDING, l. c., p. 60.]

Nocturnal vomiting of very viscid slime. [GREDING, l. c., p. 56.]

Vomiting of white slime, with good appetite. [GREDING, l. c., p. 68.]

255. During vomiting of dark green slime and diarrhoea he has appetite for food and drink. [GREDING, l. c., p. 80.]

Vomiting of greenish-black slime. [GREDING, l. c., p. 40.]

Black vomit. [ALSTON, (Statement, – This symptom occurred when the drug was administered to maniacs and melancholics.)

First vomiting of bile then of very viscid mucus.

260. He vomits first bile then black bile, lastly, blood. [BENIVENIUS, (Observation of poisoning.) in Schenck, viii, obs. 174.]

Cholera. [CL. GALENUS, (Statement.) Comment, v, Aphor. 1. – P. FORESTUS, (Observation of poisoning.) xviii, obs. 44. – REIMANN, l. c.]

Violent, enormous vomiting, [ETTMULLER, (Effects of root taken medicinally.) Opium tom. ii, pt. ii, p. 435. – VICAT, l. c. – FORESTUS, l. c. – LORRY, (Effects of cooked root.) De Melanch., ll, p. 312. – LENTILIUS, (Effects of infusion in wine.) Misc. nat. Cur., Dec. iii, ann. 1, app.]

Each time before vomiting shivering all over the body.

At the very commencement of the vomiting he must lie down, and at the termination of it he is so weakened, the femora seem as of they would escape from the hip-joints.

265. Before the vomiting cold hands; after the vomiting hot hands with ebullition of the blood. [GREDING, l. c., p. 83.]

Vomiting with heat of the body. [GREDING, l. c., p. 40.]

Distension of the abdomen. [REIMANN, l. c.]

Distension of the abdomen with flow of saliva. [GREDING, l. c., p. 82.]

Swelling of the abdomen, with bellyache and emission of flatus. [GREDING, l. c., p. 85.]

270. Loud rumbling in the abdomen. [GREDING, l. c., pp. 50 and 56.]

Bellyache with loud rumbling. [GREDING, l.., p. 39.]

Painless grumbling in the abdomen, as from flatulence (aft. ¾ h.). [Stf.]

In the abdomen flatulent grumbling and pinching; rare and scanty flatus is also discharged. [Stf.]

Discharge of flatus (aft. 7 h.). [Stf.]

275. Rumbling in the abdomen as if he had diarrhoea, during which flatus is often expelled (aft. 6 h.). [Trn.]

Cardialgia. [REIMANN, l. c.]

Pressure in the stomach.

Pressure in the stomach. [GREDING, l.., pp. 71 and 78.]

Burning (incendium) in the region of the scrobiculus cordis. [MURALTO, l. c.]

280. Squeezing pain in the scrobiculus cordis, more when walking.

Pain in the stomach as from voracious hunger.

Violent pressure in the scrobiculus cordis, which extends into the sternum, hypochondria, and ossa ilii (aft. 8 h.).

Complain of stomachache, and yet he eats, drinks, and sleeps much. [GREDING, l. c., p. 78.]

Pains in the stomach and bowels. [LORRY, l. c.]

285. (Feeling of weakness of the stomach with inward coldness in the region of the stomach and slight pressure.)

After a moderate meal when walking shooting in the region of the spleen (aft. 24 h.).

Tensive pain in the hypochondria, as from flatulence.

About the scrobiculus cordis aching and drawing pains.

Pain in the hypochondria and chest on of inability to get rid of the flatus.

290. In the afternoon, shortly after eating, pinching in the belly, sometimes below sometimes above the navel, which went into a different place when sitting to what it did when walking, aid vice versa. [bch.]

Bellyache, thirst and diuresis. [GREDING, l. c., p. 63.]

Nocturnal bellyache with sleeplessness. [GREDING, l. c., p. 54.]

Pain in the umbilical region. [GREDING, l. c., pp. 44 and 77.]

Soon after eating cutting shooting pain in the hypogastrium (aft. 29 h.). [Fz.]

295. Cutting pains in the umbilical region, with diuresis and thirst. [GREDING, l. c., p. 70.]

Sometimes shooting pain in the belly, sometimes shooting pains here and there on the body, with a smarting as if from pepper in the throat. [BERGIUS, l. c.]

During the whole morning an aching, obtuse pain, as if bruised in the bowels in the pubic region, at the same in the left groin a sensation as though a hernia would occur there, chiefly when sitting. [Stf.]

Dull bellyache from distension and tension of the abdomen by flatulence, as if the bowels were constipated, with restlessness.

Without much tension of the abdomen or pain when touched, pain round the navel as from flatulence (aft. 6 h.). [Stf.]

300. Pain in the abdomen now in one place then in another as if knives were cutting into it (immediately).

Twitching in the abdominal muscles, with not disagreeable warmth in the chest (aft. ½ h.).

Pinching in the abdomen, as in diarrhoea, but without call to stool (aft. 2 h.). [Trn.]

In the evening when walking drawing aching pain in the belly. [Fz.]

Pain in the belly from the back forwards to the navel. [GREDING, l. c., p. 50.]

305. Drawing tearing pain in the hypogastrium, chiefly above the os pubis, for a minute at a time (aft. 1 h.).

Cutting pains in the belly (aft. 12 h.).

Very early in the morning (about 4 o’clock) cutting pains in the belly with diarrhoea.

Flatulent colic, which attacks the bowels here and there and the whole abdomen; the longer the flatus is retained the more difficult as it to be expelled (from 6 to 12 h.).

The bowels are painful as if bruised when the flatus delays to come away.

310. Painful pressure in the caecal region, as from spasmodically incarcerated flatulence (aft. 1 h.).

Frequent discharge of flatus (the first hours).

Wind is forcibly discharged upwards and downwards.

Attempts at protrusion of an inguinal hernia.

Movement as if a hernia would become strangulated.

315. When coughing stitches occur which dart out from the abdomen through the inguinal ring along the spermatic cord (aft. 3 h.).

After drawing pinching pain in the belly there occurs discharge of flatus and a stool of viscid faeces, that is very adherent to the rectum. [Fz.]

Frequent sensation in the abdomen as though diarrhoea would ensue, but without urging to stool; only a kind of qualmishness and rumbling in the abdomen. [Stf.]

A feeling of want to go to stool and urging to stool in the upper part of the abdomen, and yet the stool is only evacuated with difficulty or not at all, as if on account of inactivity of the rectum, and as though it took no part in the persistaltic motion of the rest of the bowels (aft. 4, 15 h.).

In the morning after waking in bed, sudden (pinching?) pain in the belly, and immediately afterwards urging to evacuate; during the bellyache he passed yellowish-green, pappy faeces, the latter portion of which consisted half of mucus; even after the evacuation the urging remained behind a sensation in the bowels above the pubes as if they were bruised, and a squeamush sensation in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 20 h.). [Stf.]

320. Along with flatus some thin faeces pass unobserved (aft. 4, 16 h.).

After dinner flatus is discharged unobserved with fluid stool; then diarrhoea of acrid faeces with tenesmus (aft. 1 h.).

Excessive evacuations. [RODDER, l. c.]

Very frequent and painful diarrhoea. [LEDELIUS, l. c.]

Frequent and violent diarrhoeic stools (immediately). [BENIVENIUS, l. c.]

325. Quick often stools (the first hours).

Too soft stool. [Fr.H-n.]

Diarrhoea. [LENTILIUS, l. c.]

Diarrhoea with profuse perspiration. [GREDING, l. c., p. 56.]

Before stool a sensation deep in the hypogastrium as if syncope were about to ensue.

330. Before stool a twisting in the abdomen and back, preceded by great exhaustion, after stool stronger and lighter.

During the evacuation of the bowels an anxiety with dread of apoplexy.

Diarrhoea with pains during and after the stool.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.