Drawing and tensive pain all over the right side of the chest, with flow of saliva. [GREDING, l. c., p. 35.]

(Sweat in the face and in the axillae when walking.)

In the morning a pressing in the right ear (aft. 2 d.).

Single stitches deep in the left ear. [Trn.]

Aching pain in the meatus auditoriuos externus,

115. In the right ear first a sensation as from a cold breath, followed by sensation of great heat in it, then again cold feeling, and so on alternately several times (aft. 26 h.). [Stf.]

Tinnitus aurium.

Roaring in the ears like wind and storm.

When he rises up from a seat he has immediately rushing and roaring before the ears, and it is as he saw nothing but fire before the eyes, for eight hours (aft. 4 h.). [Trn.]

Sensation as if a skin were stretched over the ear.

120. Deafness; one or other ear is stopped up.

He complains of deafness and pains in the chest. [GREDING, l. c., p. 43.]

(Tearing in the lobe of the ear.)

Under the right ear-lobe smarting formication and itching. [Fz.]

Sharp stitches close behind the left ear and maxilla.

125. Sensation as if the nose were too dry inwardly, such as is caused by the dust of a dry road in the nose (aft. 3 h.).

Sensation as if the nose were ulcerated inwardly.

Sensation as if compression and pressing in of the nasal bone.

Red spots on the nose. [GREDING, l. c., p. 38.]

Vesicles close together on the nose. (The day after s. 128, in the same subject.)130. (Epistaxis at night during sleep.)

130.(Epistaxis at night during sleep.)

Epistaxis form the right nostril. [GREDING, l. c., p. 58.]

A smell of dung before the nose (aft. 16 h.).

Eruption of a pimple near the angle of the mouth, at the border of the red, which is painful per se, but still more when touched.

At the left angle of the mouth vesicular eruption. [GREDING, l. c., p. 41.]

135. red eruption round the mouth and on the chin. [GREDING, l. c., p. 52.]

In the evening dry lips and mouth, not without thirst (aft. 13 h.). [Fz.]

The skin of the lips cracks.

A burning in the vermilion of the upper lip and somewhat beyond it.

Foam before the mouth.

140. On opening the jaws shooting pain in the maxillary-joint, which prevents him depressing the lower jaw sufficiently (aft. 4 h.). [Trn.]

Closed jaws.

When eating all the muscles of the lower jaw are painful, as if bruised, so that he must cease chewing. [Trn.]

Obtuse pressure in the muscles of the left side of the jaw, like a strong pressure with a blunt piece of wood.

In the lower jaw a painful little lump, in which touching first causes a contractive pain, it then becomes a pustule with inflamed areola. [Fz.]

145. Anteriorly on the lower jaw a sore pain per se (aft. 9 h.). [Fz.]

Pain in the submaxillary glands, as if they were pinched (aft. 3 h.).

The glands of the left lower jaw swell; at the same time sore throat, especially on the left side, which when swallowing causes a kind of choking and constriction of the fauces, lasting a short time after swallowing (aft. 1 h.). [Bch.]

Drawing and pressure on the left side of the neck. [Fz.]

Grinding of the teeth. [GREDING, l. c., p. 61.]

150. Looseness of the teeth.

Swelling of the gums and lower jaw. [GREDING, l. c., p. 56.]

Violent toothache and headache. [GREDING, l. c., p. 69.]

First toothache, then swollen red face. [GREDING, l. c., p. 63.]

During the toothache and inflammation of the tonsils great weakness. [GREDING, l. c., p. 69.]

155. In the left upper molars toothache compounded of aching and heaviness, as if they were filled with lead. [Fz.]

Toothache, first pressive, then, when chewing, ending in drawing radiating into the roots of the teeth, even when he merely takes something soft between the teeth. [Fz.]

Stammering. [S. GRASSIUS,(Effects of root taken medicinally. – This symptom temporary only.) Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. I, ann. 4, p. 93.]

He cannot speak.

Speechlessness. [RODDER, (Not accessible.) in Alberti, Medorrhinum Leg., obs. 15.]

160. Burning on the tongue and in the oesophagus. [GESNER, l. c.]

Burning in the mouth, as if it were rubbed with pepper, yet it is not dry (aft. 1 h.). [Stf.]

Burning in the throat. [BERGIUS, (Statement.) Mat. Medorrhinum, p. 872.]

Inflammation of the inside of the mouth. [GREDING, l. c., p. 36.]

At the back of the mouth and fauces a warmish sensation. [Fz.]

165. After the nausea, first pain in the mouth then great inflammation of the mouth, lastly, very red swollen tongue. [GREDING, l. c., p. 31.]

Dryness in the mouth, on the palate, and thirst for water. [Bch.]

Sticky and dry in the mouth, without particular thirst. [Stf.]

In the morning, after waking and rising, for an hour, extremely tiresome sensation of dryness in the mouth and stickiness, without thirst, which is but slightly relieved even after rinsing out the mouth (aft. 20 h.). [Stf.]

Wateriness alternating with dryness and stickiness in the mouth (aft. 24 h.). [Stf.]

170. Much tasteless water collects in the mouth. [Stf.]

Saliva runs incessantly out of the mouth, like waterbrash.

Flow of saliva. [GREDING, l. c., pp. 35 and 45.]

Flow of viscid saliva. [GREDING, l. c., p. 40.]

A numb sensation on the palate, as if a burnt place had healed and were covered with thick epidermis, or as if the palate were covered by the skin of a plum.

175. A quantity of water comes suddenly into the throat (water-brash), which he cannot swallow quick enough, and on account of its getting into the windpipe he often chokes (aft. 12.1/2 h.). [Fz.]

Something very cold rises up in the oesophagus (also a part far warm, sweetish-salt tasting. Slimy fluid is belched up (water-brash), whereupon the coldness in the oesophagus and palate ceases for a few moments, but comes back again (aft. 24 h.). [Stf.]

Increased flow of saliva, with pungent salt taste in the mouth and on the tongue, and great heat in the palm of the hand and in the scrobiculus cordis. [GREDING, l. c., p. 82.]

Flow of mucu from the mouth towards noon. [GREDING, l. c., p. 71.]

Drawing pain in the throat, thirst, and bellyache. [GREDING, l. c., p. 87.]

180. Spasmodic constriction and choking in the oesophagus, as though he had eaten an unripe or wild pear.

Narrowing of the oesophagus as from a tumour pressing on it.

Burning in the throat.

Scrapy feeling in the throat.

Roughness in the throat.

185. Dryness in the throat, which cannot be removed by drinking (aft. 6 h.).

Swelling of the oesophagus. (Not found.).

Swelling of the oesophagus with feeling as if he should choke. [GESNER, l. c.]


Hiccup. [SMITH, l. c. – J. DE MURALTO, Misc. nat. Cur., Dec. ii, ann. 2, p. 240.]

190. Hiccup for half an hour. [GESNER, l. c.]

Long continued hiccup. [GREDING, l. c., p. 43.]

Hiccup in the morning when smoking tobacco to which he is accustomed (aft. 24 h.).

In the chest he feels so full that he must always eructate, without nausea. [Fz.]

Empty eructation (immediately).

195. (Eructation, even when fasting; sour eructation in the afternoon.)

Bitter eructation.

Empty eructation in the evening after lying down in bed, followed by a scratchy, scrapy feeling in the larynx, almost like after heartburn (aft. 12 h.).

(Eructation with the taste of food.)

Frequent movement as though to eructate. [GREDING, l. c., p. 31.]

200. Forcible eructation, mostly of air (aft. 6.3/4 h.). [Stf.]

After eating empty eructation of air. [Trn.]

After frequent eructation copious ejection of mucus. [GREDING, l. c., p. 49.]

Constant sick eructation with very violent cough. [GREDING, l. c., p. 86.]

Voracious hunger. (Not found here.) [GREDING, l. c., p. 36.]

205. Voracious hunger, (GREDING adds “insatiable.”) without thirst. [GREDING, l. c., p. 69.]

Along with hunger great thirst. [GREDING, l. c., pp. 39 and 69.]

Diminished taste; a pappy taste in the mouth (aft. ¼ h.).

(Constant sour taste in the mouth with great accumulation of watery saliva.)

Tasteless saliva, want of taste in the mouth.

210. Taste and coolness in the mouth and thirst, as from pepperment drops.

Putrid herbaceous taste in the mouth almost like butter-burn (tussilago petasites) (aft. 3 h.).

Pungent pepperment taste in the throat, with sensation as of heat rising up from the oesophagus into the mouth, which persists and is accompanied by nausea with inclination to vomit.

Foul taste in the mouth like dung.

At noon no appetite for warm food, but all the more for fruit. [Bch.]

215. Longing only for cold food, herrings, sardines, fruit. [Bch.]

Appetite for fruit.

Longing for lemon-juice.

Longing for sour things.

Persistent, very eager longing for sour gherkins. [Fr.H-n.]

220. No appetite or hunger; he did not relish what he ate. [Trn.]

Aversion to warm food, and when he ate it he did not relish it, though he had not eaten for a long time; whereas he had longing for fruit.

Drinking is followed by shivering and goose-skin. [Fz.]

Along with hunger and thirst diuresis. [GREDING, l. c., p. 45.]

He is very qualmish, he would like to eat something but has no appetite for food. [Stf.]

225. He eats a great deal, but complains notwithstanding of hunger and emptiness of the stomach. [GREDING, l. c., p. 76.]

Qualmishness in the scrobiculus cordis. [Stf.]

Nausea. [SMYTH, l. c.]

Whilst eating nausea with hunger and pressure in the region of the stomach, which goes of immediately to vomit, which went off after eating meat at noon (aft. 12 h.).

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.