In the ankle-joints tendency to knuckle over especially when going downstairs.

In the ankle-joint a burning nipping; the burning was increased after rubbing.

At night tearing and shooting in the diseased foot.

Shooting in the right foot.

630. On the tendo Achillis severe stitches almost every five minutes.

Under the left ankle shooting even when at rest, but much more when stretching out the foot and also during the slightest movement, whereby he was hindered in walking.

A squeezing shooting in the dorsum of the foot, aggravated by movement.

On the dorsum of the foot suddenly a burning stitch.

Shooting in the right heel, as if a splinter were in it.

635. Tearing in the right heel for half an hour.

In the soles of the feet, in the morning in bed, drawing pain; also in the morning when treading severe pain in them.

The soles of the feet are painful when treading and walking as if festering.

Burning in the soles of the feet when treading after sitting for a long time.

In the evening throbbing in the hollow of the sole with severe burning for an hour.

640. Perspiration on the soles of the feet.

Cold sweat on the left sole.

(Ulcerous vesicles on the left sole.)

In the hollow of the sole a tension.

In the sole cramp when treading, at every step.

645. In the soles pain as if too short when treading.

Stitches in the soles.

In the middle toes and both big toes, pricks.

Often violent shooting in the corns.

Shooting burning in the corn, in easy shoes.

650. The corns pain as though pressed by tight shoes.

(Swelling and inflammation and pain of the left big toe.)

Obtuse pain in the ball of the left toe.

On extending the feet cramp in the toes.

When lying the limbs immediately go to sleep.

655. The limbs are apt to go to sleep when lying- the arms, cervical muscles, &c.

An aching in the upper and lower extremities, as though they would go to sleep.

Cracking in the knees and elbows.

A dragging in the limbs. Almost like drawing.

Drawing pain in all the limbs.

660. Drawing pain in the limbs, in the evening.

Drawing in the knee, arm, and shoulder for instants.

In the evening in bed, tearing pain in the back, knees and legs.

In the morning, immediately after rising, bruised pain of the limbs.

A pinching in the flesh of the body here and there.

665. In the evening after getting warm in bed, a stitch-like prickling in the skin of the whole body.

A prickling on the skin of the cheeks, shoulders and thighs.

Pricking itching, especially when walking in the open air.

Burning sensation on the skin othe whole body.

As small cut wound commences to be painful, first sore, then burning; it inflames and becomes the seat of throbbing pain.

670. On slightly rubbing the skin on the elbow it is very painful for a long time, as if destitute of skin and rubbed sore.

Liver spots on the back and chest, which itch in the evening.

Cutaneous eruption. (From local application.) [Hufel. Journ., l. c.]

Cutaneous eruption, burning and itching. (673 to 678. In these symptoms – comp. 588, and 199, 234 in the chema of Hepar sulphuris – is manifested the characteristic itching eruption which sulphur can excite, in which is revealed an affection similar (homoeopathic) to, but not identical with, the itch. And homoeopathy requires medicines that produce diseases only similar to those they should be administered for in order to cure them, For as it employs medicines for curative purposes and not the exciting causes of the diseases consequently is not so foolish as to employ chancre virus for the cure of venereal diseases, to the itch miasm in the treatment if the itch disease, so it can certainly never occur homoeopathy to expect anything else from its medicines, save the power of producing only a similar morbid affection. And yet the stupid spirit of contradiction will try to delude the laity and prejudice then against homoeopathy, and since it has no honest objection to adduce it makes use if a dishonest one, in fact, a falsehood. But homoeopathy has never pretended to produce an identical disease with medicines, but has always enjoined the selection of a medicine for the cure that produces only a similar affection. And yet this mendacious reproach is reiterated- whether from stupidity and ognorance of the doctrine or from malice I shall leave others to judge. CANOVA’s statue of the captive of St. Helena may be very like, but it is not NAPOLFON! Do not our stupid opponents understand that? Are they unable to comorehend the difference between identical (same) and similar? Or do they not wish to comprehend it? Sulphur produces pimples and vesicles very similar in appearance to the itch of workers in wool, and these are chiefly seen on the joints and at night, but the attendant sensations exhibit greater differences, for itch is accompanied by a kind of intolerable agreeable creeping itching gnawing, as from lice, which is indicated by the expression intolerable voluptuous tickling itching, which when the finger is applied for the purpose of scratching, ceases to itch and commences to burn, and after scratching continues to burn on the spot.)

A disagreeable creeping itching; after scratching the part becomes painful.

675. The itching spot after scratching is very painful (does not burn).

Itching burning on various parts; after scratching it pained as if sore, but did not burn.

When he has scratched the itching part it bleeds and smarts, but does not burn.

Itching worst at night and in the morning in bed after waking.

(After scratching the part becomes as if hot.)

680. Cutaneous eruption such as is apt to occur after vaccination.

The skin cracks here and there, especially in the open air. [Fr.H-n.]

In the afternoon when wide awake he starts violently, and at the same time a shudder goes through is whole body.

The body is jerked high up, as in severe twitchings. [Fr.H-n.]

Violent starting on merely being called by name.

685. Single twitching of one hand and one foot, in the day time.

Twitching and jerking of all the limbs, during which he bites the teeth together and moans low, lasting eight minutes; then a quarter of an hour’s slumber; thereafter renewed jerking and spasmodic drawing in the limbs, after which he is much exhausted. [Fr.H-n.]

(Epilepsy after a fright or after running violently.)

The child (after being washed with tepid water) hangs the head on one side, and after it is raised up, on the other side; the face and lips become pale, the eyes stare for about two minutes, then she sneezes, and thereafter closes her mouth and eyes firmly, but only for a moment, and some mucus runs from the mouth; followed by calm sleep (aft. 3 d.).

Speaking is a great effort and excites her pains.

690. Trembling feeling in the upper and lower extremities.

Great restlessness: it does not allow him to sit long; when lying he must always move the feet. (See also 580.)

Great ebullition of blood, much burning in the hands.

Uneasiness in the blood, with swollen veins on the hands.

In the afternoon unsteady when walking, and trembling in the hands.

695. Trembling of the limbs, especially the hands.

When walking in the open air great loss by perspiring.

In the morning in bed sweat on the face and nape, and on getting up the limbs are as if bruised.

From morning till evening very heavy and exhausted in all the limbs.

Lassitude all day.

700. Weariness in all the limbs.

Always tired and exhausted.

Weariness as if after an illness.

Weariness in the feet.

Weariness that goes off when walking.

705. When walking in the open air at first the feet are heavy, they become lighter on continuing to walk.

Walking is a trouble to her, her feet will not bear her; she feels as though she had a weight on the feet (there is tension over the chest when walking).

In the afternoon exhausted and dejected (aft. 8 d.).

In the afternoon very exhausted; he must always be seated and has no strength for walking.

In the evening before going to sleep incessant spasmodic yawning.

710. Great, insuperable drowsiness by day; when sitting by day at her work she cannot ward off sleep.

Great day-drowsiness : as soon as he sits down he falls asleep.

Drowsiness in the afternoon.

Every afternoon, from 2 to 3 o’clock, very exhausted and sleepy (then again wide awake).

In the evening very drowsy: as soon as the lights are put on the table she must sleep.

715. Long sleep: he must make a great effort to get up in the morning.

Without the least inclination to get out of bed in the morning.

Getting up in the morning after waking is difficult for him.

Heaviness in the back and lower extremities on rising in the morning.

At night she is very sleepy and her eyes close, as if heavy; but she cannot so to sleep, though there is nothing the matter with her.

720. She cannot sleep for an hour after going to bed at night, but yet she feels no ailment.

He wakes up every hour at night, and can only sleep for a couple of hours towards morning.

Sleepless and wide awake all night (aft. 36 h.).

Sleeplessness as from over-excitement and restlessness.

Restless tossing about at night in bed.

725. In the evening excessive wakefulness, the blood rushed to his head, and the night was sleepless.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.